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<elliptic1> Hey, I have crespo4g on CM10 latest nightly, just upgraded the gapps to 10/11, wiped dalvik and regular cache, reflashed the rom and then gapps, manage apps says SystemUI is running, but my status bar is gone. Any suggestions about how to fix it please?
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<OverTheStars> 'ello
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<simone201> hi there
<simone201> u there xplodwild?
<xplodwild> yea
<simone201> hey
<simone201> i am starting working on the N7100
<simone201> so i guessed if we could port over CM10 also
<simone201> should be quite easy
<simone201> they bad part is only to merge the I9300 kernel with the N7100, which are quite different in many parts
<simone201> °the
<xplodwild> you don't need to merge it
<xplodwild> if it's too much pain, you can perfectly do a separate one
<simone201> oh
<simone201> better to do so?
<xplodwild> yup
<simone201> i see
<simone201> i wanted official CM10 support that's why i asked
<simone201> and i know that if phones have the same platform u guys prefer having the same kernel repo
<xplodwild> yeah
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<xplodwild> but that's not a requirement
<simone201> i see
<simone201> so do u think i can gain official CM10 support?
<simone201> i'm working with a friend of mine here that has a Note2 and wants CM10, so i thought i could do that with him
<simone201> busy?
<simone201> xplodwild?
<xplodwild> hmm yeah you could have official CM10
<simone201> so what should i do first to have full support? i am already working on the port
<xplodwild> make it work
<xplodwild> then we'll see
<simone201> hehe
<simone201> :p
<simone201> k then, i will contact u as soon as it works fine
<simone201> thx for now
<simone201> cya ;)
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<stickyboy> Also, hang around here. ;)
<cdesai> stickyboy: too late
<stickyboy> cdesai: Yah, that was the point hehe
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<meg> hey guys
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<Guest81092> im considdering to upgrade my older cm9 to cm9.1 or cm10
<Guest81092> its a galaxy s2 intl
<Guest81092> how well does the cm10 work at the moment _
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<G2Suser> what is this superbrick bug mentioned somewhere
<G2Suser> and how do I avoid it _
<G2Suser> ?
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