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<rhcp> krhmm
<rhcp> seems like they got in-call audio working
<rhcp> - Audio in phone calls requires an initiation phase: make 2 phone calls to any number when you boot up to get audio functional on the 3rd call.
* rhcp will test
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<rhcp> OMFG. It worked today and I was able to replicate the case where it worked:
<rhcp> 1. If we start a call in 4G. The RILD switches to 3G correctly but we don't hear anything. (perhaps it's routing through voip which doesn't work).
<rhcp> 2. If we start a call in 3G. BOOM ! audio works ! I got something to work with now at least so that's great.
<rhcp> just a heads up to everyone. I think I've narrowed down the issue to.. surprise surprise.. RILJ.
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<slick_rick> rhcp: going to try this on cm10 build I have
<rhcp> i can't build it
<rhcp> still
<rhcp> i don't have a build box up now. till prob tuesday
<rhcp> or we
<rhcp> d
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<slick_rick> brb going to check if that works for cdma also
<rhcp> let me know
<rhcp> i can't build this for fucking GSM
<rhcp> maybe codeworkx or someone one can re-do it
<rhcp> proper
<slick_rick> Nope doesn't work
<slick_rick> I guess cause we don't have data fully working yet or something
<rhcp> possibly
<rhcp> data is iffy I'm told
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<rhcp> but codeworkx said get audio working and he shall look :)
<rhcp> lets see
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<slick_rick> It is
<rhcp> i didn't bother to flash it
<rhcp> but in-call audio works
<rhcp> so
<rhcp> better hands now are to look :)
<rhcp> and minds
<rhcp> hopefully get it merged
<rhcp> so can build properly
<slick_rick> Cool. Hopefully we have data working for us by Thursday or Friday
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<rhcp> chris41g they got in-call audio working
<rhcp> on the ATT/TMO
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<rhcp> slick_rick did you see the new RILJ posted?
<rhcp> not sure if it helps you out
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<zifnab> is there a mr1-staging build out yet that works?
<zifnab> for the p3113
<zifnab> um, wrong chan
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