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<ibrahima> elliptic1: i think you can build specific projects instead of rebuilding the whole thing and then just push that apk to your device
<ibrahima> cant remember the right way to do that though
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<Entropy512> mm is one, sometimes
<Entropy512> make out/target/product/whatever
<Entropy512> some stuff unfortunately requires the full build process to run (anything in the frameworks for example)
<Entropy512> but just like anything
<Entropy512> make will only rebuild stuff you change
<Entropy512> so if you, for example, just change packages/apps/Phone
<Entropy512> the next time you build, only that will get rebuilt
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<Thiagovfar> make: *** No rule to make target `/home/thiago/cyanogenmod/system/out/target/product/i9100/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libUMP_intermediates/export_includes'
<ibrahima> did you run
<Thiagovfar> yes
<Thiagovfar> cyanogenmod/system/device/samsung/i9100/
<Thiagovfar> to be exact
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<Entropy512> hmm check extract_files against themuppets
<Entropy512> might be out of data
<Entropy512> I think it's
<Entropy512> not
<Entropy512> hmm got renamed
<Entropy512> in that case
<Entropy512> might be broken
<Entropy512> will look tomorrow maybe
<Thiagovfar> =(
<Entropy512> check what it pulls against
<Thiagovfar> Why do things are always broken when I try to build?
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<Entropy512> the mali driver transition was a big one
<Entropy512> and I THOUGHT we updated extract-files to compensate
<Entropy512> actually I think that just merged a few hours ago
<Thiagovfar> I've just sync'd.
<Entropy512> sync, clear out vendor, and rerun extract-files
<Entropy512> or
<Entropy512> just pull github/themuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung into vendor/samsung
<Entropy512> that's what the build system does. :)
<Thiagovfar> Ok, just hold on
<Thiagovfar> I've nuked everything, repo sync -l is making its way
<Thiagovfar> while making imposible to even open google chrome =)
<Entropy512> heheh
<Thiagovfar> There is no i9100 folder on themuppets!
<Thiagovfar> Oh, wrong branch
<Thiagovfar> pulled in from github/themuppets, started the build
<Thiagovfar> Same thing =(
<diego-ch> Thiagovfar: I'm getting the same error here.. missing libs, but I'm trying to port cm7 to my device based on i9100 device configs
<diego-ch> I did clean the from my repo matching the proprietary files on my phone and disabled yamaha audio on the but it still fails
<Thiagovfar> Well, I've given up on that for today
<diego-ch> hehe
<diego-ch> Entropy512: could you take a look at my device configs to see what else should I disable to get cm7 to build?
<koud> omg
<koud> i can just imagine how samsung develops software
<koud> chaos
<koud> this is hilarious and sad at the same time
<Entropy512> cm7???????????????????
<Entropy512> which device is this?
<diego-ch> gt-i9070
<Entropy512> tbh I almost never did anything with CM7. :(
<diego-ch> galaxy s advance
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<diego-ch> it doesnt have ics firmware from samsung and I was told the libs are proprietary incompatible
<diego-ch> *the proprietary libs are imcompatible
<diego-ch> *incompatible --- lol.. mistyping everything
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<Entropy512> I think there were back-compatibility patches to get GB props working in CM9
<Entropy512> but
<Entropy512> it varied - sometimes it worked great
<Entropy512> on other devices (frequently Samsungs)
<Entropy512> it failed
<diego-ch> build process breaks here:
<diego-ch> make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/janice/obj/lib/', needed by `out/target/product/janice/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libaudioflinger_intermediates/LINKED/'. Stop.
<diego-ch> but I did run and is on vendor/samsung/...
<Entropy512> hmm... maybe the .mk in vendor/samsung is busted?
<Entropy512> koud: ohgod that thread is scary so far
<koud> it becomes worse :P
<koud> that intel guy ended up starting another thread "Samsung clobbering all of Intel/others work??"
<koud> i started looking through their git server a bit, looks horrible
<koud> huge dumps of code with no usefull information from samsung
<koud> great commits like "Modify headers"
<koud> and "update devman"
<diego-ch> could you take a look at them?
<Entropy512> maybe some other time.... i'm kinda fried at the moment... :(
<diego-ch> ok, no prob
<Entropy512> koud: ohgod that's classical Samsung source releases
<Entropy512> looks just like Insignal
<diego-ch> I'm using galaxys2 configs as base and keeping separated common files as there are 2 other samsung devices (afaik) based on ste-u8500 soc
<koud> :P
<koud> Entropy512: but this time they just smack it in the face of intels linux developers
<Entropy512> yeah...
<koud> intel nokia was much better team than samsung intel
<koud> hope they just quit and then move to android stuff
<koud> would be nice with intel cpu and gpu
<koud> all opensource stuff
<koud> maybe intel wifi and intel audio too
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<whitequark> koud: would be nice without intel cpu. the abysmal 1/6 energy efficiency still persists.
<whitequark> also intel wifi is kinda crap, the firmware hangs all the time and 11n isn't really properly working
<whitequark> through it is definitely better than broadcom.
<whitequark> well, everything is
<elliptic1> I'm trying to build from source, following this guide,, and i've made it down to where it says to run the script. But I don't have that script where the guide says it should be (or anywhere else). What do you think is going on?
<elliptic1> CM10 crespo4g
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<elliptic1> i'm watching this CM10 build. There are so many complier warnings!
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<elliptic1> My build just ran all night, didn't seem to exit due to an error, but there's no zip file where it should be. What could be wrong?
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<stickyboy> elliptic1: Try building again; if your build is mostly complete it should only take a few minutes.
<elliptic1> ok
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<paulk-desktop> hi
<paulk-desktop> Entropy512, hey
<paulk-desktop> so I looked at what you told me about the mc1n2 yamaha chip
<paulk-desktop> turns out a lot of documentation is given in the mcdriver.h header
<paulk-desktop> so I implemented this:;a=blob;f=device/galaxys2.c;h=b1c938c04bde902e581fa357ccd6d92dc7f9a769;hb=HEAD#l91
<paulk-desktop> which works nicely (even though it doesn't produce sound yet with that software, but the init phase is implemented correctly)
<Entropy512> yeah there are some fields in (I think) mcdriver.c that kinda tell you which path combinations are valid
<Entropy512> and that patch I linked a while ago lets you see what the blobs are actually doing to set the paths - if you forgot it
<Entropy512> that will make the debugging code ONLY print what changed when something changes
<Entropy512> as opposed to spamming a massive array
<paulk-desktop> I get the spamming array and do a diff
<paulk-desktop> it works nicely too
<Entropy512> the code above auto-diffs the spamming array
<Entropy512> :)
<Entropy512> makes it slightly less painful
<paulk-desktop> sure, I think I'll use it
<Entropy512> btw, I think I did discover one of the few benefits for the whole on = 0x1 and off = 0x2 mess
<Entropy512> if you pass 0x0 in the ioctl, the driver assumes no change
<Entropy512> so you pass a giant array full of zeros except for what you want to change
<Entropy512> also, there is a function in the driver that provides a saner path setting interface
<Entropy512> forget its name off the top of my head
<Entropy512> our blobs don't seem to use it
<paulk-desktop> okay
<paulk-desktop> apparently someone got it working with that sane path with mplayer
<paulk-desktop> but I doubt it's fully-featured
<Entropy512> sane path might be... shouldn't be TOO hard to add the missing stuff to the kernel if necessary
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<ryuinferno> Hi
<ryuinferno> I am using a GT-I9100G and very fascinated by the cyanogem mod by codeworkx
<ryuinferno> *cyanogen
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<ryuinferno> However, I have a question about the increased it possible to do so in samsung ics stock roms?
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<Entropy512> no, "project butter" is heavily tied into JB
<Entropy512> throughout the whole graphics subsystem
<ryuinferno> Hi
<ryuinferno> Sorry to reask my question
<ryuinferno> But I was referring to the increase of fps in cm9 for gt i9100g
<ryuinferno> Is that possible for stock ics too?
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<Entropy512> no clue what FPS increase you're talking about - increasing refresh to 57-60 FPS is a Jellybean thing
<ryuinferno> Oh...maybe i need to describe more
<ryuinferno> It like this, for stock ics, we face a loss of around 30 fps...we used to get around 60 fps in gb
<ryuinferno> *it's
<ryuinferno> But in cm9, codeworkx managed to increase it back to cm9
<ryuinferno> Sorry, I meant to 60 fps
<ryuinferno> It's graphic related...
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<Entropy512> no clue, I thought 60fps was a JB thing
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<triptosyll> Hey guys. Anyone able to shed some light on what this error means? I just downloaded cm source, all the necessary trees (device, common, kernel, vendor), ran brunch, and this is what I get:
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