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<Mikej0h> ello
<Mikej0h> hi guys/gals, what is the best current version for the Galaxy SII with Cyanogenmod 10.0?
<Mikej0h> currently running the last EXPERIMENTAL-stabilitytest
<Mikej0h> not sure if it's worth upgrading to the latest nightly?
<Mikej0h> was before today on a older version, think of 21082012, so that one was already pretty old...
<Mikej0h> but liked it very well! only "no mobile network", so hope that is solved with the newest experimental/nightly...?
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<Mikej0h> codeworkx?
<Espenfjo> #teamhacksung-support ->
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<Espenfjo> heh, something feels very odd about the note2 kernel
<Espenfjo> + fimc_err("fimc_hwset_reset in\n"); fimc_hwset_reset(ctrl);
<Espenfjo> + fimc_err("fimc_hwset_reset out\n")
<Espenfjo> (fimc_hwset_reset(ctrl) should have been on its own line)
<Espenfjo> Feels like debugging code
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<datagutt> something odd with SAMSUNG CODE? tell me more.
<imnuts> lol
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