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<NRGZ28> :)
<NRGZ28> hello
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<NRGZ28> anybody have any experience working with logo_rgb24_wvga_portrait ? :)
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<Entropy512> NRGZ28: nope... I know someone in CM knows how to redo it and change the bootlogo of GalaxyS family devices
<Entropy512> but not sure how
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<NRGZ28> I figured it out now
<NRGZ28> for future ref.. the logo has to be rotated 90 degrees before it gets converted into header format to compile into the kernel
<NRGZ28> odd.....
<NRGZ28> :)
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<Entropy512> NRGZ28: which device???
<Entropy512> I know some of Samsung's tablets, while they appear to be designed for landscape orientation
<Entropy512> the screen itself is portrait
<NRGZ28> this would be the for CDMA galaxy tab 7
<NRGZ28> the original one
<NRGZ28> now I'm fighting with the bootanimation binary in the initramfs
<NRGZ28> for some reason the kenel can't launch /sbin/bootanimation when called from init.rc
<NRGZ28> complains it cant execute it
<NRGZ28> strange...
<cdesai> NRGZ28: what are you trying to do?
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<NRGZ28> trying to add bootanimation.zip support to my gingerbread kernel
<NRGZ28> for the SGT
<cdesai> just curious, why still on gb?
<NRGZ28> first it complained it cant launch bootanimation.sh
<NRGZ28> I use it as a fancy mp3player/GPS device in my car
<cdesai> i'ld replace samsung's binary with AOSP, and modify the bootani service in init.rc
<NRGZ28> GB works great for that
<NRGZ28> :P
<NRGZ28> that's what I did
<NRGZ28> I added bootaniimation and bootanimation.sh to /sbin in initramfs
<NRGZ28> and of course added the necessary entries to init.rc
<NRGZ28> but... it wont launch the .sh script... or the binary
<NRGZ28> strange
<cdesai> launch with logwrapper
<NRGZ28> hmmm
<NRGZ28> good idea
<NRGZ28> I can launch it fine from the shell manually while the kenel is still... booting
<NRGZ28> heh
<NRGZ28> let me try logwrapper... brb
<NRGZ28> :)
<NRGZ28> hmm
<NRGZ28> even logwrapper complains it cant find it in /sbin
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<NRGZ28> I think maybe bootanimation binary is expecting other library to be present in initramfs
<NRGZ28> hmm
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<Tusker> hey guys, anyone here know what "super charge SQL" that dorimanx is talking about ?
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<gokhanmoral_> Tusker: any uber-optimization for sql or filesystem access is potentially dangerous and I doubt any dangerous optimizations will be applied by teamhacksung
<Tusker> sync issues etc ?
<gokhanmoral_> data loss etc...
<Tusker> (yeah, I meant sync between file cache and mmc)
<Tusker> ok, just thought I'd ask, and sorry for the bother!
<Espenfjo> super charge sql sounds like doing vacuume from time to time
<Tusker> ah ok, something like auto_vacuum=FULL ?
<gokhanmoral_> Espenfjo: I doubt it also includes patching the sqlite lib to prevent sync just like that dirty filesync mod. that is for people who likes to bench-masturbate
<Espenfjo> yeah
<Espenfjo> gokhanmoral_: Our RIL crash bug is driving me mad :( The more debugging I throw at it the more frequent it crashes, without really logging anything useful
<Espenfjo> How the H! is you kernel stable :D
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<gokhanmoral_> oh, I received a PM from entropy about that
<gokhanmoral_> I think it is and I think it is related with using toolchain > 4.5
<gokhanmoral_> I have no reasonable explanation for that but we had a similar problem with svnet not working if compiled with newer toolchains in 2.6 kernels
<cdesai> gokhanmoral_: we had ril crashes on aries/p1 (s5pc110) with 4.6
<Tusker> I also have issues with toolchain 4.7 RIL crashes on n900
<Espenfjo> gokhanmoral_: Yeah, using 4.4.3 instead of 4.6 made it somewhat better (Altough, we also removed a lot of debugging to prevent some crashes at 4.4.3, so that may have been it as well).
<gokhanmoral_> although I have cherrypicked some changes for 4.6 from cm kernel I am now using 4.4.3
<Espenfjo> It is some silly timing bug where the USB host drops the hsic modem while it sleeps. Adding prints make it worse, removing prints make it better
<Espenfjo> Altough removing prints from all usb/modem code doesnt make it completely go away
<Espenfjo> :D
<gokhanmoral_> so, it is a timing issue :) I had a similar mysterious problem while working audio enhancements porting and having a little more debugging was helping to prevent a race condition
<iKillCypher> gokhanmoral_ :D siyah
<iKillCypher> lol
<Espenfjo> I wonder if this modem sleep/resume code could be placed in a spinlock
<iKillCypher> Espenfjo is ICS supported anymore ?
<Espenfjo> Grave bugs may be fixed
<Espenfjo> But no development happens there unless its security bug related, basically
<iKillCypher> so I guess everything is push for JB ?
<Espenfjo> Yes
<iKillCypher> till the next version of android comes out?
<iKillCypher> I thought there isnt much changes from ICS - > JB
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<Tusker> cya guys, bed time for me
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<Rebellos__> Hey there! Anybody could enlighten me what is the path of commands from any Android APK to NFC chip in I9300? There's some NFC API in Android, there's /dev/pn65n and there's "/system/lib/hw/nfc.smdk4x12.so" but looks like there's some HAL element missing in my image.
<Rebellos__> Hm, is the "/system/vendor/firmware/libpn544_fw.so" last missing piece of my puzzles?
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