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<rhcp> this note2 does not like me
<chris41g> thats the consensus
<chris41g> =)
<rhcp> i think so
<rhcp> i flash over the boot with my kernel
<rhcp> it boots stock
<chris41g> i had that problem on a sammy u8500
<chris41g> it did a md5 check(maybe sha) on boot and if the kernel had been changed, it restored the stock
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<rhcp> i have no idea
<rhcp> il wait till someone knows this shit better
<rhcp> and hopefully gets on the TMO note2
<rhcp> :/
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<rhcp> nebkat saw the post :)
<rhcp> nice stuff
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Is this normal? E/SurfaceFlinger( 1762): composer device version 0 unsupported, will not be used
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<stickyboy> What good is BOARD_USE_HDMI if HDMI out isn't working on Exynos 4?
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<atinm> its to make you feel good.
<atinm> if we could get exynos4 working, we'd need it ;_)
<stickyboy> And what's BOARD_USE_SECTVOUT for?
<stickyboy> I get spam related to fb0 when BOARD_USE_SECTVOUT := true.
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<stickyboy> Turning it off seems to have no effect. (except no spam).
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<stickyboy> atinm: I'm working on a Tab 7.0 Plus, btw.
<stickyboy> Basically a big Galaxy S II.
<stickyboy> I didn't even like 4.2 on my Gnex, dunno why I am even bothering to bring up 4.2 on my tablet.
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<imnuts> i have a question related to 4.2 on the GTab2 7"
<imnuts> if i compile mr1-staging for it from cm10, no real issues that i can find
<imnuts> if i build aosp using the same kernel and device tree, /data only has 128MB available
<imnuts> on cm10.1, it has 4GB
<imnuts> any idea what would cause that?
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<ViruX> Hello
<ViruX> i have a question, is anybody there?
<ViruX> Hallo!
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