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<shaaan> can someone please tell me what is this error ?
<shaaan> E/BellagioCore( 5927): Cannot open OpenMAX registry file /tmp/.omxregister E/BellagioCore( 5927): Component loader 0 constructor fails. Error= 0x80001000
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<pixie_> Hi Guys
<pixie_> is there any kernel for cm9.1 stable for galaxy tab p1000?
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<Transfixer> Espenfjo, MOAR BUTTER! My phone is not slippery enough
<iKillCypher> lol
<iKillCypher> make it wet
<Espenfjo> Ask your GF about that
<Transfixer> not a good time, my phone will get bloody :(
<Espenfjo> auch
<iKillCypher> Transfixer the developers has already stated why the phone is not so smooth
<iKillCypher> blamesamsung
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<iKillCypher> Espenfjo any idea about the 50% volume bug?
<iKillCypher> I thought I saw a patch was submitted
<Espenfjo> Fixed in latest experimenal I think
<Transfixer> iKillCypher, sorry, I didn't rise my index finger
<iKillCypher> Changes in 20121024 cm10 nightly for i9100
<iKillCypher> what ?
<iKillCypher> Espenfjo cant find mate :S
<iKillCypher> any changelog where I can check the code ?
<iKillCypher> Hi!
<iKillCypher> Volume bug is fixed, but only on external speaker, headphones don't work
<iKillCypher> lol
<iKillCypher> Espenfjo that link you posted does it has fixed headphones in it?
<Espenfjo> no
<Espenfjo> Read on to fix it manually
<iKillCypher> could do that no issues :) well will wait till memory leaks is fixed
<iKillCypher> not really a fan of memory leak reminds me of horror
<peterperfect> mem leaks is very likely to never be fixed
<iKillCypher> ..
<iKillCypher> that was you said last time till it was fixed
<peterperfect> this is because we have no sources and mali blob was old
<iKillCypher> and how can this be never fixed if Espenfjo coded and written it Im sure he knows what is causing it
<peterperfect> Espenfjo will you fix it?
<Espenfjo> dunno
<iKillCypher> a software developer :) will
<iKillCypher> trust me
<Espenfjo> Lucky I am no developer then ;)
<iKillCypher> cause Im a programmer too but not a Java fan C# ;)
<iKillCypher> Espenfjo,may I know if there is a patch file ? maybe I could take alook at the source :D
<peterperfect> doode
<peterperfect> if you fix mem leak i will give you a pony
<Espenfjo> iKillCypher: No patch
<iKillCypher> peter sure they will allow pony here
<iKillCypher> Espenfjo did you reversed any stuff D: ?
<Espenfjo> For the memory leak?
<Espenfjo> No.. Just used new drivers from various leaks
<iKillCypher> is it on github ?
<iKillCypher> or is it going to be commited ?
<tat-> Espenfjo: whats changed in you build? updated drivers?
<Espenfjo> Updated audio drivers, and new hwcomposer and gralloc
<Espenfjo> iKillCypher: what patch are you talking about?
<Espenfjo> tat-: and new mali
<Espenfjo> new old
<tat-> okies
<iKillCypher> Updated audio drivers, and new hwcomposer and gralloc :S COW HWCOMPOSER Is fixed ?
<Espenfjo> New audio drivers are up on gerrit, blobs will be merged if it works
<iKillCypher> fix the memory leaks **
<Espenfjo> Fix for memory leak is already merged
<Espenfjo> It has been in the nightlies for weeks
<iKillCypher> I meany
<iKillCypher> I meant* for this build which fix audio
<Espenfjo> It has a memory leak since the new hwcomsposer doesnt work with the old new mali drivers
<Espenfjo> Hence it is using the new old mali drivers
<iKillCypher> so it cant be fixed ?
<Espenfjo> Not with this hwcomposer/gralloc combination, no
<iKillCypher> so it can be fixed?
<Espenfjo> By using ICS hwcomposer without butter, yes
<iKillCypher> :S so what hwcomposer is this ?
<Espenfjo> New one from note leak
<iKillCypher> a jb for note was leaked ?
<iKillCypher> what?!
<tat-> so, we have butter now?
<iKillCypher> seems like yes
<Espenfjo> tat-: no
<Espenfjo> :D
<tat-> =)
<Espenfjo> #blamesamsung
<Espenfjo> They are really making a mess out of this
<iKillCypher> Espenfjo lol I dont have different in the volume
<iKillCypher> my ears are spoiled
<iKillCypher> lol
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<yomi> Hello.
<yomi> I just tried to flash CWM to my errors came up in Odin...but when I rebooted to check to see if CWM had replaced the stock android recovery...the stock recovery was still there.
<imnuts> /join #teamhacksung-support
<imnuts> and odds are, if you still have the stock rom/kernel, recovery was reflashed on boot if you didn't go straight to recovery
<yomi>'d have to do it again...okay...yeah, all I did was reboot.
<yomi> after I had flashed it.
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<kcin> hi, where can i get kernel source for p5100? I need option.ko module for PPP Widget
<kcin> Espenfjo: thanks :) but which _samsung_something is for p5100?
<codeworkx> espresso10
<kcin> codeworkx: thank you :)
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<kcin> codeworkx: fail to compile -> include/linux/mm_types.h:83:14: error: duplicate member '_count' :(
<codeworkx> kcin: cm build server are compiling it day by day
<kcin> alright, I'll try to clone the full repo. I use -depth 1 before.
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<codeworkx> kcin: u trying to build with gcc 4.7?
<kcin> nope, arm-2012.03-57-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 from codesourcery
<Espenfjo> Oo
<codeworkx> gcc 4.6 is max
<codeworkx> otherwise you have to fix samsungs mess
<kcin> ~_~
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<kcin> codeworkx: yay, it works.. with older toolchain.
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