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<iKillCypher> Hey guys I kinda need help Im getting this strange notification and when I open it it does not seems to go anywhere how do I remove it the date is wrong and it appears after awhile again there is a folder created call adCache even If I delete it reappears here, virus scanners seems to unable to pick it up is what is looks like : http://i.imgur.com/kD7Qm.png
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<ricotz> hello, there seems to something wrong with https://github.com/downloads/jackpal/Android-Terminal-Emulator/Term.apk which isnt downloadable
<imnuts> github is having problems today
<DAGr8> its just you :P
<DAGr8> if you getunicorns you may have something on yoru hdd
<DAGr8> :P
<DAGr8> i guess theres no possible ways to full around with you heh
<DAGr8> not so nuts after all
<DAGr8> :P
<ricotz> imnuts, ah, i see, thanks
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<pier> DAGr8, stop breaking github
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<athurh> codeworkx, Entropy512, about this: http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/23042/ Do I add a different patch with the configuration files? for all cyanogenmod_* config files or which ones? there should be no problems but I don't like change things I can't test
<peterperfect> Espenfjo
<peterperfect> ^^
<peterperfect> look above
<Espenfjo> athurh: I think you just can add SIO in one patch, and then enable it for all devices in another
<Espenfjo> So two patches in total
<athurh> ok, for all config files?
<Espenfjo> Yes
<Espenfjo> Makes the commits very cherry-pickable to other devices later. Can cherry-pick SIO without it exploding on missing configs :)
<Espenfjo> By the way, the KSM thingie, does it work? There shouldnt be too many deduplicate-able blocks in our memory space?
<athurh> it works but I'm not sure of its effectiveness :)
<peterperfect> what is KSM?
<Espenfjo> Kernel Samepage Merging
<Espenfjo> aka de-duplication of similar memory blocks
<Espenfjo> Very effective for virtualization as you can have two VMs with the same content use only the memory of one instance
<peterperfect> should save memory
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<Espenfjo> athurh: I havent built it for me yet, but pages_sharing etc. should give some stats :)
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<athurh> Espenfjo: http://pastebin.com/8Ux7nxn9
<Espenfjo> oh
<Espenfjo> that is quite interesting
<athurh> I just changed the sleep_millisecs value on startup
<Espenfjo> yeah, 20 might be a bit low
<Espenfjo> nice nice
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: $ adb shell cat /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/pages_sharing
<stickyboy> 8466
<Espenfjo> :D
<stickyboy> On Tab 7 Plus using the smdk4210 kernel.
<Espenfjo> interesting
<stickyboy> Yah, I guess it's interesting. hehe.
<stickyboy> There's a really crazy kernel dedupe I saw a demo of... crazier than KSM.
<stickyboy> It's in Chinese unfortunately.
<stickyboy> But the video is annotated :P
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<Espenfjo> athurh: :)
<athurh> Espenfjo: thanks :)
<Espenfjo> Cant merge it myself, but it seems nice enough :)
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<athurh> about KSM is only merged for i9100 and i777. I think it's better than the maintainer responsible for each device add yours after some tests
<Espenfjo> I agree
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<whitequark> what's the actual impact of KSM?
<whitequark> not only in terms of memory saved, but also CPU cycles wasted.
<whitequark> I doubt it's meaningful to spend battery charge on _this_.
<Espenfjo> who knows
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<whitequark> then why the hell are you enabling it
<whitequark> if you would know how KSM actually works, you'd not think that merging it is "nice enough"
<whitequark> namely, if a process specifically designates some regions of memory to be eligible for KSM, the kernel could merge them.
<whitequark> KVM virtualizer does that, and maybe a few other pieces of software
<whitequark> nothing I know suggests that Android can take any advantage of it.
<Espenfjo> About a third of the pages in Android is mergeable according to athurh's statistic pastebin over
<whitequark> hm
<Espenfjo> If it impacts cpu/battery negatively it will be removed
<Espenfjo> If it doesnt it wont
<Espenfjo> Remember these deivces are nightly only, aka. unstable
<whitequark> do you understand that it wakeups the CPU every 4s, and forces it to run at the C0?
<stickyboy> whitequark: It's a good point. Let's see if battery is affected.
<Espenfjo> Yeah, hence the scan time has to be tweaked
<stickyboy> btw, KSM is off by default in performance settings.
<whitequark> as long as there's meaningful testing, I'm OK with this.
<Espenfjo> whitequark: gerrit a fix for higher default scan time
<whitequark> I don't see any point in using that at all.
<whitequark> you see, 984 pages is ~4MB of RAM
<stickyboy> $ adb shell cat /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/pages_sharing
<stickyboy> 9824
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<whitequark> ah, 40MB, that could have some actual impact
<stickyboy> I'll make sure to keep an eye on battery and my pages_sharing.
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<tracid> Anyone knows how the OTA procedure happens with .bin files on Samsung devices?
<codeworkx> wtf are bin files?
<codeworkx> traditional ota = patches
<codeworkx> gets applied using recoverys apply_patch feature
<codeworkx> incremental
<codeworkx> no need to ship 700mb
<codeworkx> last leaks are ota's
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<tracid> codeworkx, yes, some leaks are ota's in recovery flashable .zip format that contain the pacthes (delta's)
<tracid> while other's are .bin, you cannot unarchive them, it has lot's of RedBend stings in it
<codeworkx> never seen
<codeworkx> probably because i'm never running sammy roms
<codeworkx> and only extracting the odin images
<codeworkx> on the i9000 redbend did a raw flash
<codeworkx> which means the bin should be a raw image. you could flash them using dd
<tracid> the OTA I am talking about is the ICS OTA for Galaxy Tab 8.9 P7300 (running HC atm). It might contain useful lib's (no AOSP/CM/Kang >= ICS has working front camera till now)
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<Entropy512> I wonder if those pages_shared are the gralloc memleak pages
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<tracid> Entropy512, thanks again for your reply regarding the unlock bootloader on the 8.9" tab
<Entropy512> np
<tracid> My tab turned out to be an engineering sample. It has no S/N printed on the back, like "normal" ones, nor in software.
<Entropy512> interesting
<tracid> I am now trying to find out how to apply an OTA .bin. I see it's some strange file structure that contains a special redbend_ua with a dp_split function, that splits the actual file's .delta's into /preload
<Entropy512> weird
<tracid> newer devices have OTA .zip's that contain the .delta files and the info file, and can be directly applied from stock recovery
<tracid> this has the info file contents appeneded at end of the .bin
<tracid> and other strings refer to the included redbend_ua binary
<tracid> the .bin looks be called RBMT Multidelta file
<tracid> So I need to find out where should it be placed, and eventually how to trigger the /fota.rc bootmode
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