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<angelsl> how hard would it be to support a new 4412 device?
<angelsl> or at least get CM to work on it like it does on, say, the i9300
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<Espenfjo> Porting new 4412 devices are easy
<angelsl> even if the (bloody GPL-violating) vendor doesn't release their kernel sources?
<Espenfjo> thats a bit worse
<angelsl> would it be possible to run CM on the vendor's kernels and drivers/jni libs?
<Espenfjo> not official CM, no.
<Espenfjo> We dont do non-released kernels
<Espenfjo> But it is possible yeah
<angelsl> i see, thanks
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<datagutt> angelsl: mizu?
<datagutt> or some other vendor?
<angelsl> lenovo
<datagutt> Ah
<datagutt> meizu has kernel source atleast
<datagutt> lol
<datagutt> buying a chinese phone
<angelsl> meh, it's not mine
<angelsl> i'd never buy a chinese phone :p
<angelsl> not even an exynos phone now
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<a3Dman> an exynos powerd chinese phone with no kernel sources, best dev phone ever :P
<Espenfjo> :D
<Espenfjo> Everything is ofc. possible
<Espenfjo> And I almost thought Lenovo was big enough to do it right
<angelsl> lenovo K860
<angelsl> it's lenovo china though
<iKillCypher> Espenfjo :)
<angelsl> plus lenovo didn't even release the sources for their A1 tablet that was released in the US
<angelsl> not until people started complaining
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<datagutt> [14:56:37] <a3Dman> an exynos powerd chinese phone with no kernel sources, best dev phone ever :P
<datagutt> i had one of those
<datagutt> there are many brands of them
<datagutt> lol
<datagutt> Even better if it reboots when /system changes
<datagutt> good look keeping your root
<angelsl> lol, they do that?
<datagutt> Meizu does that on CN firmware
<datagutt> but you can just flash hk firmware if you have a model bought outside china
<datagutt> then flash a update.zip that gives you su
<angelsl> geez
<datagutt> two different models
<angelsl> flash a update.zip..?
<datagutt> one sold in hong kong that is open
<angelsl> does it have fastboot?
<Jiangyi> Yeah, freaking Meizu CN :-P
<Jiangyi> Even AdamOutler's having trouble with it.
<datagutt> Jiangyi: mx2 should be rootable in both hk and cn
<datagutt> via a menu option
<datagutt> that requires you to log into their flyme.cn cloud service
<Jiangyi> datagutt: I'll keep an eye out, but I'm still not getting any Chinese phones :-P
<datagutt> Jiangyi: cody asked me where i could get one… maybe once he is done with mk, he can port cm?
<datagutt> x
<datagutt> xD
<datagutt> s/i/he
<Jiangyi> o_O Didn't he say he was done with Exynos?
<datagutt> No freaking idea
<datagutt> i said something like, "if you port cm to mizu you are god" to someone
<datagutt> then cody said where could i geto ne
<datagutt> no idea if he knows it is running exynos
<datagutt> ^^
<Espenfjo> haha
<datagutt> it has 1,6ghz exynos 4414 (that is mizu speak for 4412)
<datagutt> note 2 processor + some custom chips
<angelsl> 4414? lol
<datagutt> i think it runs a custom version
<datagutt> they have some power management chips and other things
<angelsl> in chinese, 4414 sounds like "die die, want die"
<datagutt> MX5S processor they said
<angelsl> wonder why a chinese company would call it that
<datagutt> clearly samsung they said
<datagutt> angelsl: benchmark programs report that
<datagutt> meizu says MX5S processor
<datagutt> meizu claims it as their own… just like apple with a5
<angelsl> lol
<angelsl> meanwhile, both are manufactured by samsung
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<Entropy512> angelsl: maybe die die want die sounds better than die die want ???? (what does 2 sound like?)
<angelsl> 2 sounds like er..
<Entropy512> die die want pork! :P
<angelsl> which.. doesn't really sound like anything
<datagutt> die die want apple
<datagutt> dying > apple
<datagutt> s/apple/iphone
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<rhcp> how was new year?
<krabador> rhcp, how will be?
<rhcp> was ok
<rhcp> normal with family
<rhcp> no drunk etc
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<krabador> no drunk...
<krabador> surely you've some hidden bottle...
<krabador> :)
<rhcp> no i wish
<rhcp> i had hound dogs on me
<rhcp> between my father and wife
<krabador> rhcp, not so good :)
<rhcp> i had to settle for xanax pills
<rhcp> Good stuff
<rhcp> I'm looking at some RILJ someone put together for the note2's
<rhcp> triying to figure out where he got the info from
<rhcp> hate samsung
<krabador> samsung isn't properly friendly with users...
<rhcp> not at all
<krabador> i've a i9100 that are waiting a 4.1 update, not out because christmas sells of i9300 and note 2
<rhcp> i have the note2 atm
<rhcp> between audio and rilj
<rhcp> really makes it hard to stay on AOSP
<krabador> yes, properly
<rhcp> when people submit stuff to gerrit i wish they would document where it came from
<krabador> rhcp, if you want to do a right thing, put a nexus device.
<krabador> hmm...
<rhcp> Yea, but too small
<rhcp> I'm looking at
<krabador> commented a bit
<rhcp> yea a bit
<rhcp> you'd never know which framework/jar/apk it all came from
<rhcp> though
<rhcp> its super erratic
<rhcp> goes from 0 -> E -> 3G -> H -> H+
<rhcp> have a feeling it has something to do with audio sounding like transformers as well
<datagutt> audio sounding like transformers?
<datagutt> sounds like a nice feature
<rhcp> heh
<rhcp> it latterly does
<rhcp> wish i could record it
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<Jiangyi> [12:08:58] <angelsl> which.. doesn't really sound like anything
<Jiangyi> [12:08:48] <angelsl> 2 sounds like er..
<Jiangyi> Well, er could be ear :-P
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<rekoil> does anyone on the team have a gt-i9305?
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<Jiangyi> rekoil: No afaik
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