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<rhcp> codeworkx your paypal address died
<codeworkx> works finbe
<rhcp> wtf
<rhcp> lol
<rhcp> he must have put wrong link
<rhcp> or XDA fucked it up
<rhcp> :P
<rhcp> fixed
<rhcp> :P
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<rhcp> codeworkx would be great if you could @
<rhcp> XDA mods are already sticking a needle up my ass
<rhcp> :)
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<Jiangyi> Welp, so much for cody not touching Exynos in the future :-P
<rhcp> :)
<rhcp> all it took was some motivation
<rhcp> :P
<rhcp> money is flying in too
<rhcp> and its only been up for like 20 mins
<rhcp> i think cody has 200 or so by now
<Jiangyi> I wonder how he's gonna get US LTE functional while hacking in Germany xD
<rhcp> well the LTE part is easy
<rhcp> since there is a RILJ already writtten
<rhcp> which is hacked up if you ask me
<rhcp> get GSM 100% work on
* iKillCypher is going to smash his SGS2 Soon
<iKillCypher> and move onto Xerpia Z
<Jiangyi> iKillCypher: Better idea: Sell it :-P
<rhcp> Z?
<iKillCypher> I wont get much right
<rhcp> I thought the Z was only at CES?
<rhcp> Z and ZL
<iKillCypher> it is going to be out rhcp maybe in Q1 2013
<iKillCypher> :D and Im going to get it
<rhcp> hmm!
<rhcp> q1= ?
<iKillCypher> March End ?!
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<rhcp> hmm
<rhcp> z
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<slick_rick> codeworkx: think paypal address is going to ruin everything?
<slick_rick> hope not
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<Altermind> afternoon all
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<Entropy512> codeworkx: y u give in?
<Entropy512> don't let samsung win
<rhcp> cause codeworkx is the man
<rhcp> :)
<Entropy512> tbh would probably be better to get him an n7105
<Entropy512> since then he can test LTE shit
<Entropy512> madmack can handle the rest IMO
<Entropy512> all of the LTE variants are extremely similar, from what I've heard
<Entropy512> porting is a matter of "don't flash the modem dumbass"
<Entropy512> (between LTE variants)
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<rhcp> why the n7105?
<rhcp> the ATT users can test LTE
<rhcp> TMO users don't even have it
<Entropy512> rhcp: if there are any LTE problems
<Entropy512> it's a bitch to debug unless you can reproduce the problem yourself
<rhcp> up to codeworkx
<rhcp> madmack is fooling around if you ask me
<rhcp> so I'm no relying on him at all
<rhcp> as for cmnerd he took w.e madmack threw in a pile and compiled aokp
<Entropy512> madmack has potential, just needs time
<rhcp> or he speaks really wel
<rhcp> well
<Entropy512> tbh by having codeworkx do the bringup you're fucking everyone over in the long run
<Entropy512> by putting all the burden on him
<rhcp> at least it will be done right
<Entropy512> and not giving new maintainers a chance to learn
<rhcp> he can. who's stopping him?
<rhcp> codeworkx gets it. madmack is welcome to contrib
<rhcp> as all the others
<rhcp> isn't that the point?
<Entropy512> a bunch of impatient users who want shit NOW NOW NOW
<Entropy512> and can't wait
<rhcp> screw them
<rhcp> learn to cherry pick
<rhcp> or wait
<Entropy512> huh? screw them? you're catering to them with this
<rhcp> how so
<rhcp> i spoke to these people
<rhcp> they have no clue
<rhcp> i wasted my time to decompile those two .so for him
<rhcp> he has 0 clue
<rhcp> BT will work 100% radio will be stable gps will work
<rhcp> etc with codeworkx
<rhcp> anyway its up to him if the N7105 fits and works the same as ours?
<rhcp> who's to care
<rhcp> the hardware must just be almost 99.9%
<rhcp> its codeworkx's call
<rhcp> I got everything together, decompiled files talked to people. he agreed. then XDA bans me again
<rhcp> so at this point? Ill have a white nexus on monday i care less
<rhcp> tbh
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<Jiangyi> I kind of agree with Entropy in this case :-P
<rhcp> i don't care :)
<rhcp> and i can't post on the site. to say otherwise
<rhcp> :)
<rhcp> so Entropy512 wins
<Jiangyi> We should just not have anyone support Exynos and let all the Exynos device die
<Jiangyi> $5 says cody will be fed up with the Note II in a few months like with the S3 :/
<Entropy512> Jiangyi: yeah... In my opinion, it would be irresponsible to collect that kind of money, it's too much of a committment
<rhcp> he obviously thinks he can handle it and he's bored
<rhcp> he offered
<Jiangyi> Yeah, I've heard of one too many stories related to these things :/
<Entropy512> $700 to reverse engineer csd-client is a bit much
<Jiangyi> I hope he wasn't drunk when he made the offer lol
<rhcp> as i said i don't care :)
<rhcp> let him have a device
<rhcp> lol
<Entropy512> I think anyone who would take on a new exynos device at this point is either insane or drunk off their ass
<rhcp> as of 15 min ago
<rhcp> if he asks me to decompile something? sure ill do it
<rhcp> will i get into another thing? no
<Entropy512> ok time for TV before bed
<rhcp> nite mate
<Jiangyi> gnight!
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<diego-ch> hi guys, anyone available?
<diego-ch> I'm trying to get cm10 on a new device here (samsung gt-i9070)
<diego-ch> I used i9100 device tree as base and after some modifications i was able to get cm10 zip to install
<diego-ch> but something is wrong with the boot.img... its size is only 4.7mb, thats the kernel size
<diego-ch> and I should have the size of kernel + ramdisk.cpio + ramdisk-recovery.cpio
<diego-ch> which should go around 7mb combined
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<diego-ch> can anyone take a look at my device tree?
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<diego-ch> codeworkx: are you there? could you take a look at my boot.img issue?
<codeworkx> gimme link to device tree
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<codeworkx> diego-ch: which kernel do you use for inline building?
<diego-ch> I'm not doing inline building anymore... it's building along with cm10 source
<codeworkx> and wheres your prebuilt kernel if your not doing incline?
<codeworkx> inline building = along with cm10 ;-)
<diego-ch> doesnt cm10 build kernel? I thought "make bootimage" did that
<codeworkx> it does
<diego-ch> but then boot.img, kernel and recovery.img on out/target/product/janice have the same size
<diego-ch> -rwxr-xr-x 1 4838224 Jan 12 04:19 boot.img
<diego-ch> -rwxr-xr-x 1 4838224 Jan 12 04:19 kernel
<diego-ch> -rwxr-xr-x 1 4838288 Jan 12 04:10 recovery.img
<diego-ch> ops, recovery.img is a bit larger
<diego-ch> but I think kernel and boot.img shouldn't have the same size
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<diego-ch> codeworkx: maybe something wrong with ?
<codeworkx> remove the -common there
<diego-ch> ok
<codeworkx> wtf is this?
<codeworkx> TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM := montblanc
<codeworkx> TARGET_BOOTLOADER_BOARD_NAME := montblanc
<codeworkx> isn't this a sony board?
<diego-ch> yep but samsung named it montblanc too
<codeworkx> your kernel doesn't build
<diego-ch> $ getprop | grep montblanc
<diego-ch> [ro.board.platform]: [montblanc]
<diego-ch> [ro.product.board]: [montblanc]
<codeworkx> ump/Kbuild
<codeworkx> ump/Makefile
<codeworkx> mali/Kbuild
<codeworkx> svnversion | grep -qv exported && svnversion
<codeworkx> = fail
<codeworkx> svnversion | grep -E "^[0-9]+" && svnversion
<codeworkx> diego-ch: fix it plx
<diego-ch> ok
<diego-ch> one moment
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<Goliath23> hi
<Goliath23> someone here with the ability to edit ? I think I have additions which I can reproduce since early december, following the nightlies regularly. Or is this the wrong place and time to report such things?
<Goliath23> ups
<Goliath23> just saw the user channel
<diego-ch> codeworkx: no svnversion on ump/Makefile
<diego-ch> ops is on makefile.common
<diego-ch> codeworkx: done it.
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<codeworkx> diego-ch: boot.img is fine
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<codeworkx> diego-ch: the ramdisks get built into the kernel
<codeworkx> file /stage1/boot.cpio ../../ramdisk.cpio 644 0 0
<codeworkx> file /stage1/recovery.cpio ../../ramdisk-recovery.cpio 644 0 0
<codeworkx> into the 1st stage
<diego-ch> hmm
<codeworkx> so kernel = boot.img
<diego-ch> but only 4.7mb?
<codeworkx> cause you're having module
<codeworkx> /android/jellybean/out/target/product/janice/system/lib/modules/bthid.ko
<codeworkx> /android/jellybean/out/target/product/janice/system/lib/modules/hwreg.ko
<codeworkx> /android/jellybean/out/target/product/janice/system/lib/modules/rng-core.ko
<codeworkx> /android/jellybean/out/target/product/janice/system/lib/modules/scsi_wait_scan.ko
<codeworkx> /android/jellybean/out/target/product/janice/system/lib/modules/j4fs.ko
<diego-ch> oh
<codeworkx> also 700kb
<diego-ch> I'll compile a new zip now to see if it boots
<diego-ch> thanks for helping :)
<xUser> hey codeworkx
xUser is now known as iKillCypher
<iKillCypher> lol Im getting xerpia z soon :P are the driver open source ??
<iKillCypher> cause you seem to be into xerpia development too
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: there are always closed source parts
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<iKillCypher> but I hear they help in AOSP Development and request of the open source developers
<iKillCypher> man look at samsung what the fuck have they done they REFUSED to fix bugs
<iKillCypher> I have lost respect for them just freaking sad
<iKillCypher> and codeworkx what is cm10i9100vsync ? vsing the normal CM10 ??
<codeworkx> nothing special
<iKillCypher> people are saying it is smooth
<iKillCypher> cause of vsync
<iKillCypher> o.o
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<codeworkx> iKillCypher: cm 10 is dead
<iKillCypher> I meant 10.1
<iKillCypher> sorry
<iKillCypher> I hope that isnt dead
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: without vsync your display would stay black
<iKillCypher> so why not merge it with the official CM10.1
<iKillCypher> so people dont need to use mcm deal
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: without vsync your display would stay black
<codeworkx> does 10.1 stay black?
<codeworkx> no
<iKillCypher> nope
<codeworkx> now use brain
<iKillCypher> yes so what is so special about his build
<iKillCypher> that everyone is going crazy about
<codeworkx> no idea
<codeworkx> probably nothing like always
<iKillCypher> bro chill man
<iKillCypher> we have been buddies
<iKillCypher> :(
<iKillCypher> anyway :P Xerpia Z will soon stop all of this man switching of ROMS over and over again
<codeworkx> maybe
<codeworkx> if you wanna be 100% sure, buy nexus
<iKillCypher> I contacted samsung on the delay of SGS2 they never reply
<iKillCypher> of JB
<codeworkx> they never replied to "can we have a clear statement about jb exynos sources?"
<codeworkx> not a single word
<iKillCypher> haix man I feel so sad holding this device I cant even get anything good of it the battery life is horrible and you guys are trying your best to do alot but you guys cant due to resource limited
<iKillCypher> remember the bug I reported about Yahama chip :P they never fixed it
<iKillCypher> atleast it works now on cm 10.1 decently thanks to paulk reversed information but it is incompleted from last I hear
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<Entropy512> <iKillCypher> yes so what is so special about his build - placebo
<Entropy512> he's using the exact same vsync placebocomposer we were forced to use for 10.1
<Entropy512> er to be specific
<Entropy512> vsync passthrough placebocomposer
<Espenfjo> Also he is doing a lot of OCing etc. etc
<Entropy512> in short, throwing away battery for ui smoothness
<Entropy512> throw clock at it
<Entropy512> probably nothing they can't achieve by changing a min freq in setcpu
<Entropy512> it's fucking sad how many people rave about how awesomesauce a kernel is
<Entropy512> when they can get the same fucking results by changing 1-2 things in SetCPU
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<humberos> Espenfjo|Entropy512: Are you want to use new kernel tree for N80xx devices?
<Entropy512> no, should always maintain a single kernel tree if at all possible, only thing we're lacking is wired keyboard support I think, and someone who actually OWNS one of those could easily pull whatver is needed for that
<Entropy512> btw i'll be away most of the weekend
<Entropy512> cousin's son is entering peace corp
<Entropy512> corps
<Entropy512> and big family gathering before he leaves
<Entropy512> iKillCypher: battery life is fine, that's the only thing that hasn't been an issue for me
<Entropy512> unless I enabled Google Now
<Entropy512> that's an infamous battery hog
<Espenfjo> Entropy512: hm, wired keyboard was working on cm10
<Espenfjo> otg + usb keyboard
<Entropy512> Espenfjo: no it wasn't, it died as soon as we transitioned kernels
<Espenfjo> no
<Entropy512> Espenfjo: I mean Samsung's official wired keyboard
<Espenfjo> oh
<Espenfjo> yeah, thats possible
<Entropy512> that was never working in cm10
<Espenfjo> I just tested a normal usb keyboard
<Entropy512> codeworkx linked to fix for normal usb keyboard in another channel
<Entropy512> that uhid stuff
<Entropy512> samsung's official keyboard dock apparently causes a kernel panic
<Entropy512> don't know why people buy that after all of the negative reviews of it
<Entropy512> it was damaging Tab 10.1 screens by applying too much pressure
<humberos> <Espenfjo> Thanks for bring back the camera. For now the only issue (for me) is sound. It doesn't work with Skype.
<Espenfjo> :)
<Espenfjo> the audio hal is opensource if you want to have a go
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<Entropy512> hmm, take a look at cyanogen's recent audio HAL patches on d2 for inspiration
<Entropy512> ok off to get ready for the day
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<humberos> Entropy512: ok, I'll check d2. Tks!
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<angelsl> lol, seriously?
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<rhcp> so did anyone find out if codeworkx was drunk? :P
<rhcp> ps gam
<rhcp> ps good am
<rhcp> went to bed at 5am :)
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