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<rhcp> ncftp ...lic_html/note2/i317/cm > put /mnt/SSD/android/cm10.1R1/out/target/product/t0lte/
<rhcp> ETA: 4:47 2.50/172.26 MB 604.73 kB/s
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<Jiangyi> rhcp: Up and running yet/
<Jiangyi> ?
<Turilo> testing in 5
<rhcp> nope. just got back :)
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<rhcp> Im guessing cam is not working on 10.1
<rhcp> no camera apk
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<rhcp> codeworkx great work man
<rhcp> i made a few calls perfecto
<rhcp> telephony crashed on me once
<rhcp> but it was no big deal
<rhcp> wish i had the log
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<rhcp> bt audio too
<rhcp> i got a log of that
<rhcp> slayher: long time
<rhcp> what brings you? :)
<rhcp> D/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1984): getDeviceForStrategy: check !mA2dpSuspended is removed for bt with S voice!!
<rhcp> I'm guessing this is the culprit
<rhcp> spamming logcat
<rhcp> and
<rhcp> E/BTLD ( 3411): # WARNING : BTU HCI(id=0) command timeout. opcode=0x803
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<madmack> slick_rick, go for it man. no problemo
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<sawjai> anyone encounter this while building? Error: selected processor does not support Thumb mode
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<Espenfjo> I guess your process doesnt have any thumbs then
<cdesai> does it have an ARM ?
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<stickyboy> Meanies
<slick_rick> These guys have jokes huh
<slick_rick> ;)
<angelsl> anyone familiar enough with ARM to like disassemble it? ._.
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<sawjai> sorry, was disconnected.
<stickyboy> angelsl: Ask giantpune\
<stickyboy> I saw him wearing a ninja costume once
<angelsl> last seen 4.67 days ago
<angelsl> meh
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<raymanfx> anyone here developing for sony devices?
<raymanfx> most likely for the NXT lineup?
<raymanfx> or, more important, for qc msm8660 chips?
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<raymanfx> !geo user bytecode
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<bytecode> Huh?
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<scar45> Hi all, i just popped in to give a thanks to codeworkx and madmack for obtaining official CM support for the t0lte! Cheers ;)
<scar45> (well, including of course all other devs/people who helped out!)
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<slick_rick> madmack: thanks! Good job on official status :)
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: i dropped the decompiled version rhcp did earlier for that file in the teamhacksung db
<codeworkx> ok
<sbrissen> I'm merging the cdma note 2's but there will still be an i605 and l900 device repo because they have slightly different partitions
<codeworkx> np
<codeworkx> sbrissen: if you set up wiki, dont forgett
<sbrissen> k
<rhcp> codeworkx :)
<rhcp> already done for madmack and thanks sbrissen for putting in the db
<rhcp> ;)
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<rhcp> anyone come up with a BT fix i was looking at
<rhcp> around
<codeworkx> using samsungs
<codeworkx> or wait for a opensource hal
<rhcp> that works?
<rhcp> the audio.a2dp?
<rhcp> you missed an assert
<rhcp> I'm adding
<codeworkx> which?
<rhcp> i317m
<rhcp> SGH-I317M,I317m
<codeworkx> another variant? xD
<rhcp> you can add if you can
<rhcp> Yea
<rhcp> canada
<codeworkx> not needed
<codeworkx> isn't it t0att too?
<rhcp> it won't flash
<rhcp> tested yesterday
<rhcp> :)
<codeworkx> gimme build.prop
<codeworkx> from stock rom
<rhcp> yea, hes offline
<rhcp> sucks
<rhcp> trying to find a stock rom
<rhcp> do you have an account here?
<rhcp> someone is DL it for me
<rhcp> if you arent
<rhcp> oh i see what you mean you are using that .so
<rhcp> but it doesn't allow audio to pass :)
<rhcp> this is for
<rhcp> Bell (SGH-I317M), Rogers (SGH-I317M).
<rhcp> Telus (SGH-I317M), SaskTel (SGH-I317M) and Virgin Mobile version (SGH-I317M)
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<rhcp> codeworkx do you need that a2dp so in C?
<rhcp> :)
<codeworkx> no
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<rhcp> can supply if needed to fix a2dp
<rhcp> :)
<rhcp> let me know
<codeworkx> i dont want to fix a2dp
<codeworkx> i wanna opensource audio hal
<codeworkx> which fixed a2dp magically
<rhcp> heh
<rhcp> just saying
<rhcp> for the mean time :P
<rhcp> but ok :)
<sbrissen> opensource a2dp works
<rhcp> with current setup?
<rhcp> thats the only thing we found broken
<rhcp> prettty much
<sbrissen> well atleast on cm10 it did, not sure on 10.1
<rhcp> ah yea it did
<rhcp> was wondering if possible to adapt it to cm10.1 in the mean time.
* rhcp uses BT a lot :)
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<rhcp> i thought i did that
<rhcp> no?
<codeworkx> dunno
<rhcp> ah no i don't think so
<rhcp> sec
<rhcp> ah friend not online.
<rhcp> ill mail him
<codeworkx> I/CSD_CLIENT( 1974): csd_client_init done.
<codeworkx> V/CSD_CLIENT( 1974): enable_device(0,0)
<codeworkx> D/CSD_CLIENT( 1974): get_sample_rate: Rate 16000
<codeworkx> D/CSD_CLIENT( 1974): get_sample_rate: Rate 16000
<codeworkx> at least, i can call it from my hal
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<sbrissen> any sound?
<codeworkx> no
<sbrissen> are you using the audio from qcom?
<codeworkx> E/CSD_CLIENT( 1974): enable_device: QMI - result 1, error 46, CSD - valid 1, status 74521
<codeworkx> E/audio_hw_primary( 1974): s_start_voice_call: csd_client error -1
<codeworkx> E/CSD_CLIENT( 1974): csd_client_start_voice: Error -1 enabling device
<codeworkx> no, own hal
<rhcp> codeworkx I can give you not a good version of what it looks like but maybe help
<rhcp> if you can tell me functions
<rhcp> with hopper i can generate psusdo C code
<rhcp> its not 100% as hex
<sbrissen> are you calling libcsd or audio-ril?
<codeworkx> libcsd
<rhcp> example codeworkx
<sbrissen> gotcha
<rhcp> if thats good enough. i can do them
<rhcp> let me know
<rhcp> csd_client_enable_device
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<sbrissen> ty
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<rhcp> full file
<rhcp> if you are on OSX i can give you something that will do this
<rhcp> if its good enough for what you need
<rhcp> just hit me up in PM
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<rhcp> codeworkx also, google now when it asks you to talk. it doesn't pic you up. so i assume something with one of the mics?
<rhcp> just fyi
<rhcp> only two things
<rhcp> so I'm leading to guess maybe speak phone don't work
<rhcp> as far as talking back
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<codeworkx> uhm
<codeworkx> V/CSD_CLIENT( 4755): enable_device(55,-1098152848)
<codeworkx> xD
<codeworkx> should be 6, 4
<rhcp> using my stuff? or?
<rhcp> :)
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<rhcp> codeworkx well shit
<rhcp> that was fast
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<a3Dman> good work on t0lte... didn't imagine that it would have such a small known issues list.
<rhcp> i did
<rhcp> lol
<rhcp> hence i asked codeworkx
<rhcp> i wonder what the above OSS audio gives :)
<rhcp> id attempt a build to find out
<rhcp> I just got a blast of static
<a3Dman> what's new about this device? I think making CM to run on it wasn't _very_ difficult
<rhcp> to keep it up to date is
<rhcp> due to the chip
<a3Dman> true, if OSS HAL makes bluetooth working that would be perfect :)
<rhcp> well, i just got my first blast of static on a call
<rhcp> so perhaps the OSS will fix that
<a3Dman> good news
<a3Dman> people at XDA should be damn happy, it was so fast :)
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Most of the work was already done since it uses many of the same components as the I9300, RIL was the only issue afaik
<a3Dman> I see...
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: got nex yet?
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... t0lte doesn't have the weird issues that i9300 have?
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: UPS still has it T_T
<a3Dman> well, I remember someone telling me that UPS sucks badly...
<rhcp> i would not be surprised if its not even on UPS
<rhcp> and its just telling you it is
<rhcp> have you called?
<rhcp> google had many re-routed back to goog
<Jiangyi> It's stuck at destination scan
<rhcp> call and find out why
<Jiangyi> At the facility 30 min from my house :/
<rhcp> it might be google doing a call back
<Jiangyi> They did say til the end of the day, so I'll give them a couple more hours
<rhcp> of the item
<rhcp> just warning you
<Jiangyi> Nah, several other people got theirs today who lived around here
* Jiangyi stalks the XDA N4 thread :-P
<rhcp> not much to stalk
<rhcp> its just a nexus
<rhcp> :/
<rhcp> and a shitty one at that
<a3Dman> rhcp: would they simply do a call back after all this?
<rhcp> Sure
<rhcp> many people got their orders re-routed back to goog
<rhcp> after shipment
<a3Dman> that's an overkill to me
<rhcp> why?
<a3Dman> after all waiting, it goes back?
<a3Dman> lol
<rhcp> person gets unit with bad secure elements bugs goog
<rhcp> they can't do anything
<rhcp> because its fucked
<rhcp> now they get no call
<rhcp> ask jcase. he had 2 or 3
<a3Dman> so the situation is real bad...
<rhcp> all of their shit is bad
<rhcp> N7 = same issues
<rhcp> N10 = Same issues
<a3Dman> anyway, don't they check it before shipping it, rather than just rerouting it bad?
<rhcp> obv not
<rhcp> this time someone checked 3
<rhcp> 2 were DOA
<rhcp> 1 the screen fell out
* a3Dman is not very familiar with shipping procedures
<a3Dman> that's fucked up
<rhcp> they have a spot where they keep these devices. and they get work orders and ship
<rhcp> people sent back prob 1/2 they ordered so google execs went and opened up a few units
<rhcp> its pretty simple. they are in no rush for anything. iphone/samsung and everyone else has them killed
<rhcp> so why bother with no Q/A?
<rhcp> i don't get it
<rhcp> why show fail?
<a3Dman> I see
<rhcp> sammy fucked the N7 / LG fucked the N4
<rhcp> simply don't get it
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<Jiangyi> You mean N10
<rhcp> N10 has its own problems
<rhcp> as well
<rhcp> hence no stock
<Jiangyi> nono
<Jiangyi> sammy can't screw up the N7, since that was Asus :-P
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<rhcp> well w/e
<rhcp> they are all fucked
<rhcp> period
<rhcp> GN is the only one SEMI fucked. and they don't sell it anymore
<Jiangyi> Either ways, there are people in this channel who will argue with you all day about this :-P
<rhcp> stupid
<sbrissen> codeworkx: having an issue with the l900 internal sd on 10.1, i605 works fine
<sbrissen> E/cutils ( 2751): Failed to mkdir(/mnt/shell/emulated/0): Read-only file system
<sbrissen> E/dalvikvm( 2751): cannot mountExternalStorage(): Read-only file system
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: init derp?
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<sbrissen> nope, sharing the init with i605
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<sbrissen> yea
<codeworkx> strange
<sbrissen> yea on cm10 they had the same init, and its working for i605
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<sbrissen> only thing I have left to bring l900 up to the i605
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<RHCP-iPhone> Yawn testing GPS
<RHCP-iPhone> Working fine
<a3Dman> why shouldn't GPS work on your iPhone?
<RHCP-iPhone> Testing for sbrissen on note 2
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<codeworkx> rhcp: does your BT pair?
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<sbrissen> bt seems flaky here
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
<scar45> codeworkx, I don't want to interfere with what's going on in here, but after reading this --> -- I just have to thank you SO much for working on the t0lte...makes me sad to see how Samsung treats devs and the community, but I suppose some things never change...cheers man
<codeworkx> sbrissen_gone: a2dp is broken for sure
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<Entropy512> sbrissen_gone: BTW, have you tried flashing the GSM package to see what actually breaks? I've been hearing people claim that the only thing you need to do is change some APNs around...
<slick_rick> Entropy512: you mean cm10.1 for t0lte? i flashed it on my sprint gnote2 and had no data
<Entropy512> slick_rick: ah. odd, I've seen various people claim they were able to flash N7105 stuff onto VZW Note2 devices
<Entropy512> although
<Entropy512> they may have been still using it on a GSM network
<slick_rick> Entropy512: dont we use different RILs?
<slick_rick> like cdma notes are using ro.telephony.ril_class=SamsungCDMAQualcommRIL vs gsm notes are using? idk exactly. just guessing
<Entropy512> I need to check, but in general, Qualcomm has been very good about RIL commonality
<Entropy512> ah but I guess that's an exception
<Entropy512> suckage
<Entropy512> :(
<slick_rick> lol
<slick_rick> right now sprint gnote is acting very weird
<Entropy512> the cross-flashing must only work if you're using a Verizon device with a GSM SIM on a GSM carrier
<slick_rick> yea
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<slick_rick> sbrissen has the vzw gnote up and running well on cm10.1/ however the sprint gnote is having sdcard issues, gplay store fc's, etc
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