<Entropy512> yup pretty much. If I didn't already have a Note 10.1 it would be an absolute yes for me
<Entropy512> and for anyone looking for a 10" tablet
<Entropy512> it's an obvious choice
<Entropy512> just might not be as useful for other exynos5 devices depending on blobbiness
<Kaik541> Entropy512: screen sounds insane... feel like AOSP/CM is about to get a whole lot of new drawables
<Entropy512> yeah
<Entropy512> as I said, if I didn't already have Note 10.1 I'd def. get it
<Entropy512> and if my eyes weren't so shitty
<Entropy512> I'd get it anyway
<Entropy512> ;)
<Kaik541> I'm happy with N7 right now, but the dock connector looking thingy on the bottom has me wondering
<Kaik541> I wonder if it'll be used for cases or for a dock of some sort
<Kaik541> but I'm still waiting to figure out what the POGO docks on my N7 are for at this point
<Entropy512> yeah...
<Entropy512> kinda annoying how none of the N7 accessories have appeared
<Kaik541> I was kinda hoping for a car dock of some sort
<Kaik541> tether it to my phone, way better real estate for navigation
<Kaik541> or an HDMI dock would also be nice
<Kaik541> did HTC ever do anything with the POGO pins on their one x's?
<Kaik541> took samsung a very long time to get the nexus car dock out, but they eventually did it
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<_paco_> are you the right guys to ask TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL := device/<vendor>/<device>/kernel in which format this kernel should be?
<_paco_> zImage or .img anyone?
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<Levo75> #teamhacksung-support
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<Entropy512> Levo75: actually, a development-related question like that would belong here
<frankdrey-g1> char cm11[20] = "android 4.2"
<Entropy512> and... don't use TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL
<Entropy512> prebuilts in device trees are now banned
<Entropy512> due to github getting angry about excessive bandwidth
<_paco_> I already built the kernel i just wanted to re-use that
<_paco_> I didn't do a repo sync
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<diegoviola> is it worth it, the upgrade to sgs2 to sgs3?
<diegoviola> which phone should i upgrade to
<peterperfect> diegoviola
<Espenfjo> Upgrade to the nexus 4
<peterperfect> Brazil?
<Espenfjo> SGS3 is shit
<Espenfjo> Paraguay, peterperfect
<peterperfect> @geo user diegoviola
<peterperfect> ah ok
<peterperfect> anyway diegoviola buy nexus4
<diegoviola> ok
<diegoviola> Paraguay
<diegoviola> how big is the screen in the nexus 4?
<diegoviola> is it like the sgs2?
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<kontinuity> hi folks
<kontinuity> I am getting the following error while building
<kontinuity> make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/i9100/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libUMP_intermediates/export_includes', needed by `out/target/product/i9100/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/gralloc.i9100_intermediates/import_includes'. Stop.
<kontinuity> can someone please shed some light on the issue?
<Espenfjo> Have you run the extract script?
<kontinuity> yes libUMP.so is present in ./galaxys2-common/proprietary/system/lib/libUMP.so
<Espenfjo> And you have it defined in ./galaxys2-common/proprietary/Android.mk?
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<kontinuity> no I don't see it defined that
<kontinuity> there*
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<kontinuity> galaxys2-common/common-vendor-blobs.mk: $(LOCAL_PATH)/proprietary/system/lib/libUMP.so:system/lib/libUMP.so \
<kontinuity> thats the only place in vendor folder where it is defined
<kontinuity> Espenfjo: am I missing something here?
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<Espenfjo> hm, not sure why it should ask for libUMP. Nothing should link against it afaik
<Espenfjo> But if you define it in ./galaxys2-common/proprietary/Android.mk like the others there it will work
<Espenfjo> hm, you are building gralloc?
<Espenfjo> why? :D
<Espenfjo> That wont work
<Espenfjo> And yes, that one is depending on libUMP
<kontinuity> I am actually trying to build Slimrom and am kinda of a n00b in the Android build space :)
<Espenfjo> oh, ok
<Espenfjo> You definately do not want to build gralloc
<stickyboy> kontinuity: Stick to "real" ROMs like CM before moving to kangs.
<stickyboy> Honest advice.
<kontinuity> stickyboy: thanks good advice
<kontinuity> will give Espenfjo's trick a shot and then move on to CM
<stickyboy> kontinuity: CM is doing hardcore development. The others are just CM + new png files and other lame hacks.
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<kontinuity> stickyboy: true dat
<stickyboy> :P
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<th3g1z> :) thanks xplodwild
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<pier> uh
<pier> uhuh
<pier> jb-mr1
<Entropy512> ????????
<pier> do a repo sync
<pier> * [new branch] jb-mr1-factory-release -> aosp/jb-mr1-factory-release
<pier> * [new branch] jb-mr1-release -> aosp/jb-mr1-release
<Entropy512> hmmmmmmmmm... not seeing that, but I think there were changes made recently in CM to not sync extra branches (to reduce sync traffic)
<Entropy512> which repo was that for?
<Entropy512> nothing on grouper googlesource
<pier> Base manifest for 4.2 GPL components
<pier> yep I saw the -c switch u added
<pier> manifest was updated:
<pier> Author: The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com>
<pier> Date: Wed Oct 31 15:40:55 2012 -0700
<pier> Base manifest for 4.2 GPL components
<pier> Change-Id: I7aea272a85e6114a5e9b9b69ee1cfb4e2194dd56
<Entropy512> ok, so just the GPL components
<Entropy512> to match the fact that some people are getting binary builds
<pier> ja
<pier> :(
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