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<Levo75> Where can I find the devblogs related to android developement on samshit phones?
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<Entropy512> random G+ and XDA posts
<Entropy512> not particularly organized
<Entropy512> we just rant when we want
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<laiseng> hi all
<laiseng> i'm currently on latest
<laiseng> not sure anyone where experience issue with /data partition turns into ReadOnly partition
<laiseng> "/dev/block/mmcblk0p10 /data ext4 ro,nosuid,nodev,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc 0 0"
<Espenfjo> -> #teamhacksung-support
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<Flumdahl> You are not allowed to enter this page. You do not have the required permissions to enter this page.
<Espenfjo> Why do you want to browse it?: )
<Flumdahl> just wanted to check it out :P
<Flumdahl> hehehe
<Flumdahl> what is the difference of aokp and aosp ?
<peterperfect> aokp = has all the toggles / cm = has the toggles that make sense / aosp = has only few toggles
<Flumdahl> when u write toggles, what exactly are u talking about then? can u please give some example ?
<peterperfect> well it was just a simple/joky way to explain
<Flumdahl> are u talking about all the apps / mods that are integrated in the roms ?
<peterperfect> no no
<peterperfect> aokp derivates from cm
<peterperfect> and add a couple of settings and features
<Flumdahl> aokp is the stuff to prefeer then ?
<peterperfect> i dont think so
<peterperfect> some of that features were not implemented into cm due to UX / compatibility breakage
<peterperfect> or they are not needed cause they have too little benefit and tend to confuse the user with tons of options
<peterperfect> bloat
<peterperfect> CM is not oriented to create a setting for everything in the world
<peterperfect> cause this make the user experience to get poor
<Espenfjo> AOSP is Googles Android (Android Open Source Project). This is where all ROMs that are not based on stock come from.
<Flumdahl> AOKP is the roms that are AOSP but modified in several ways
<peterperfect> yep
<Espenfjo> AOKP is AOSP in its very base, yeah
<Espenfjo> Cyanogenmod is also based on AOSP
<Flumdahl> yeah, codeworkx if i remember right is a google developer
<Flumdahl> or AOSP dev
<Flumdahl> or what u saying
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<peterperfect> Flumdahl Cody is a cyanogenmod developer
<Flumdahl> ok, i have heard that he worked for google android stuff and dev there to
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<Espenfjo> Anyone here have the ICS sources?
<Espenfjo> Handy accessible
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<datagutt> Espenfjo: bbq
<Espenfjo> I dont have access
<Espenfjo> datagutt: grep for EncoderInterface
<datagutt> only got cm iirc
<Espenfjo> CM is good enough
<datagutt> ./frameworks/media/libvideoeditor/vss/mcs/src/M4MCS_Codecs.c:
<datagutt> ./frameworks/media/libvideoeditor/vss/stagefrightshells/inc/VideoEditorAudioEncoder.h:
<datagutt> ./frameworks/media/libvideoeditor/vss/src/M4VSS3GPP_Codecs.c:
<datagutt> and so on
<Espenfjo> Thats pVideoEncoderInterface and not just EncoderInterface?
<IbrahimA> just fyi ack is a nicer tool than grep for searching code
<datagutt> ah
<datagutt> leme see then
<IbrahimA> colors and stuff and restricts itself to code files
<datagutt> lemme*
<datagutt> pEncoderInterface
<Espenfjo> hmm
<Espenfjo> it is the wrong thing I think, but thanks
<datagutt> only thing grep returns
<datagutt> no regular pEncoderInterface
<datagutt> :
<datagutt> :P
<IbrahimA> not CM10 right? you want ICS/CM9?
<datagutt> cm9
<IbrahimA> is there a way to check out a branch for all projects using repo?
<Espenfjo> ICS/CM9, yeah
<Espenfjo> But the more I read about this the more I think it is c++ magic gone wrong
<Espenfjo> error: undefined reference to 'vtable for android::EncoderInterface'
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<Flumdahl> haha
<Flumdahl> he must be tarded
<Flumdahl> Do Not say that this is CM10 Beacause it isn't
<Flumdahl> Fueteres:
<Flumdahl> - Based On CM10
<Flumdahl> lol
<Espenfjo> sigh
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<Levo75> There's a hole in my sock and I blame safariking for that.
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<Kaik541> Entropy512: thoughts on the N10?
<IbrahimA> from my logs from yesterday:
<IbrahimA> Entropy512: [12:55:47] if it's as well-documented as exynos3 was in nexus S it'll be good
<IbrahimA> Entropy512: [12:56:02] but grouper proved the standards for nexus open-sourceness are going downwards
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