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<PandaUK> anyone here?
<koud> yes
<PandaUK> do you know if the galaxy s3 has a 4g type thing on it?
<Entropy512> depends on what you consider "4g"
<Entropy512> if it's faux-G (HSPA, US carriers like to call that 4g even though it isn't), yes
<Entropy512> if LTE - no, only the crippled US variants do, although rumors of an Exynos LTE GS3 variant are going around
<Entropy512> just like the Note 2 looks like it'll have Exynos + LTE
<PandaUK> well, im using the international version
<Entropy512> HSPA+
<Entropy512> no LTE
<Entropy512> on I9300
<PandaUK> so does it act like 4g then or is it not as good?
<Entropy512> well, if you go by the original definition of 4g
<Entropy512> no 4g phone exists on this planet
<PandaUK> oh
<Entropy512> but carriers keep bitching and whining and lowering the bar
<PandaUK> oky
<Entropy512> in the US, HSPA+ is considered "4G"
<Entropy512> even though it really isn't
<Entropy512> LTE is always called 4G, even though it only sort-of is
<Entropy512> the original 4G definition was 100 Mbps+
<Entropy512> the I9300 does HSPA+ but not LTE
<PandaUK> ah ok
<PandaUK> ty for educating me sir
<Entropy512> There's a rumor of an LTE Galaxy S3 coming that has Exynos
<PandaUK> for international?
<Entropy512> yeah
<Entropy512> just like Note 2 looks like it'll have international LTE
<PandaUK> is it going to come out with the new colour of sgs3's?
<Entropy512> that I don't know
<PandaUK> all i know is that theyre going to release 64 gig versions of the sgs3
<Entropy512> main thing is, someone has finally released a non-Qualcomm LTE+GSM baseband
<Entropy512> and Samsung is using it in new devices (not yet released, but Note 2 def. has something new)
<Entropy512> for the US LTE variants - they were all Qualcomm radios + CPUs
<Entropy512> mutant derpbeasts
<PandaUK> well
<PandaUK> if they relase it with the new sgs3
<PandaUK> im going to have to get myself a black one
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<stickyboy> Just looking at your "sane" n7000 power_pfofile.xml.
<stickyboy> I realize mine isn't sane... but the one in the stock ROM is worse!
<stickyboy> I wonder if that's common...
<stickyboy> I guess #blamesamsung blah blah. But the battery capacity is listed as 7000 mAh. wtf?
<Espenfjo> :D
<Espenfjo> hm, I guess our n80xx profile is very wrong as well
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: If one number can be wrong, then they can all be wrong.
<stickyboy> That's annoying.
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<Entropy512> yeah... There is probably some shit in that power profile that is broken
<Entropy512> however, at least the CPU values seem more sensible
<Entropy512> and consistent with my experience with that device over the past year
<stickyboy> Entropy512: I think I will refactor ours as well.
<Entropy512> That one was pulled from a Samsung stock firmware
<Entropy512> yours should be similar for CPU stuff
<stickyboy> Entropy512: Exactly. I just checked our stock and it's completely unsensible.
<Entropy512> interesting
<Entropy512> like what?
<Entropy512> oh battery capacity may not actually do anything
<Entropy512> but I changed it for n7000 just to be sure
<Entropy512> the lack of a cpu.awake number bothers me
<stickyboy> I'll discuss with ohanar... not sure where he got our current one.
<Entropy512> n7000 probably needs screen values cranked up
<Entropy512> since it has larger screen
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<stickyboy> I'd find it hard to believe that an incorrect battery spec wouldn't have some undesired effect.
<stickyboy> ie, "It's cool, we have PLENTY of batter left at this rate. I can keep going for <no carrier>"
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<Entropy512> stickyboy: the fuel gauge doesn't use that value at all
<Entropy512> power_profile is only used for battery stats to my knowledge
<Entropy512> usage stats to be specific
<stickyboy> Hmm.
<stickyboy> To estimate how much power a given application has used, given the time it has been active and the values associated with the hardware active during that time.
<Entropy512> yup. Application blame is a combo of: How much time it's been active and using CPU at each given clock speed times the corresponding cpu value
<Entropy512> plus time it has held a wakelock * cpu.awake
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<stickyboy> Ok, that makes more sense.
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