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<zeorin> Hi all, I'm sure that this has been asked before, but I cannot find the answer on the wiki nor on XDA... I have a SGS2, with CM10 Nightly... I want to encrypt the phone, but the feature is missing in the security settings... Is this still under development?
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<zeorin> Just wondering if S2 CM10 encryption is being worked on or if it will not ever be available?
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<drupol> hello all,
<drupol> I own two devices, N7000 and N71000
<drupol> *N7100 I mean
<drupol> Why screen colors are so different from one device to another ?
<drupol> The colors on the GNote 1 (N7000) seems to be fucked up... and the black isn't really black.
<drupol> I'm using Paranoid Android on those two devices, but the GNote 2 is really better when it comes to display matters.
<drupol> Any explanations on this ?
<stickyboy> Hardware.
<drupol> Okay
<drupol> And we can't do nothing about it ?
<drupol> The graphical chipset is the same
<stickyboy> Flash back to stock and compare there.
<drupol> It's the screen quality ?
<drupol> Yeah, I'm planning to flash back to stock, but PA works so flawlessly...
<drupol> stickyboy: isn't it a drivers problems ? (I'm a noob with android dev)
<stickyboy> Exactly. Who knows. :)
<stickyboy> You should rule out custom software.
<drupol> what do you mean by 'rule out' ?
<Espenfjo> Graphic chipset doesnt control colours (well.. ok.. yes it does..), the display/panel is whats making the big differences
<stickyboy> drupol: "rule out" means, try it on a stock ROM, ie "in the form that Samsung intended"
<drupol> Ok...
<drupol> Thanks for the explanations :)
<Espenfjo> mdnie configurations isnt that optimal
<Espenfjo> could be tweaked
<stickyboy> drupol: Look up supercurio on Twitter, he usually moans about the displays on Samsung devices, and talks about driver tweaks (if any).
* drupol check.
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<jgw> it looks like CM is pulling directly from team hacksung's github repo for its nightlies? is this correct?
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<stickyboy> jgw: No.
<stickyboy> jgw: It pulls from CyanogenMod's github repos. :)
<jgw> ah yeah thats what i meant. it looks like THS created the n7100 (another bit of valuable info i left out) repo, and CM forked it
<jgw> i totally brainfarted the name of the repo i was referring to in the first place
<rhcp> yawn
<rhcp> n7100 eh :)
<rhcp> its nice to see talk of that. tmo version :P 889
<rhcp> heh
<jgw> seems like samsung has a ton of derivatives
<rhcp> yea
<stickyboy> Samsung has sold more Android devices than all other vendors combined.
<rhcp> of course
<rhcp> they make 100 versions
<rhcp> lol
<stickyboy> There was an interesting report I saw about the numbers.
<rhcp> this is what kinda makes android suck
<stickyboy> How, since Samsung, Android isn't as profitable to Google.
<rhcp> 900 devices
<rhcp> my note2 will have a note3 from samsung in a month prob
<jgw> eh you could pretend it doesnt suck and just acknowledge nexus devices.
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<rhcp> not fan
<rhcp> no SD
<jgw> really the choices available for android arent a bad thing. if you want apple-esque sanity, stick to the nexus line, ignore everything else.
<rhcp> i got iphone5 and note2 atm
<rhcp> looking for a N4
<rhcp> but at a real price
<jgw> i have an iphone5, but am hacking around with a note2 and cm10
<jgw> trying to see whats involved in kernel and user space with the pen/digitizer
<rhcp> note2 for intl?
<rhcp> or?
<jgw> n7100 which i think is intl
<rhcp> oh
<rhcp> too bad
<jgw> its just a loaner, not mine
<rhcp> no one seems to be working on the TMO version :)
<jgw> do all the noteII variants use exynos procs? or are there some qualcomm soc vairants?
<rhcp> Yea exynos
<rhcp> the n7100 boots on the tmo
<rhcp> radio doesn't work and cam
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<krzee> could someone point me to a decent link for baseband unlock info for my ATT SGS2 i9100?
<DAGr8> sup
<krzee> im already in CM9 with CWM
<DAGr8> whos the last of the mohican that was still wokring on exynos
<DAGr8> trying to get lte working
<DAGr8> :(
<DAGr8> modem complains about dev/ttyusb0
<DAGr8> it does fire up tho
<DAGr8> in other words
<DAGr8> wifi and camera are fine
<DAGr8> just no dta or call