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<azizLIGHTS> stickyboy:
<stickyboy> azizLIGHTS: :D
<azizLIGHTS> i say unplug everything and plug one thing in at a time and see if your bnc comes back up
<azizLIGHTS> thats if its in the house lol
<stickyboy> azizLIGHTS: It's a BNC service. :D
<stickyboy> I have used two this year, and both died. Company gone.
<stickyboy> Now apparently one came back...
<azizLIGHTS> haha thats hilarious XD, literally ghosting a ghost BNC
<stickyboy> I suspect it's GeekBouncer...
<stickyboy> Anyways. :D
<cdesai> stickyboy: it's stuck to you now
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<stickyboy> cdesai: Meh :(
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Did you see the UMS patches to allow UMS on non-primary storage?
<stickyboy> Works great.
<Espenfjo> yeah
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: What ever happened with your Mali tests on smdk4210? You were experimenting with going back to pre r3p0.
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<Espenfjo> Yeah, but it was still leaking memory
<Espenfjo> We are basically just waiting for samsung to release sources now
<stickyboy> Ah.
<Espenfjo> They have done some magic in gralloc or the hwcomposer or in the kernel to free memory
<Espenfjo> But god knows what that could be
<stickyboy> Yah, ok.
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<stickyboy> Samsung grants access to Insignal git... but only Exynos 4212+ supported.
<stickyboy> Tells us to use Origen board sources from Linaro for 4210.
<stickyboy> So, wtf do we do for RIL, Camera, etc? :P
<Espenfjo> nothing :(
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<iKillCypher> guys are the developers here?
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<GabMus> hello there
<Tiger^> hi guys. I'm getting frequent RIL crashes (every 1-4 hours) on my i9100, on the latest CM10 nightlies (20121030-20121102). it's fine on CM9. should I gather some logs (dmesg? timestamped radio logcat?), or is there nothing else that can be done until samsung releases the kernel sources?
<GabMus> define ril crash plz. maybe I have the same problem
<Tiger^> GabMus: RIL crash == the modem falls off the USB bus, the userland RIL stuff crashes and restarts, you lose connectivity and it asks for PIN if you don't have that disabled.
<GabMus> same here then
<GabMus> :/
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<GabMus> what's hw composer?
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<codeworkx> stickyboy: broken shit
<stickyboy> GabMus: It is the software that combines layers in android.
<stickyboy> codeworkx: w00t.
<GabMus> I googled it
<stickyboy> GabMus: Compositing of layers, like transparent pulldowns and shit.
<GabMus> is it related with exynos driver missing source code?
<stickyboy> GabMus: There is no "exynos" driver. :)
<stickyboy> Exynos is a system on a chip. It's a bunch of different components.
<stickyboy> And the only open part is the kernel. Everything else is hidden in binary blobs.
<codeworkx> exynos is a pile of dung
<GabMus> fuck
<GabMus> I heard that Samsung will release in a non specific future these drivers
<GabMus> true?
<stickyboy> GabMus: Time will tell. That's what they said... but time will tell.
<codeworkx> GabMus: as of now it looks useless
<codeworkx> GabMus: because their chip department is doing different things than their mobile department is doing
<codeworkx> GabMus: looks like a internal war
<stickyboy> lolwat: Hmmm. Let's wait.
<codeworkx> GabMus: s3 camera is expecting some libs for video encoding. samsung slsi renamed everything xD
<GabMus> it sounds like they are a bunch of idiots
<codeworkx> you said, i just thought it
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<GabMus> rotflmao
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