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<DooMMasteR> is there any particular reason why photosphere is not available in CM10.1 on the Galaxy S3 i9300?
<Jiangyi> DooMMasteR: Proprietary to Google Nexus devices
<DooMMasteR> so missing DSP code?
<DooMMasteR> or how are they implementing it?
<DooMMasteR> runs with ro.product.model=GT-I9300
<DooMMasteR> so it should yet work on the i9300
<Entropy512> DooMMasteR: it explicitly checks that it is running on a Nexus
<Entropy512> there are hacked APKs that sorta work
<Entropy512> but not well on exynos4 due to camera needing tweaks to play nice on exynos4
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<DooMMasteR> hmm
<_paco_> is it right that repo sync fails because of merging a lot in the last 2 days?
<Entropy512> could be, plenty of reasons for it to fail
<Entropy512> github derps a lot
<_paco_> then we should just herp
<rhcp> heh @madmack
<rhcp> got me to decompile another
<rhcp> soon to build a web proxy to decompile arm files :P
<rhcp> pay per use
<Jiangyi> Seems AdamOutler didn't know Sammy puts out borked sources :-P
<rhcp> I agree
<rhcp> it took JT i think a month+ to get the charge kernel to build and boot
<rhcp> they left something out
<rhcp> i believe it was an extraversion or something stupid too
<Jiangyi> According to cody, they just disabled the GPU in Tab 2 sources.
<rhcp> no clue
<rhcp> Im just the man decompiling files
<rhcp> :P
<Jiangyi> Heh, still doing more than I am :-P
<rhcp> i wish they would just make a note2 sized device that wasn't a whore to get aosp on
<Jiangyi> Well, Xperia Z will come close when it gets released :-P
<Jiangyi> 5 inches
<rhcp> meh
<rhcp> i just want a fucking google device
<rhcp> so i don't need to bother with bs
<Entropy512> <rhcp> i believe it was an extraversion or something stupid too - it's a real bitch to get a device to boot with those proprietary blob modules
<Entropy512> if the kernel version string changes AT ALL it fails
<rhcp> i know
<rhcp> that is what it wa
<rhcp> 99%
<rhcp> aint this a bitch
<rhcp> I think i need to reboot. fucking hackintosh and bluetooth
<Jiangyi> Blah, I have to go back to a broken Nokia flip phone starting next week :-|
* Jiangyi will suffer smartphone/ROM flashing withdrawal
<rhcp> quick reboot all works
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<white> does anyone here know the correct github repo for p5 kernel?
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<Altermind> Anyone actally alive ? :P
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<sw_> hallo zusammen
<sw_> kurze frage: ich hab das gefühl als wäre die WLAN Konnektivität auf meinem Galaxy S3 mit CM 10.1 schlechter als mit der Stock ROM. Kann das jemand bestätigen?
<_paco_> u make a lot of friends here, talking german
<_paco_> USER-CHANNEL #teamhacksung-support
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<soja> hi
<soja> is there a way to fix the echo in call?
<soja> i'm using the latest nightly
<codeworkx> disable dual mic
<codeworkx> phone app -> settings
<soja> there's no such option
<codeworkx> voice cancellation
<codeworkx> or something like this
<codeworkx> which device?
<soja> i9300
<codeworkx> there is
<soja> there noise supression
<soja> that's it?
<pl> soja, yes, that's it
<soja> i already disabled it
<soja> it didn't work
<soja> do I need to reboot the phone or something?
<pl> I don't think so. Maybe the problem is not on your side?
<codeworkx> soja: sell it and buy a nexus
<soja> i already tried calling several phones
<pl> codeworkx, will the noise suppression option be back on the i9100G (cm10.1)?
<soja> there's no nexus in my country
<codeworkx> it was never in
<codeworkx> since nobody reported back
<codeworkx> so i dont care anymore
<pl> what a pity
<soja> so, there's nothing i can do?
<codeworkx> soja: do you use any case with your phone?
<soja> no
<soja> when I mute the call the echo stop
<soja> so the problem is in my phone
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<soja> so, no fix for the echo problem?
<soja> sorry to bother, but i was supposed to have this phone ready until tonight
<rhcp> from samsun
<rhcp> g
<rhcp> decompiled :)
<Espenfjo> nice
<rhcp> yea
<rhcp> did you see the other i did?
<rhcp> for him
<Espenfjo> No
<rhcp> sec
<Espenfjo> :)
<Espenfjo> nice and readable
<rhcp> not sure if it helps you guys :)
<rhcp> but keep
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<Pengodam> thank
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<rhcp> codeworkx lolz
<detule> woot usb on 3.4...
<rhcp> Id like to get my own device in CM :)
<diego-ch> codeworkx: u there? jb update for the gt-i9070 is out
<rhcp> so i like it :P
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<diego-ch> weird thing is... samsung changed the boardname from ux500 to montblanc ( isnt that a sony device? )
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<diego-ch> samsung also released the sources
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<rhcp> codeworkx Ill get it done later on
<rhcp> for you
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<diego-ch> anyone knows which sony device has a board named montblanc?
<diego-ch> I saw it few months ago and it has the same SoC as the i9070 (STE U8500)
<diego-ch> but I cant find it
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<soja> is there any plans to fix the echo during call problem?
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<slick_rick> 1:09 PM <codeworkx> soja: do you use any case with your phone?
<slick_rick> 1:09 PM <soja> no
<slick_rick> 1:16 PM <soja> when I mute the call the echo stop
<slick_rick> 1:16 PM <soja> so the problem is in my phone
<slick_rick> sounds like you need to fix your phone
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<soja> it was working just right before I installed cyanogen
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<soja> I just installed the stock rom and the echo problem persisted
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<soja> so it must be in the hardware
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<rhcp> slick_rick I wish sbrissen_gone would look at the audio for ATT/TMO
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