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<Espenfjo> stickyboy: ping
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: What's crackin
<stickyboy> Espenfjo:
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<Espenfjo> stickyboy: how odd
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: Try and set the path as /home/aorth/bin/ instead of ~/bin/
<Espenfjo> I am not sure what expands the ~, if it is the shell, or the system
<Espenfjo> I guess ionice is called via execve and not invoked via a shell
<stickyboy> Where's your repo bin?
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<Espenfjo> stickyboy: ~/bin/, but in my path I have it as /home/espen/bin instead of ~/bin/
<codeworkx> ~/ doesnt work everywhere.
<codeworkx> xfce autostart scripts for example
<Zhenech> ~ does not work when you have no actual shell to expand the magic ~ to your home
<Zhenech> (and nobody else does this job)
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<stickyboy> codeworkx: Ah, that must be it.
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<stickyboy> So I don't know if that's a reasonable solution for fixing that reposync builtin.
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<MemoryController> hi, how can one get kernel output on the serial without using the SWITCH_SEL so that you dont disconnect the modem?
<MemoryController> xplodwild: might you know ?? :)
<xplodwild> switch_sel doesn't disconnect the modem
<MemoryController> Setting SWITCH_SEL controls some hardware on the phone which, along with the 510K resistor, causes the second serial port on the processor to be routed to the D+/D- lines on the USB connector. I think that this disconnects the MODEM (i.e. access to the cellular network).
<MemoryController> i'm using 516K resistor
<xplodwild> it disconnects the modem from the UART output
<MemoryController> ahh
<xplodwild> but it's still connected to the dev
<MemoryController> lol yes
<MemoryController> i meant do i lose data?
<MemoryController> :)
<xplodwild> nope you don't
<MemoryController> nice, thanks
<xplodwild> my S2 and note are both with sw_sel=3, yet they connect to data fine
<MemoryController> setenv SWITCH_SEL 6543
<MemoryController> why is this then?
<MemoryController> got it from here
<xplodwild> MemoryController: search XDA for "SGS2 UART"
<xplodwild> there's a topic with all infos
<xplodwild> valid values are 2/3 iirc
<xplodwild> but maybe it routes PDA to UART for every value >= 3
<MemoryController> thanks a lot
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