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<tracid> Can anyone please take a peek and eventually contriube to ?
<Espenfjo> Never heard about this, but I am sure there are logs that explain the issue somwehere?
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<tracid> The Factory Mode icon from the homescreen is an intent of Factory.apk
<tracid> I've baksmal'd it and the only reference to a file on /efs/ was /efs/imei/keystr and checks if it's value is "ON"
<tracid> Odia and E:V:A posted info's on the S3's /efs/FactoryApp/factorymode & keystr file, cause those users also have a similar issue
<tracid> I don't know if the open lock at bootlogo (before bootanimation) has anything to do with this, but it occurs for atleast 2, me & here:
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