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<Vrooom> what are those blobs folders in clockworkmod folder ?
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<krnlsndr1> I am a developer with vanilla kernel experience but would like to get involved in Android system development. I have a fair amount of experience with bringing up kernel versions and backporting features which I would like to bring to android. Can anyone point me at any good resources for self-guided learning? Even interesting repos that show the process/approach you guys use?
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<atinm> get the "building from source" link, and integrated kernel building
<atinm> find a phone that is already supported and try building for it
<atinm> then try on a phone that isn't supported.
<krnlsndr1> I have already built multiple kernels following those directions and am running my own build on my epicmtd device
<atinm> code is all there - if you can code, you can do this.
<atinm> other than that there isn't much - just find/fix bugs :)
<krnlsndr1> I looked through the CM repos, but a lot of the device support commits are big merge blobs which don't show the process behind how it was accomplished
<atinm> oh, process.
<atinm> there isn't any..blobs are just pushed directly.
<atinm> binary blobs.
<krnlsndr1> Shouldn't have said blobs
<atinm> other than that - actual coding isn't really done using any process other than fix/fix/gerrit
<krnlsndr1> I mean the commits are a bunch of code that changes the world
<krnlsndr1> One sec, let me give you an example
<atinm> we aren't doing a lot of multistage design if that's what youre looking for. we're basically taking what google writes and port it
<krnlsndr1> For example, looking through the kernel repo for smdk4412, I see this commit with the message "n7100 support"
<krnlsndr1> It touch 127 files, +164k/-132k lines
<atinm> something like that usually means we merged in a kernel tree from samsung.
<krnlsndr1> But I was able to track down the original repo at
<atinm> or pulled in a repo that someone else pulled from samsung.
<atinm> large numbers of files touched is usually that. samsung does not give us nice repos to pull from.
<atinm> they just give us a repo with one big commit.
<atinm> with no history.
<krnlsndr1> So they drop you a tarball instead of giving you a repo with history?
<atinm> you can ignore those.
<atinm> exactly
<krnlsndr1> gotta love it
<atinm> they used to give us tarballs and we complained and begged for git repos
<atinm> so they gave us git repos.
<atinm> with the tarball pushed to them :-P
<krnlsndr1> So I looked at the smdk4412 repo because I recently picked up a Note 2 ATT. I love the hardware but I am learning that the software support around Exynos 4 is less than ideal.
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<Rebellos> krnlsndr1: It's at least *far* from ideal, not less. ;P
<atinm> krnlsndr1: avoid.
<atinm> like plague.
<atinm> exynos4 is dead.
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<atinm> dead to me anyway
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<atinm> and as far as anyone on CM goes too.. cm9 was end of line ;)
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<krnlsndr1> I had a d2att a few months ago but decided to return it and wait for the Nexus 4, but lack of LTE was really disappointing
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<Jiangyi> Well, it kinda has LTE.
<Jiangyi> Band 4 anyways. :-P
<Jiangyi> I'm not sure how widely AT&T uses band 4 in the states.
<krnlsndr1> Band 4 is AWS so 2.1/1.7 right? Not sure how much of AT&T is on the 700MHz compared to that
<atinm> at&t is supposed to start using it or something but hasn't yet
<Jiangyi> I've heard things about T-Mobile using that in the future too.
<krnlsndr1> If I believed in imaginary future LTE networks I would have stayed on Sprint
<Jiangyi> I still don't even have mobile data. lol
<Jiangyi> Prices up here in Canada is just.....
<krnlsndr1> I am reading Andrew Dodd's posts about "superbricking" the i777 and n7000 now which is starting to illustrate the severity of the problems with this SoC
<krnlsndr1> Entropy's posts should I probably say
<atinm> yeah. like I said, avoid.
<atinm> not a good phone to start with..
<atinm> get a nexus 4 ;)
<atinm> or a sony xperia if it has lte
<atinm> the T.
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<krnlsndr1> US GS3 variants seem like a reasonable device
<krnlsndr1> They use a Qualcomm chipset instead of the Exynos
<atinm> yes, that's fine.
<Entropy512> Superbrick was defective flash memory, it was in nearly all of their 2011 devices
<Entropy512> whether Exynos or not
<krnlsndr1> I am on post 2
<Entropy512> Xperia T is your best non-Nexus bet right now
<krnlsndr1> Don't get too far ahead of me
<krnlsndr1> ;)
<Entropy512> TL on AT&T currently has locked bootloader
<Entropy512> but Sony may start selling one with unlockable BL directly in Jan/Feb
<atinm> oh.
<krnlsndr1> Optimus 4X has locked bootloader too, right?
<Entropy512> believe so
<Entropy512> ok time for TV
<Jiangyi> Optimus G might be a way to go I guess.
<Entropy512> that has a locked BL for sure
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<Jiangyi> Entropy512: There seems to be ways of unlocking it/putting the N4 bootloader on it.
<krnlsndr1> So it's about as locked as the d2vzw?
<atinm> Jiangyi: really? I guess it is very similar
<atinm> with same hardware - kinda scary tho :)
<Jiangyi> Yeah, extremely so it seems.
<Jiangyi> Thracky did it to his Optimus G.
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<Awys> hi guys i will build CM10.1 for Galaxy S but i have one problem how i can fix it can anyone tell me please ?
<Awys> device/samsung/galaxysmtd/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml:33: error: Resource at config_deviceHardwareKeys appears in overlay but not in the base package; use <add-resource> to add.
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<Jiangyi> Awys: Just comment that config out for now. The related feature's not there in CM10.1 yet.
<atinm> Awys: erm..wait for pawitp to log on
<atinm> or that. :)
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<Awys> okey thanks
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<Thracky> yes, optimus g bootloader unlock was achieved by using unlocked n4 bootloader
<Thracky> very reversible
<krnlsndr1> AOSP or CM ported to Optimus G?
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<rhcp> got
<rhcp> god
<rhcp> i hate samsung
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<rhcp> I want to build a kernel here
<rhcp> won't compile using their own shit
<rhcp> cc1: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-mlittle-endian’
<rhcp> cc1: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-mapcs’
<chris41g> thats a toolchain problem
<chris41g> but sammy sources rarely ever compile ootb
<rhcp> its a system problem on my end
<rhcp> lol
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<rhcp> ok
<rhcp> OBJCOPY arch/arm/boot/zImage
<rhcp> Kernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is ready
<rhcp> kk
<rhcp> :)
<rhcp> play time later
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<rhcp> bored
<Awys> pawitp are you there ?
<pawitp> yes?
<Awys> today i have build 4.2.1 from sources
<Awys> i have make all pacth's
<Awys> but after reboot
<Awys> phone
<Awys> unfortunately, the process has stopped.
<Awys> i cant make something
<pawitp> I don't provide support for source building
<pawitp> if you're building source at this stage, you should know what you're doing
<Awys> okey thank you.
<rhcp> heh missing some telephony
<rhcp> logcat helps
<chris41g> its a framework thing im sure.. my 4.2 also does it, missing icc provider or some such shit
<Awys> but i can't take logcat
<chris41g> why not? phone FC doesnt stop logcat
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<chris41g> if you dont have adb its another problem
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<Awys> i cant activite the adb from settings
<Awys> unfortunately, the process has stopped.
<dhiru1602> Awys: Logcat
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<slick_rick> Awys: it takes some time but you can get it enabled
<Awys> will try
<slick_rick> in the split second the FC is gone, press menu, settings, gotta be quick lol
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<chris41g> or boot to recovery, and use sqlite3 to enable it
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<Awys> <slick_rick> here is logcat
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<slick_rick> oh sorry idk how to help Awys lol
<Awys> lol key
<Awys> okey*
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<dancsi> Hello, I'm new here
<dancsi> are these the much anticipad git repos?
<atinm|work> yeah..with the missing bits.
<dancsi> so now we can expect TvOut and FMRadio
<peterperfect> no
<dancsi> to be implemented if someone is bored enough?
<peterperfect> cause nothing new
<dancsi> aha
<peterperfect> tvout has some new parts
<dancsi> yeah, I saw something
<dancsi> ...and could the libraries from the leaked GS2 JB be used for anything (as binary blobs in an AOSP build)?
<dancsi> I mean for butter, tvout, radio, ...?
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<Entropy512> <dancsi> are these the much anticipad git repos? - no, they're just as broken and outdated as the old ones
<Entropy512> reference boards don't have to deal with wireless certifications or carrier testing
<Entropy512> so how is it that they haven't even finished ICS two months AFTER I9300 JB went live?
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<IbrahimA> one of the things i dont get about samsung is that almost certainly their internal developers are using git so why do they dump tarballs/tarballs as git repos to the public?
<IbrahimA> it strictly speaking should be more work to do that than just push the internal git repo to a public facing remote
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