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<elliptic1> Hey do y'all know what determines the date that's put on the final zip file that's built, because I just sync'd and built and it used yesterday's date
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<Entropy512> elliptic1: if you don't clobber, the date wn't change
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<elliptic11> Should I clobber before every build?
<elliptic11> I mean if I just want to sync today's changes from yesterday and rebuild
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<stickyboy> Testing testing...
<Espenfjo> test ok
<stickyboy> :D
<stickyboy> Just saw some new Mali stuff on gerrit when I woke up this morning... gotta fire off some builds and send to the hoardes of nerd bots on XDA for testing.
<stickyboy> Lets see how fast I can build for P6200, P6210, T869, P6800, P6810, and i815... GO!
<cdesai> stickyboy: where you building on?
<stickyboy> cdesai: My box at work, quad-core Xeon with an SSD.
<cdesai> woo
<stickyboy> Home build box is better, but Internet blows at home :\.
<stickyboy> cdesai: Can you do CM builds on your google cluster?
<stickyboy> So what do you use it for? :P
<stickyboy> Dandia?
<cdesai> still got some time for dandiya
<cdesai> :P
<stickyboy> Trollface dandiya hehe
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