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<turizm> hello fans, I can't build pa (cm10+pa repos) no rule to »/mnt/android/system/out/target/product/galaxysmtd/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libs3cjpeg_intermediates/export_includes«,
<turizm> benötigt von »/mnt/android/system/out/target/product/galaxysmtd/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/camera.aries_intermediates/import_includes«, zu erstellen.
<turizm> someone asked that 12 days ago
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<LunaSela> Hi is it a known problem that CM10 nightlies sometimes drain the battery on I9100 because of RILReceiver thread of
<LunaSela> (Samsing i9100)
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<codeworkx> turizm|0ff: pa? paranoid android? we don't care. that's not our ptoblem.
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<paulk-desktop> hi!
<paulk-desktop> How can I avoid using Smdk4210RIL on galaxys2 ?
<paulk-desktop> because my RIL is normally written and doesn't need all that crap for the non-free blob
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<paulk-desktop> ah found it
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<mothersuperior_> Hello, I am running the latest cm10 nightly on an i9300, and I have this very annoying issue: After some time, the keys dont work as they're supposed to. Currently my home button flashes the screen black and does nothing. long press on the menu doesnt do much either
<mothersuperior_> Is it a known issue? Any quick and dirty solution?
<xplodwild> mothersuperior_: if you reboot, they work for some time, then same issue again?
<mothersuperior_> no, reboot doesnt help
<mothersuperior_> I've got it right after some reboot actually
<mothersuperior_> xplodwild: ^^
<xplodwild> mothersuperior_: try to wipe
<mothersuperior_> :(
<mothersuperior_> is there any way to back up system settings?
<xplodwild> titanium backup
<mothersuperior_> i thought it only does apps
<xplodwild> some apps are actual system apps
<mothersuperior_> So stuff like the power menu on the notification windows gets backed up?
<xplodwild> hmm, not sure about those settings
<mothersuperior_> :(
<mothersuperior_> also, wifi tethering working?
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