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<hmmwhatsthisdo> Does anyone know of a way to get CWM6 onto a GT-P1000?
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I'm trying to help someone flash CM10 onto their p1000 but the installer uses asserts that aren't available in CWM5 (the only version I can find kernels for)
<Turilo> doesnt TWRP support the p1000?
<hmmwhatsthisdo> nope
<Turilo> damn
<hmmwhatsthisdo> ...apparently the CM10 installer flashes 6027
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I'm shocked and confused
<hmmwhatsthisdo> ah, apparently the installer flashes the kernel too
<hmmwhatsthisdo> ...I guess that ordeal is over
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<ankitkv> codeworkx: i tried everything i could to make the mpu work in an open sensor hal for the i9100g.. but i couldn't. i want to keep learning. do you have any ideas or some other project i could take on, or help with anything?
<codeworkx> dock audio -.-
<ankitkv> i dont have a dock :(
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<codeworkx> same here
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<sunri5e> I could send you mine
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<ankitkv> codeworkx: breaks signal strength in i9100g
<a3Dman> "On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health." - UberFacts
<a3Dman> this is epic fact xD
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<ankitkv> codeworkx: should there be a seperate RIL?
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<slayher> codeworkx, how stable is the WIP audio HAL?, or better yet what still needs to be done with it?
<Turilo> codeworkx in case it was missed this is my tinymix pastebin of no audio during video recording i317m note 2 CM 10.1 latest build i believe it was asked for a while back, thx
<codeworkx> slayher: incall audio
<slayher> codeworkx, ok. Failing to load the device? Guess I can compile it and see
<codeworkx> slayher: audio ril interface
<codeworkx> slayher: libcsd-client, libss-audio ...
<codeworkx> slayher: qcom stuff
<slayher> ok. I had some experience with the 7x30/8660 HAL stuff. See if i can find some solutions here.
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<codeworkx> slayher: look at what csd_enable_device reports when you do csd_switch_device(7,4). something like (56,-195455642). it's rx_device and tx_device. but (56,-195455642) isn't really valid xD
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<slayher> I dunno, -195455642 sounds valid :D
<ankitkv> codeworkx: whats an appropriate key name for an entry in build.prop that specifies that signal strength should be handled differently for i9100g?
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<slayher> codeworkx, does it pick up the in_call state?
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<athurh> ankitkv: 'adb logcat -b radio | grep signalstreng' ?
<rekoil> any of the team members have a GT-I9305?
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<codeworkx> ankitkv: don't we have enough ics modems?
<ankitkv> no
<ankitkv> im using DDLP7 that comes with the latest firmware
<ankitkv> had DDLP5 before that, just updated to confirm
<ankitkv> the fix in SamsungExynos4RIL breaks signal strength in both
<ankitkv> codeworkx: it stays stuck at 0 dBm 99 asu
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<codeworkx> ankitkv: omgwtfbbq
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: this fixed the internal sd issue i was having on cm10-1
<rekoil> can i donate money towards a team member purchasing an I9305?
<codeworkx> nope
<rekoil> :(
<codeworkx> ask Entropy512 if he'll do the i9305. think he'll love you
<rekoil> lol
<rekoil> i take it others have asked then? :P
<codeworkx> there's probably no one who will ever touch any exynos4 device again
<rekoil> oh? how come?
<codeworkx> samsung being unfriendly
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<rekoil> that's very disappointing, i'm very happy with this device, but not if it won't run CyanogenMod
<a3Dman> people here have been #blamingsamsung for 2 years
<a3Dman> lol
<codeworkx> unfriendly seems to be the wrong word
<codeworkx> it's more a "IDIOTS"
<a3Dman> dishonest idiots.
<codeworkx> rekoil: why didn't you buy a nexus4?
<Espenfjo> a what? that phone doesnt exist
<rekoil> because i wanted LTE, and the nexus4 seemed badly executed imo
<rekoil> a phone with an LTE modem released without LTE support, that just screams lazy to me
<ankitkv> whats the best vendor to go for?
<codeworkx> rekoil: then you made your choice. LTE + no CM vs. no LTE + stable CM
<ankitkv> ive heard people recommending sony, but i see sony devices are still on cm10
<codeworkx> ankitkv: xperia t and v are running 4.2.1 @ kernel 3.4
<codeworkx> ankitkv: just the cam isnt working afaik
<rekoil> my mate runs cm on his i9300, he seems happy enough
<rekoil> is it really that bad?
<codeworkx> yes
<ankitkv> im considering getting an xperia z
<a3Dman> rekoil: you wont feel it unless you use, a nexus device
<codeworkx> none of the exynos devices will ever get stable cm builds
<codeworkx> ankitkv: me too
<rekoil> i cam from an htc one x
<a3Dman> my nexus s behaves better than i9100
<codeworkx> a3Dman: same manufacturer. but software matters
<Turilo> guess ill be waiting on the Xperia Z than :P
<a3Dman> of course ;)
<rekoil> but they run so well under original software, bad sources then?
<codeworkx> they do?
<a3Dman> power without control is nothing.
<codeworkx> 4.1 samsung rom is a clusterfuck
<codeworkx> and laggy
<rekoil> runs better than my one x ever did
<rekoil> much better battery life
<a3Dman> codeworkx: do you think that they will go with repartitioning devices?
<codeworkx> a3Dman: no
<codeworkx> they'll announce that the hardware can't run JB
<rekoil> codeworkx: but are you saying that cm10.1 on i9300 is worse than stock rom?
<a3Dman> well, i9105 is this message...
<codeworkx> rekoil: no, but buggy
<rekoil> ok, cool, well if none of you will touch the i9305 i guess i'll have to take it into my own hands
<codeworkx> right
<ankitkv> what are the chances xperia z will have a stable cm?
<rekoil> i9300 rom boots on it so seemingly you guys have done most of the grunt work for us anyway
<codeworkx> ankitkv: ask god
<codeworkx> or some wizard
<rekoil> so, thanks for that
<ankitkv> :P
<rekoil> :)
<ankitkv> ill wait for your reviews then xD
<codeworkx> rekoil: am i a bad guy if i would tell you, that the i9305 community isn't very clever?
<rekoil> no, i've been gathering that myself
<codeworkx> lemme give you a hint..... n7105
<rekoil> yes, i know
<rekoil> basically same device, different display and touch screen layer
<codeworkx> so what's the issue?
<rekoil> i've never done anything like this before
<rekoil> :P
<codeworkx> then have fun
<rekoil> thanks
<codeworkx> 15 mins and it's done
<rekoil> gah, tease!
<stickyboy> rekoil: My advice: sell it.
<stickyboy> Buy a qcom or omap device to learn on. :D
<rekoil> i really wanted to get a nexus device, maybe i will when the next lot come
<rekoil> the nexus 4 didn't feel right to me
<codeworkx> yeah, it can't be good. only costs 349 eur
<codeworkx> that must be crap
<rekoil> i didn't say crap, but why did they release it with an LTE modem?
<rekoil> obviously there must be more power efficient modems to use than one that has LTE
<rekoil> it doesn't make sense to me
<codeworkx> cheaper?
<codeworkx> who knows
<codeworkx> maybe they wanted to release a LTE phone, but then realized that LTE is a clusterfuck across the world
<a3Dman> I think that what happened
<rekoil> possibly
<codeworkx> i've never seen LTE in real life
<codeworkx> so... who cares?
<rekoil> it's working pretty good on my I9305 :)
<codeworkx> on the moon? mars?
<rekoil> in sweden
<codeworkx> in 1 city?
<codeworkx> or in a lab?
<a3Dman> Sweden is one of the best when it comes to internet speeds anyway :P
<a3Dman> my friend was teasing 100+ mbit mobile connection from a year or something
<rekoil> sweden was one of the first countries to test LTE on a large scale
<codeworkx> what's the benefit?
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<a3Dman> the carrier is telia or something
<rekoil> perhaps thats why our LTE network is better? i don't know, all i know is it's been working fine in my city and my operator touts LTE coverage across the entire country
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<rekoil> a3Dman: telia is one, mine is tele2
<codeworkx> rekoil: what does LTE do? what's so special about it?
<rekoil> gives me fast internet
<codeworkx> and hsdpa with 42,2 MBit/s doesn't?
<sbrissen> codeworkx: to get the cdma note2's supported do I send the request to pull to devrel@....??
<rekoil> have you ever reached 42mbit with hsdpa?
<codeworkx> no. and i don't care because i can't use it anyway
<codeworkx> getting around 5mbits here
<codeworkx> and that's probably enough for loading a app or browsing the web
<codeworkx> my phone isn't a data centre
<a3Dman> I get 5mbit here also
<codeworkx> nor a server
<a3Dman> while they advertise 28.8mbits
<a3Dman> lol
<rekoil> well I was getting around 7 with hsdpa, on LTE i get a stable 34mbit link with a latency of about 45ms
<codeworkx> what do you do with this speed?
<codeworkx> hmm wait
<Espenfjo> porn!
<codeworkx> lemme think
<Espenfjo> fast porn!
<codeworkx> 90% of the day you don't use it?
<a3Dman> more like life porn with that speed
<a3Dman> you can stream 1080p using that connection
<rekoil> something like that, 100% of the day if i am at my summer house
<codeworkx> on a 720p display? cool
<rekoil> which is the only reason i got an LTE-enabled phone at all
<codeworkx> rekoil: LTE is only usefull as a DSL/Cable replacement for homes
<codeworkx> nothing else
<a3Dman> well, LTE is overkill for a phone, but for home why not.
<rekoil> which is what i use it as at my summer house...
<codeworkx> but...
<a3Dman> my home still runs 512kbps connection
<codeworkx> oh LTE
<codeworkx> U NEED IT
<codeworkx> NAO
<a3Dman> xD
<codeworkx> PAY US
<codeworkx> GIEV MONEY
<codeworkx> ITS FAST
<codeworkx> BUY IT
<codeworkx> NAO
<codeworkx> BUY BUY UBY
<codeworkx> u understand?
<rekoil> i am not an idiot, i am completely aware i don't need LTE for my day to day
<codeworkx> and after you got LTE
<codeworkx> U NEED OCTACORE PHONE!!!!
<a3Dman> codeworkx: looks like you hate capitalism badly
<a3Dman> xD
<rekoil> i figured if i need to buy a new phone anyway may as well get one with LTE
<codeworkx> rekoil: then buy NExus now
<codeworkx> now that we made that clear
<rekoil> then I can use it as a modem at my summer house as well
<codeworkx> hsdpa is enough for the summer house
<codeworkx> and stable cm > all
<codeworkx> and
<codeworkx> switching from i9305 to nexus 4 gives you money back
<codeworkx> win + win
<rekoil> past return date
<codeworkx> ebay
<a3Dman> you can sell it
<a3Dman> anywhere
<codeworkx> did someone see the new apple advertisement?
<codeworkx> REALLY
<codeworkx> BUY IT
<rekoil> maybe once i get to feel how crappy cm is on it i will
<a3Dman> no Apple commercials here
<codeworkx> they really have dual mic
<codeworkx> they we're the 1st!!!!
<codeworkx> apple introduced it first!!!
<a3Dman> codeworkx: nope, triple.
<rekoil> lol
<codeworkx> and people now think, that's something new
<codeworkx> -.-
<a3Dman> yes.
<rekoil> codeworkx: as we discussed earlier about my device community, people are stupid in general
<codeworkx> someone should do a advertisement: "Your phone storage can be magically extended using little cards. That's awesome.!"
<Turilo> im in an LTE area and ill admit sure its fast but is it really needed unless tethering or using your phone as a server with an unlimited data plan? H+ here ill also get 14mbits
<a3Dman> that's the point
<codeworkx> ankitkv: u destroyed my little world.
<codeworkx> ankitkv: i thought the i9100g is cool
<a3Dman> I use 512kbps all day, and I'm alive
<codeworkx> ankitkv: now it's gone...
<codeworkx> that feeling
<rekoil> if i ever reached 14mbit on hsdpa i'd be fine with that as a modem for vacationing
<rekoil> but i don't
<rekoil> and i consider 7mbit a little too low
<codeworkx> p0rn downloads all the day?
<codeworkx> then yes
<detule> lol my wlan at home is < 1mbit too cheap to upgrade
<rekoil> codeworkx: maybe streaming movies from my home server to my computer?
<a3Dman> detule: I'm the same haha
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<rekoil> i can certainly do that on an LTE connection
<codeworkx> rekoil: eh? hdd, usb stick, phone storage....
<codeworkx> rekoil: you're the bad guy making the internet suck
<codeworkx> i can't game because everything is overloaded
<codeworkx> high response time
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<codeworkx> lags
<codeworkx> dead
<codeworkx> and this guy is watching tv over the webs
<codeworkx> -.-
<rekoil> codeworkx: will you stop being silly, a fast internet connection isn't something I'm willing to give up in order to have a stupid phone which was in my opinion half-arsedly put together (the nexus 4)
<codeworkx> then be happy with lte and stock rom
<a3Dman> it's opinions anyway...
<codeworkx> it's your choice
<rekoil> no, the platform is supported as made clear by i9300 and n7105, so if i can get my device up and runnning with same level of support as those then i'm happy
<a3Dman> I'm tired of all smartphones myself, and on my way towards a Nokia 3310 if my phone fails.
<rekoil> and you've told me this is easy, so perhaps if i'm not too much of an idiot then i can probably figure that out in a couple of weeks wouldn't you say?
<stickyboy> [/exit
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<a3Dman> lol
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<codeworkx> rekoil: still, you can't compare a i930x running cm with a nexus running cm
<rekoil> i'm not expecting that
<rekoil> all i want is to get rid of the bloat, as long as it doesn't kernel panic more than once a day i'm fine with that
<codeworkx> it's not that bad
<a3Dman> you can get of all bloat on a stock rom
<codeworkx> you'll get graphics bugs, wonky bluetooth, radio is sucking your battery... but no kernel panics
<rekoil> don't use bluetooth, radio eating battery could be an issue though
<a3Dman> specially on LTE
<rekoil> more than stock?
<codeworkx> yep
<rekoil> well that sucks
<codeworkx> we're having radio issues since i9000
<a3Dman> stable builds are not being released because of these issues
<codeworkx> i'll not mention the incall audio bugs here
<rekoil> had those on one x as well
<rekoil> i can deal with that
<codeworkx> don't wonder if nobody is talking with you
<rekoil> can't deal with battery dying on me though
<codeworkx> if you leave touchsounds enabled, everything is fine
<rekoil> that's an issue
<a3Dman> bad issue
<rekoil> i was under the impression that RIL's were software blobs
<rekoil> in this case they are community made then?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> but the framework has to interact with those blobs
<codeworkx> and they're highly aosp incompatible
<codeworkx> samsungish
<rekoil> ah
<rekoil> i thought that was the point of a RIL :P
<rekoil> to present the hardware in a standard way :P
<a3Dman> it's like kernel -> hal -> framework -> apps
<codeworkx> rekoil: samsung and standard in one sentence?
<a3Dman> I've learnt that at college xD
<codeworkx> no way
<rekoil> codeworkx: honestly samsung aren't alone there but
<codeworkx> rekoil: samsung is fucking any standard up
<rekoil> HTC are just as bad
<codeworkx> right
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<rekoil> ok, i don't know specifics
<rekoil> but we had issues with the One X RIL for CM as well
<rekoil> managing audio required a userland daemon to work
<codeworkx> isn't this a tegra device?
<rekoil> yes
<codeworkx> there's your problem
<rekoil> one x is a tegra 3 device
<rekoil> so you're saying anything that isn't qualcomm or omap is just straight out of the question then?
<rekoil> wheres your open source spirit!
<rekoil> :P
<codeworkx> it's fun
<codeworkx> or pain
<codeworkx> you decide
<rekoil> i'd have hoped it was a bit of both
<a3Dman> let's take the scenic route
<rekoil> there's a certain sense of accomplishment getting it running though isn't there?
<a3Dman> one sec
<rekoil> calling emergency numbers is a pretty big issue, lucky i'm not on telia :P
<rekoil> don't care about TV out
<rekoil> don't care about FM radio
<a3Dman> rekoil: well that's not a problem to me, no one answers emergency here
<a3Dman> you're on your own in case of emergency
<a3Dman> (I kinda like that)
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<rekoil> i didn't realise that exynos was so hated
<a3Dman> I got fed up with my device so that I removed all apps, and I'm using it for calls only now
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<rekoil> so is exynos 5 looking any better?
<a3Dman> octa?
<a3Dman> or dual
<rekoil> you tell me
<rekoil> any i suppose
<a3Dman> well, octa, no one knows yet, unreleased product
<a3Dman> dual is the one in the nexus 5
<a3Dman> and nothing else I think
<a3Dman> so no one knows yet
<rekoil> nexus 5?
<a3Dman> err 10
<rekoil> right
<rekoil> thought so :p
<a3Dman> sorry multiply by 2
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<rekoil> from now on i'll multiply everything you say by 2
<a3Dman> fair enough
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<rekoil> odroid u2 is getting M-snapshots for CM10.1
<rekoil> so they must be happy with the GPU support for the 4412 SoC
<a3Dman> not sure
<rekoil> what are these graphics glitches that were mentioned?
Skrilax_CZ|Away is now known as Skrilax_CZ
<a3Dman> rekoil: on my i9100, they're deep black shadows at animations, keyboard popus atrifacts, launcher widgets artifacts, tearing when stressing animations and some stuff with google now camera scan
<a3Dman> these are the gfx problems I have on my end
<a3Dman> not sure if they're on smdk4412
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<Entropy512> <codeworkx> ask Entropy512 if he'll do the i9305. think he'll love you - if you mean "smash it with a sledgehammer" - yeah that would be fun
<Entropy512> GIEF!
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<rekoil> :(
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<rekoil> hello Oranav
<rekoil> fancy seeing you here
<rekoil> i'm being told i made the wrong choice when i purchased an exynos device :P
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<a3Dman> not only told, you will feel every bit of that decision :P
<rekoil> if i was happy with a tegra 3 i'm sure i'll be much happier with an exynos 4412
<rekoil> battery life on the one x was shocking
<a3Dman> tegra ftl
<a3Dman> specially on a phone
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<Entropy512> TI OMAP > Qualcomm Snapdragon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Samsung Exynos >>> NVidia Tegra in terms of software support quality
<slick_rick> whoa... nvidia must be horrible
<Entropy512> as to the odroid-u2 - it's one of only 2-3 devices that can actually use Insignal/Hardkernel's blobs
<Entropy512> also, has no camera
<a3Dman> didn't you see Linus himself going all crazy about nvidia?
<a3Dman> yes they're horrible.
<Entropy512> so doesn't have to worry about the 4209774920 "if we pull in this update camera breaks" situations
<Entropy512> a3Dman: yeah, and Samsung strives to meet those standards of failure
<Entropy512> Insignal/Hardkernel blobs result in wacky graphics corruption on handsets/tablets
<a3Dman> of course, that's true...
<a3Dman> yeah I enjoy that's graphics corruption everyday...
<Entropy512> and Insignal/Hardkernel memory allocation techniques fail spectactularly with Mobile's ICS blobs and later
<a3Dman> Entropy512: what's the best thing in your point of view to make these artifacts go away?
<Entropy512> a3Dman: the minor annoyances in the current mess is nothing compared to what happens if you use insignal blobs
<Entropy512> you get constant horizontal speckles any time the screen changes at all
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<Entropy512> it goes from "slightly annoying glitches" to "total and complete shit"
<slayher> codeworkx, just curious, did anyone try the audio hal from the i9300? Or is that what this is based off of? I know with a lot of the 7x30 devices, one lib could handle them all with minor additions.
<a3Dman> the problem appears to be with transparency at common, specially shadows
<Entropy512> a3Dman: I sorta recall there was all sorts of transparency issues back in cm10 unless we used blob HWC
<Entropy512> slayher: RIL interface for audio is totally different
<Entropy512> libcsd-client vs. libsecril-client
<Entropy512> once one MDM9615 device is up they all should be working though
<jug6ernaut> to bad TI is leaving the marekt
<jug6ernaut> market*
<Entropy512> yeah
<Entropy512> i'm sad
<Entropy512> OMAP5 would've been fucking awesome
<jug6ernaut> i thought they were still going to release omap5?
<Entropy512> I thought so too
<Entropy512> but
<Entropy512> it seems like nothing has been heard regarding it in ages
<jug6ernaut> well…that sucks lol
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<slayher> Entropy512, ah i see.
<a3Dman> Entropy512: yeah, I know that this is the best way to make it usable, so basically the blobs suck and hwc/gralloc is not complete