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<ConnorMB> so, anyone try to flash from odin from a W8 computer? odin cant find it no matter what, trying to install CM10 (9/24) for N-8013 and i cant even get CWM on it.
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<ConnorMB> reinstall/reboot gives me a blue com port but Odin cant install/connect :/
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<gokhanmoral> is there any Makefile guru? I want to prefix all the symbols in a driver (mali, specifically). it used to be a gcc option but now it requires the usage of objcopy and I could not get it running for all object files in that driver dir after the compilation of them
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<Eclipz> Is there any risk in updating from one cm10 nightly to another? I heard its called a "dirty flash"
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<cdesai> Eclipz: wrong channel, join #teamhacksung-support
<cdesai> and no risk, but always backup
<Eclipz> oh ok, sorry
<Eclipz> and thank you
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<hisdudeness> hi
<hisdudeness> I've got a question about mhl, is there anybody willing to answer me?
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<hisdudeness> I read on the wiki for the s3 that tvout is unsupported and never will. that means i won't be able to use mhl adaper right?
<Entropy512> Correct.
<Entropy512> It sort-of works for hwaccel video decoding
<Entropy512> but you won't see the UI or anything over the video
<Entropy512> and it will never change unless a lucky miracle happens or Samsung stops putting out crap code full of undocumented hacks
<Entropy512> or starts putting out working usable source code for hwcomposer, libfimc, libhdmi, libfimg, etc
<hisdudeness> so i could use the mhl adapter to view movies only but I won't be able to play games right?
<Entropy512> correct, and only movies that work with hwaccel
<Entropy512> and who knows that function may be broken now too
<Entropy512> surprised it ever really worked at all
<hisdudeness> :)
<hisdudeness> thanks for your answer
<hisdudeness> I hope samsung will make that part open one day
<hisdudeness> time to go back to work. bye
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<lodder> Entropy512: the mem leak fix from Espenfjo for the i9100, does it need a lot of testing before hitting the nightly?
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<Espenfjo> lodder: It needs to work for the various tablets using the same kernel
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Memory leak fix?
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<stickyboy> Crap, getting dark. Gotta go for a run. Chat you later.
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<whitequark> Espenfjo: fix for the hwcomposer leak?
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<Espenfjo> whitequark: hwcomposer has never leaked anything (Ok.. It probably is.. but not significant enough to measure it through a week of use :) )
<Espenfjo> whitequark: gralloc / mali on the other hand
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: yeah, arent you guys having leaks from transparent overlays?
<Espenfjo> Notification drawer / Running apps thingie
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: I just got back from my run... you guys are still talking about this? :P
<Espenfjo> nah, I just came home now ;)
<whitequark> Espenfjo: ah ok
<whitequark> so is it fixed? :)
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: I dunno. "Android OS" takes a shitload of memory if I recall correctly.
<Espenfjo> whitequark: Yeah, but not merged yet
<whitequark> I tried to find it in gerrit, but wasn't able
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: hm. Check memory, then open/close the notification drawer/open recent apps page and check if your ram goes down
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: If you do not have the memory leak I guess we could create some logic to let your devices ship with the old mali drivers
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<whitequark> Espenfjo: I see. cool, thanks!
<whitequark> does it after allow for new hwcomposer api aka butter features?
<Espenfjo> Good question ;)
<Espenfjo> Most of it is implemented outside the GPU drivers
<Espenfjo> display drivers and hwcomposer
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Lemme go try to check memory with your method :P
<Espenfjo> whitequark: it is ~impossible to verify that the hwcomposer is doing what we want :(
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<whitequark> Espenfjo: I see.
<whitequark> at least there is no "short screen flash" anymore at todays nightly
<Espenfjo> hm, odd :)
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Hmm, earlier I misspoke, I was confused about the battery usage.
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Testing RAM now,
<whitequark> Espenfjo: btw, what's up with UMS and NFC?
<whitequark> well, I tried to find I9100P and wasn't able to find it either in russia or on ebay
<whitequark> technically I found one in russia, but it was the last one in stock and BRIGHT PINK
<Espenfjo> :D
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Yes, our memory goes down ~10-20 MB after the a few open/closes of those overlays.
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: ok, then you have the leak as well ;)
<Espenfjo> whitequark: UMS, dunno. It is just incredible slow
<Espenfjo> magic somewhere going wrong
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: "cool"
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: Yeah, extremely :D
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: The r3p0 stuff is smoother, thats for sure.
<stickyboy> Just breaks video. :P
<Espenfjo> :)
<Espenfjo> I wonder how we should proceed with that one
<whitequark> Espenfjo: I guess you couldn't find the *P variant either? :)
<Espenfjo> I havent tried, but I have seen people writing that they have it
<whitequark> "you" as in "CM team"
<whitequark> I assume that NFC shouldn't really require tons of proprietary stuff or so
<whitequark> it's an ISO standard after all
<Espenfjo> It requires some blobs here and there
<Espenfjo> it is very doable
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: I toyed with swapping some of I9100's blobs in last night; libfimc, etc.
<Espenfjo> None of use have the device, but cody was talking here the other day about trying to find someone with it we could work with
<whitequark> I would consider donating one to the CM team, if only could I find another one for myself :/
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: But it still gives those weird gralloc/surfaceflinger errors.
<whitequark> preferably not bright pink.
<Espenfjo> :D
<whitequark> not my favorite color, ya know
<Espenfjo> yeah
<whitequark> do you know of a way I could ask the owner to verify it?
<Espenfjo> I havent looked into it at all, but with stuff like http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1822447 it seems quite easy
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<whitequark> Espenfjo: will it print P suffix at the bootsplash?
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<Espenfjo> I do not know
<whitequark> ok, sent an inquiry
<whitequark> this will be 4th i9100 I'll buy...
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<whitequark> ok, that's a *P model
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: You are using the galaxys2-common blobs dir as well?
<stickyboy> No
<Espenfjo> ah
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: We've got smdk4210-tab
<Espenfjo> ah, neat
<stickyboy> Cuz our audio and cameras are different than I9100.
<Espenfjo> Then its just the kernel that needs to implement the old mali r2p4 drivers
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<stickyboy> ooop, girlfriend just got home from Europe...
<stickyboy> byyyeeee.
<Espenfjo> :D
<Espenfjo> glhf
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