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<pawitp> It appears that ioctl vsync is causing some lag trouble during vsync disable/enable
<Espenfjo> hm
<pawitp> Each framebuffer ioctl call holds a mutex
<pawitp> and if there's no vsync event, other ioctl calls can be blocked for up to 100ms
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<pawitp> that, or something
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<tracid> How to grant root permissions to an NDK lib executed by an SDK app?
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<Xello> is it possible to change /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl to make long-press of menu key open voice search rather than text search?
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<koud> Xello: what rom are you using?
<Xello> koud cm9 stable on i9300
<Xello> nova launcher's option doesn't seem to work so i figure there is something elsewhere thats overriding it
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<Rebellos_> Hey there! Just got I9300. Anyone got closer idea how "brickable" the device is? Is it possible to boot from sdcard/usb, is it possible to trigger download mode in early stages of bootloader?
<Espenfjo> Quite safe as long as you do not mess around with partitions
<Espenfjo> Triggering the bootloader is always an option unless you overwrite it with something stupid ;)
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<Rebellos_> Well, lets say I dd boot partition with /dev/null. Anybody tried it? :D
<Espenfjo> removing your bootloader would be quite stupid
<Espenfjo> not sure if you can jtag it back
<Rebellos_> JTAGging back should be possible, if its not one of these new uber-secure protected-JTAG patents. I'm just wondering about more... home-made unbricking methods. :P
<Espenfjo> Do not think that anyone have had the need for it yet ;)
<Espenfjo> Atleast not anyone capable of figuring it out
<Xello> im a noob and i manaeged to not brick it
<Rebellos_> I see, well. Sounds like Samsung atleast improved flashing-safety then.
<Xello> so i wouldnt worry :D
* Rebellos_ just got phone from XDA and is wondering what to develop on it. O.o
<Espenfjo> Oo
<Espenfjo> What kind of developer are you?
<Espenfjo> Android core, kernel, or app?
<Rebellos_> Bootloader/kernel. :D
<Espenfjo> I guess there is always backporting of stuff from android-3.4/3.5
<Espenfjo> scheduling, sleeping, etc.
<Espenfjo> stuff I do not know anything about ;)
<Rebellos_> You mean kernel things? Boring. :D
<Rebellos_> Uhm... anybody figured dual(multiple)-boot on SGS3?
<Espenfjo> dunno
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<Xello> develop an option to control long-press menu key function :D
<Xello> CM file manager, nice
<Rebellos_> Hell no, it's Android programming. Java and stuff. ;[
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<cde> hi Rebellos_ :)
<cde> Rebellos_: will you come to 29C3 or EHSM this year?
<Rebellos_> cde, hey, don't think so.
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<Entropy512> Rebellos_: I'm guessing that almost surely,
<Entropy512> 4412 has the same protections 4210 does
<Entropy512> so even if it has saner OM pin settings, it's still brickable if you clobber IBL/PBL/SBL
<Entropy512> normally that's hard... but not when you're actively trying to hack those like I'm guessing you will. :P
<Entropy512> It's likely about even with I9100/I777/N7000 in brickability
<diego-ch> does teamhacksung have a device tree for the i9070? ste u8500 based
<Entropy512> I don't think so. Was unaware of an u8500-based samsungs
<diego-ch> I've tried writing one myself to build cyanogenmod, based on the i9100 device tree, but the i9100 is exynos and quite different from the ste u8500
<Entropy512> although
<Entropy512> sort of remember someone ranting about u8500 being annoying
<Entropy512> possibly look at if the Sony Xperia Sola is supported
<Entropy512> one of the only other u8500 devices I know of
<diego-ch> from samsung there are 3, galaxy s advance, galaxy ace2 and galaxy beam all of them u8500 based
<Entropy512> hmm... looks like someone was working on CWM for i9070
<Entropy512> but don't see much other evidence
<Entropy512> i remember hearing someone ranting about u8500, forget whoe
<Entropy512> who
<diego-ch> yep, I've tried teamhacksung cwm repo but it has some issues (black screen in cwm, but killing the process solves this)
<diego-ch> then I sucessfuly ported twrp to it and is working fine so far
<diego-ch> but I couldnt find anything ste u8500 based to try porting the device tree
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<Entropy512> xperia sola may be your best bet if someone's working it
<diego-ch> ok then, thanks
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