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<ProgVal> Hi
<ProgVal> What does "Voicecall audio" mean in this page?
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<ProgVal> I thought it is calling as any phone does, but why are you talking about a "modem"?
<ProgVal> and why "some of them"?
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<arLibCreator> hi, i would like to help getting MHL working on PA. i have a good amount of experience with Android development
<Espenfjo> MHL isnt even working in CM for (most) Exynos devices
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<arLibCreator> so its a device specific driver?
<Espenfjo> Yes
<arLibCreator> is it a kernel module?
<Espenfjo> It is part of the kernel, part of the HAL and part of the framework
<Espenfjo> Samsung have hacked the framework in ways we dont know
<Espenfjo> So it cant be done by just copying their blobs and using the correct kernel driver
<arLibCreator> really. the leaked roms, are they leaked source code or leaked binaries?
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<ProgVal> Hi
<ProgVal> What does "Voicecall audio" mean in this page?
<ProgVal> I thought it mean calling as any phone does, until I saw the word "modem"
<peterperfect> ProgVal means that if you having problems with audio (not hearing or other side not hearing you) you must change modem
<peterperfect> during a calll
<ProgVal> what is a modem?
<ProgVal> (in this context)
<peterperfect> modem is a part of your telephone software
<ProgVal> how do I change it?
pier|znc is now known as pier
<peterperfect> ProgVal do you have incall problems?
<ProgVal> I did not install CyanogenMod yet
<ProgVal> I want to make sure my phone will work first
<peterperfect> do you have rommanager premium?
<ProgVal> no
<peterperfect> @google i9300 cm10 basebands
<peterperfect> shit
<peterperfect> no bbqbot here
<ProgVal> will Google it, thanks
<peterperfect> ProgVal please join #teamhacksung-support
<ProgVal> okay
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<LPirro> Hi Developers :) Seems that Samsung published something new about exynos...
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