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<antiochasylum> does anyone know where the freaking grey status bar image is on the jelly bean builds for samsung devices?
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<Entropy512> grey status bar??????????
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<KAsp3rd> Evening everyone
<KAsp3rd> any msm8960 devs around?
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<rhcp> Sup
<rhcp> Anyone got a TMO note 2 yet? Im getting one today
<rhcp> word noobnl
<noobnl> ?
<noobnl> what?
<rhcp> just saying hello
<rhcp> been awhile
<noobnl> oh hai
<rhcp> haven't been on irc in like 2 months
<rhcp> waiting on UPS for the note2
<rhcp> they sent it to me for like 150
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<aways_> hi guys
<aways_> I wanna build cm10 for sgs1 this is my manifest.xml http://www.sudrap.org/paste/text/197041/ I think something is missing
<aways_> can anyone help me?
<stickyboy> aways_: You don't need to mess with manifest.xml
<stickyboy> Remove all your stuff and then just do `brunch galaxysmtd`
<stickyboy> It will download everything required (kernel source, device tree, etc).
<aways_> okey thank you
<aways_> Command 'branch' from package 'rheolef' (universe) brunch: command not found
<stickyboy> ...
<stickyboy> brunch. Not branch. :D
<stickyboy> btw, you have to set up your dev environment first.
<aways_> brunch: command not found
<stickyboy> . build/envsetup.sh
<stickyboy> brunch galaxysmtd
<aways_> now is okey :D
<aways_> my first build lol
<aways_> thank you alot stickyboy
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<rhcp> is there a tree yet for the NOTE2 TMO?
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<Entropy512> rhcp: there are no official trees for any note2 yet
<Entropy512> there's a candidate maintainer for international but that's it
<Entropy512> and there's a slight chance garyd9 might do the ATT variant
<Entropy512> he's got the skills for it, not sure if he has the motivation
<Entropy512> no one is working on the tmo variant at all that I know of
<rhcp> I might be into helping if someone has the TMO
<rhcp> it's a tight device
<Entropy512> it's exynos4 = hell for a maintainer
<rhcp> i know :/
<Entropy512> I'd buy the AT&T version if I weren't utterly sick and tired of Samsungs, esp. Exynos4 Sammys
<rhcp> i may trade it in for a GS3
<rhcp> but its not LTE
<Entropy512> Nexus4
<Entropy512> naptime
<peterperfect> nexus4!
<rhcp> can't do nexus4
<rhcp> no wifi calling
<rhcp> no one seems to want to port it
<rhcp> i tried. its too complex for me
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<Espenfjo> Entropy512: garyd? So you are going to maintain it you say? ;)
<Entropy512> Espenfjo: I said he's got the skills and the device... but he might just touchwizz it. :)
<Entropy512> man i'm so fried
<Entropy512> I should work on the next installment of my saga later tonight
<Espenfjo> take a powernap, saturday tomorrow
<rhcp> does anyone care for the TMO wifi calling?
<rhcp> doesn't seem so
<rhcp> pic.twitter.com/wmheU2hi
<rhcp> h0h0
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<Entropy512> rhcp: I know someone implemented it in CM once, but not recently... I don't, since I don't have Tmo and never will
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