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<Entropy512> codeworkx: or I rant about it on G+
<Entropy512> :P
<Entropy512> when it's in the "broke-ass shit that we understand but can't use" category
<Entropy512> like the stupid Gingerbread leftovers
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<iKillCypher> Hello
<iKillCypher> code !!! lol saw the build without keyboard gitch mali r2p4 ? and galloc memory leaks ?!! warum warum warum !!!
<codeworkx> cuase
<iKillCypher> cuase ?!
<codeworkx> cause
<iKillCypher> cause of what
<codeworkx> no idea
<iKillCypher> :S no idea what is causing the memory leaks, how did you fix keyboard gitch ? mali r2p4 ? or updated to samsung one ?!
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<codeworkx> just used the old leaking r2p4
<codeworkx> choose a issue
<codeworkx> a) glitches b) leak
<iKillCypher> how bad is the leak actually ?
<codeworkx> very bad
<iKillCypher> humm galloc leaks uh :( no idea why is the leak happening maybe could write a trace program to see what is going wrong and reversing and patching it lol too much work !!
<codeworkx> why should i?
<Espenfjo> You do that, iKillCypher
<codeworkx> samsung is acting like "we don't care"
<codeworkx> so why should we?
<iKillCypher> samsung is using r2p4 right how come they dont suffer from shit !!
<codeworkx> ask them
<iKillCypher> and mali is by ARM Holdings right o.o
<Espenfjo> Mali is Norse power
<Espenfjo> So blame samsung
<Espenfjo> :P
<iKillCypher> im susprise that even they have issues with mali
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<iKillCypher> lol they never responded after that ?
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<Espenfjo> It isnt leaking on the insignal boards
<iKillCypher> o.o
<iKillCypher> so that guy has limited information too ?!
<Espenfjo> Hence all the douches beeing so frantic about the odroid/insignal boards
<Espenfjo> The stuff from Samsung Mobile behaves extremely different from the stuff from Samsung LSI
<Espenfjo> So any reference code for _exynos_ will not match the stuff that Samsung Mobile delivers
<iKillCypher> wow
<iKillCypher> now I know why samsung took so long to get JB working for SGS2
<iKillCypher> well I rest my case I regret buying SGS2
<iKillCypher> phone is a failure
<iKillCypher> hopefully my next target with sony wont :P Xerpia Z <3
<iKillCypher> lol
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<Entropy512> <Espenfjo> The stuff from Samsung Mobile behaves extremely different from the stuff from Samsung LSI - actually, the published source from LSI is extremely different from ANY handset/tablet
<Entropy512> can't blame Mobile for this when Meizu is using ION for video buffers too
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: for bt incall audio should the sample rate be 8000?
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: seems like
<codeworkx> sbrissen: csd is using it. if you use 16000 then you get robot voice :-D
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<sbrissen> incall bt is pretty scratchy
<codeworkx> look at the logs
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<w00tc0d3> Entropy512: Espenfjo: why don't you request documentation @ Samsung under a NDA?
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<Entropy512> w00tc0d3: because the nature of my work means that signing an NDA with a foreign company could get complicated
<Entropy512> w00tc0d3: because that puts the burden of the effort on ME
<Entropy512> w00tc0d3: because no other mainstream SoC manufacturer except NVidia withholds this shit
<Entropy512> and we all know what the community thinks of NVidia after the big "fuck you" from Linus
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<Entropy512> oh yeah and because NDA or not, Samsung just wants us to go away - Sprint FL24 is clear evidence of THAT
<Entropy512> off to work
<Entropy512> i have tried multiple times to work with them instead of against them, and every step of the way
<Entropy512> I have been lied to and had my time wasted
<Entropy512> enough is enough
<Entropy512> ok really off to work now
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<drupol> it is me or the Sony Camera are not as good as the one from Sammy ?
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<angelsl> Samsung deserves a huge "fuck you" too, from Torvalds
<angelsl> what the hell is the keyboard glitch anyway? i've never noticed it
<codeworkx> something mali related
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<angelsl> ah
<angelsl> lol, geez, i'd deal with that instead of memleaks anyday
<sbrissen> yea exactly
<angelsl> i wonder what causes that bug though..
<angelsl> it's probably in those mali blobs
<w00tc0d3> anyone wants give me access to a server where I can build my nightlies on??
<w00tc0d3> please :)
<angelsl> what project is this, w00tc0d3?
<angelsl> i don't have a server for you, just curious
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<w00tc0d3> angelsl: vanilla AOSP, with mods along the way, as best worked out as possible, and they mightn't affect the performance :)
<angelsl> i see
<angelsl> do you absolutely need nightlies? instead of just pushing your own test builds?
<w00tc0d3> angelsl: The point is, I can't even build on my PC, because it's taking 3 hours to build a build :(
<angelsl> eh, ouch
<angelsl> even with ccache set to -M0?
<w00tc0d3> I really don't know :(
<w00tc0d3> ICS took already 3 hours
<w00tc0d3> I don't want to know what it is now :(
<angelsl> JB should be comparable to ICS
<angelsl> don't worry
<w00tc0d3> hmm ok
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<codeworkx> w00tc0d3: huh? a build takes around 6 minutes
<w00tc0d3> codeworkx: On your super-kick-azz PC maybe :) But not on my poor, little, first-gen Core i5, with 8GB RAM and the slowest HDD you can get
<codeworkx> hahaha
<codeworkx> it's just a i7
<w00tc0d3> i saw your setup ;) you have a SSD, (OC'd, don't remember that well), core i7 sandy bridge, 16GB RAM :)
<codeworkx> 32gb ram ;-)
<w00tc0d3> OC'd core i7
<w00tc0d3> ah
<w00tc0d3> you upgraded :p
<w00tc0d3> codeworkx: I'm saving up money for such a box, do you have an price indicator for me? :p
<codeworkx> uhm... lemme see
<codeworkx> 1200 eur?
<codeworkx> highly depends on gpu and so on ;-)
<w00tc0d3> 1200 eur, hmm, it's a lot, but well, should make an app then :)
<w00tc0d3> codeworkx: if it are 6 minutes builds (clean?) then that's enough as buildbot :)
<cdesai> you can haz better
<cdesai> dual Xeon with 64 G RAM
<w00tc0d3> cdesai: like I have money for that
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<w00tc0d3> codeworkx: maybe is openmoko something for you?
<w00tc0d3> codeworkx: it's fully opensource, wifi, bluetooth, audio, mainboard, only the Omap3XXX isn't
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<paulk-desktop> w00tc0d3, the omap3xxx on the openmoko?
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<codeworkx> omap3 is ancient
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<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: Yeah, it's fully opensource except the CPU/GPU :)
<w00tc0d3> codeworkx: Might be. But it's fully opensource. Isn't that awesome?
<paulk-desktop> w00tc0d3, then I guess you're talking about the GTA04
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: Indeed ;)
<paulk-desktop> (I'm the one who is working to port it to Android btw :)
<w00tc0d3> Nice :)
<paulk-desktop> it's actually DM37x
<paulk-desktop> like the beagleboard xM
<paulk-desktop> and our issue is that there is no omap3 kernel for ICS that works
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: =/
<paulk-desktop> there is only one 3.0 omap3 kernel on omapzoom and it has severe power management issues
<paulk-desktop> that caused IRQs to be dropped for instancze
<paulk-desktop> that's really a shame
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: Aren't there any plans to upgrade to i.MX6Quad? :)
<paulk-desktop> MX6 ? Is that a SoC?
<w00tc0d3> Yeah
<w00tc0d3> I'll link
<w00tc0d3> moment
<paulk-desktop> well I guess OMAP3 would be OK if there was a decent kernel available
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<paulk-desktop> it's fast enough, no problem about it
<paulk-desktop> ah yeah, freescale
<paulk-desktop> anyway the DM37x is already meant to be an update of the old Samsung SoC that was on the gta04 (neo freerunner)
<paulk-desktop> it's not meant to be a high-end phone either
<w00tc0d3> ah
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: i.MX6Q isn't THAT high end ;)
<paulk-desktop> (no camera, screen is resistive, etc)
<paulk-desktop> I guess it'd be very long to change now
<w00tc0d3> AFAIK, Freescale has reference mainboards...
<paulk-desktop> probably, I know someone who works with freescale boards
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<paulk-desktop> however there is probably less Android-specific support
<paulk-desktop> (on userspace I mean)
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: They released FULL sources =)
<paulk-desktop> ah?
<w00tc0d3> for Android
<paulk-desktop> even video acceleration?
<w00tc0d3> IIRC, yes, let me redownload them
<paulk-desktop> ok
<paulk-desktop> might be very interesting indeed
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: they even released patches for frameworks/base et cetera
<w00tc0d3> uploading it now on
<paulk-desktop> yuk
<rhcp> hey codeworkx to make the camera work better on the ex4 chipset would any files decompiled help? :)
<w00tc0d3> there you can download it :)
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: ya got it? :D
<paulk-desktop> w00tc0d3, needs login it seems
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop:
<w00tc0d3> ;-)
<paulk-desktop> right
<paulk-desktop> I'll take a look -- thanks for the info w00tc0d3
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: I'm open to get involved in development of open hardware/software. Ping me if you think you got something interesting to do for a beginner like me :)
<paulk-desktop> ok but I guess in any case gta04 will keep omap3, it's just interesting to learn about the freescale SoC
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: maybe something for gta05 ;-)
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: You're doing pretty impressive stuff BTW. Like opensourcing of Yamaha audio on the SGS2! :D
<paulk-desktop> I'm doing galaxy s2 camera ATM
<paulk-desktop> and thanks :)
<codeworkx> rhcp: a whole rewrite would be good. but thats to much for this life.
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<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: bn encore aka nook. think they're using 3.0 omap on cm 9/10
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<paulk-desktop> \o/
<paulk-desktop> thanks
<codeworkx> think nemith it is
<paulk-desktop> seems based on the branch that failed
<paulk-desktop> however I'll retry with that kernel
<paulk-desktop> note that my device is not exactly omap3, it's DM37x
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<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: did you manage to apply the patches? I haven't =/
<paulk-desktop> I didn't try to
<paulk-desktop> anyway it has non-free software for many components
<paulk-desktop> it's not any better than the rest
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: I think everything opensource is an utopia, which we'll never reach.
<paulk-desktop> full support with only free software, given that we only consider userspace, is probably doable, the last missing bit is usually only graphics acceleration
<paulk-desktop> and there is LIMA, etc
<paulk-desktop> and anyways, it works well without any non-free components too
<w00tc0d3> paulk-desktop: I don't know if you've already seen this, but anyways:
<paulk-desktop> oh yes I've read it a while ago
<paulk-desktop> thanks
<paulk-desktop> I'll go, bye
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<Espenfjo> *sigh*
<Espenfjo> samsung
<w00tc0d3> Espenfjo: ?
<Espenfjo> They modify stuff
<Espenfjo> not some tweaks here and there
<Espenfjo> They break all the shit
<w00tc0d3> Espenfjo: Freescale.
<w00tc0d3> I never buy Exynos again
<w00tc0d3> or Sammy at all
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<rhcp> codeworkx LOLZ but, nothing i could decompile for youw ould make it better?
<rhcp> the constant crashes are very annoying :)
<rhcp> also possibly anything RIL related i could decompile?
<rhcp> :)
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<Entropy512> rhcp: ril crashes? might be that HSIC instability bullshit that's been plaguing us since I9100 update7
<rhcp> not sure about crash
<rhcp> but its all over the place
<rhcp> 3G->H->H+
<rhcp> and i know for a fact I'm 100% signal
<rhcp> ATT sim
<Entropy512> um that's normal
<Entropy512> CM doesn't lie about radio state like AT&T's shit does
<rhcp> nexus doesn't do that
<rhcp> same sim
<Entropy512> I think some qcom radios lie about radio state at a very low level
<Entropy512> i've seen that on mint too
<rhcp> thats pure google code
<Entropy512> we had big concerns about radio power management for a while due to not seeing it drop to 3G when idle
<Entropy512> rhcp: not necessarily the baseband firmware
<rhcp> also the sound is better
<Entropy512> I think qcom radios lie about radio state
<rhcp> but its still flaky as hell on BT
<rhcp> sure why not
<rhcp> even disas one? :)
<Entropy512> except maybe samsunged qcom radios
<rhcp> that all do
<rhcp> :P
<Entropy512> I know all samsung devices I've ever worked with at least don't lie about radio state
<Entropy512> they properly drop to 3G when idle
<rhcp> oh they do
<rhcp> lol
<rhcp> check out a S2
<rhcp> on sprint
<rhcp> STOCK
<rhcp> god does it lie
<rhcp> lol
<codeworkx> rhcp: you should only get hsdpa+ when there's traffic
<codeworkx> otherwise it falls back
<rhcp> shrug on nexus it sits on H+
<rhcp> why i asked
<codeworkx> not for me
<codeworkx> nexus 4
<rhcp> i don't use that crap
<rhcp> galaxy nexus
<rhcp> they are refreshing the 4
<rhcp> if you haven't seen
<rhcp> LG fucked the building on it
<Entropy512> refreshing it?
<rhcp> hence its never in stock
<rhcp> Yea
<rhcp> white one is coming
<rhcp> and new batches
<rhcp> check you will see the status change
<Entropy512> well we all know that it's finally back in stock
<Jiangyi> rhcp: You have noticed that there's plenty of stock now right?
<Entropy512> i ordered one yesterday... or was it monday?
<rhcp> ships soon
<Jiangyi> 1-2 weeks > my 7-8 weeks :-P
<codeworkx> Entropy512: there are just 11 or 12 revisions
<rhcp> is it worth even getting? vs the galaxy?
<rhcp> for those that have both
<rhcp> i have an intl white nexus
<codeworkx> rhcp: it's a performance boost ;-)
<rhcp> other then that
<rhcp> i don't care :)
<codeworkx> display is better
<rhcp> id prob go with the optimus
<rhcp> with the flash
<rhcp> to make it a nexus 4
<rhcp> full nexus + sd
<rhcp> you seen that?
<codeworkx> yeah
<codeworkx> chad broke his lg
<rhcp> thats sick
<codeworkx> while flashing a nexus modem xD
<rhcp> whats new
<rhcp> he borked his IMEI?
<rhcp> or esn?
<Jiangyi> rhcp: ask chadouming about that, he's the one bringing up CM on the OG
<rhcp> OG?
<Jiangyi> Optimus G :-p
<rhcp> ah
<rhcp> i don't need to ask. its a full nexus 4
<rhcp> lol
<rhcp> with sd card
<rhcp> after the flash
<codeworkx> rhcp: no, baseband is completely dead and the repair centre didn't do anything
<rhcp> i never flash radios anymore
<rhcp> I did it with the thunderbolt in fastboot
<rhcp> bricked
<rhcp> then did with refurb 20 times
<Jiangyi> Probably could be borked in a variety of ways :/
<rhcp> no brick
<rhcp> lol
<rhcp> oh hya
<rhcp> i made an apk to brick it
<rhcp> thats how you swap on vzw
<Jiangyi> If it becomes an N4, then it probably won't even read the SDcard slot
<rhcp> you need like 5 bricks
<rhcp> I'm sure you can hack it to read SD
<codeworkx> everything is possible
<rhcp> all because google doesn't want to do it. doesn't mean it can't be coded :)
<rhcp> to me thats the best vs getting a N4
<slick_rick> i thought u already have a n4?
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<rhcp> me? hell no
<rhcp> i almost bought one
<rhcp> i have one as a "test" device
<codeworkx> 2 years back: i can't have a phone without a physical keyboard and sd slot. cody bought htc dream.
<codeworkx> after that: cody bought i9000 and didn't miss the keyboard
<codeworkx> but still wanted the sdslot
<codeworkx> today
<codeworkx> fuck keyboard, fuck sdslot
<codeworkx> dont cary data trash arround
<codeworkx> and you're fine
<rhcp> i used to like keyboards
<rhcp> but nothing big has one
<rhcp> yawn
<rhcp> this lumina 920 is nice
<codeworkx> if there wouldn't be windoze xD
<rhcp> tbh i thought the same
<rhcp> i got it for such a good price
<rhcp> its quite nice
<rhcp> the camera is amazing
<Jiangyi> My friend got that
<Jiangyi> He's obsessed with the build quality :-P
<rhcp> its nice
<rhcp> fuck yes
<rhcp> its like a brick
<rhcp> i could knock you out
<rhcp> best build quality on a phone I've ever seen
<Jiangyi> It's a Nokia, what else fo you expect xD
<rhcp> i haven't googled if you can hack it at all yet
Skrilax_CZ|Away is now known as Skrilax_CZ
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: help me port cm10.1 to at&t sidekick pl0x
<a3Dman> xD
<slick_rick> rhcp: thought u had a vzw n4? or is that the test device?
<Jiangyi> lol how do I do that :-S
<rhcp> I do
<rhcp> test device
<slick_rick> kk
<rhcp> its never been released and never will be
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: it comes with froyo :D
* Jiangyi cringes
<a3Dman> performance is amazing though