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<larsemil> Entropy512: thanks. but its not. will flash in a new nightly and look
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<blueharford> any samsung devs in here?
<blueharford> found a AOSP issue with bluetooth voice that seems to effect all AOSP roms
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<Faryaab> @blueharford: It's a known issue
<blueharford> Faryaab: Thanks, is there any more information about it, looks alsa related but im not familar
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<ibrahima> Espenfjo: did you ever get a chance to look at how to allow n8013 users to build without requiring the RIL blob that they dont have?
<ibrahima> if not i might mess around with that a little
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<codeworkx> IbrahimA: why don't they have it?
<codeworkx> IbrahimA: isn't it included in cm nightlies?
<ibrahima> hmm, they should, that's a good point
<codeworkx> IbrahimA: those extract script are for use with devices running cm
<codeworkx> IbrahimA: you can't fetch those files from a device running stock rom
<ibrahima> i guess when i ran the extract files script i was on one of Entropy512's pre nightly builds
<ibrahima> oh ok
<codeworkx> always use latest nightly to get files
<Entropy512> yeah... things changed a bit
<Entropy512> the 3 extra files n8000 needs don't hurt n8013
<ibrahima> hmm, i was lazy and didnt want to dig up my usb cable so i was just looking in the nightly zip for the files but didnt see them
<Entropy512> so we use the exact same blobs for all three
<ibrahima> perhaps just looked in the wrong place
<ibrahima> kk
<Entropy512> github.com/themuppets is another option, although
<ibrahima> ah ok thanks, i was looking for that and forgot what it was called
<Entropy512> if the extract-files scripts are actually broken they probably could use fixing...
<ibrahima> im not sure if it is, i could run it again and see
<ibrahima> now that im actually on a nightly
<ibrahima> if it is i'll let you know later, just poking around at cm10 while working on other stuff right now
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<Espenfjo> IbrahimA: Yeah. Looked briefly at it before I remembered what Entropy512 are saying :) They should have the same blobs
<ibrahima> mm ok cool
<Entropy512> Espenfjo: take a look at http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/24382/ and see if it helps the screen-on battery life people are complaining about
<Espenfjo> will do
<Espenfjo> Its true that I have quite high a screen-on time
<Espenfjo> Something thats easy to test, finally
<Espenfjo> Altough it may be normal
<Espenfjo> 32 % screen on, and 8 hours+ of deep sleep out of a total of 11
<Entropy512> At the very least it doesn't break anything
<Entropy512> unless you use opensource hwc with uevent vsync
<Entropy512> then
<Entropy512> no video
<Espenfjo> :) We should merge it
<Entropy512> that's my opinion
<Entropy512> it can't hurt and it's disabling a feature that, at best, does nothing, and at worst, is draining our battery
<Espenfjo> yup
<Entropy512> I have sysfs-based vsync ready if we ever try open hwc again
<Espenfjo> ah, nice
<Entropy512> haven't uled yet, maybe tomorrow
<Entropy512> didn't want to have TOO many patches in flight
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<elliptic1> Hey, I've got my first ever AOSP build going, and it really takes forever. When I code I'm used to writing code, compiling and testing, and going back and forth. That must be impossible with these long build times for the operating system. Is there a way to rebuild just a part of it? How do developers test the code they write?