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<jero> what are the problematic points to get cm9+ support on cooper ?
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<stickyboy> jero: Developer support?
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<jero> stickyboy: because lack of specs ?
<stickyboy> jero: No. Just developer support... as in, people to work on it.
<stickyboy> People have moved on to more exciting devices.
<jero> ah
<Espenfjo> What is the cooper?
<jero> I just bought one :)
<stickyboy> Galaxy Ace, I think.
<Espenfjo> Return it and get the nexus 4
<jero> stickyboy: I found some guy used to maintain an "rc level" cm9 build for cooper so it must not be out of reach
<jero> but he gave up :)
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<stickyboy> jero: The last official firmware on Ace was Gingerbread. Honeycomb -> ICS -> JB -> JB2... too old.
<stickyboy> Lots of stuff has changed in the Android framework with regards to audio and graphics, as well as the kernel. It's just too old, and relies on working around glitches in old binary blobs (graphics!).
<stickyboy> It's simply not interesting (unless you like that kind of stuff).
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<jero> ah
<stickyboy> jero: Sorry... can you return your phone?
<jero> nop :) but it runs fine on cm7.2
<jero> there's also an unofficial but rather stable cm9 somewhere
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<stickyboy> jero: Glad you're happy. :D
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