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<penguin_> TO ALL CODERS
<penguin_> run redshift as redshift -t 6400:4200 -g 0.77
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<angelsl> uh
<angelsl> i9100 Spanish JB source drop
<angelsl> in case you guys don't already know
<angelsl> ..that's highly useless
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<Rad_Ahemn> Hi there - does anyone have a working gt-p5100 modem?
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<angelsl> are the exynos5 sources completely useless for exynos4?
<iKillCypher> angelsl, why is it useless
<iKillCypher> are the exynos5 sources completely useless for exynos4 << yes
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<codeworkx> sbrissen_gone: gerrit should work now
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<pl> Hi. What's the difference betweek the galaxy s (galaxysmtd) and galaxy s b (galaxysbmtd)?
<pl> Or, better, which models are "B"?
<codeworkx> should be the india model
<codeworkx> aka latin
<stickyboy> I love Latin chicks. And Indian.
<angelsl> codeworkx: is your system time broken?
<angelsl> your latest commit to smdk4210 is 2 minutes in the future as of now
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<codeworkx> angelsl: might be
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<a3Dman> codeworkx: you has the tiem machine :O
<a3Dman> and you don't like it when people ask you about future events xD
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<iKillCypher> uh cool linux 3.0.31 got merged in
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<jcrowgey> hey ths, have you guys done any usb otg?
<jcrowgey> i got an adapter for my tab, i'm running cm10.1, and i've built from your sources before. i see messages from 'tsp' in dmesg, but i don't see a way to enable the keyboard as an input.
<jcrowgey> do you have any suggestions? i'm not finding any relevant threads or links yet.
<jcrowgey> yah, to be more clear, i'm looking for anyone who has used a usb keyboard on cm10.1, or any android, for that matter.
<paulk-desktop> codeworkx, hi! I see that P3100 has a free audio module for CM 10.1 but not for CM 9.0. Where is it from? Is there an ICS version somewhere?
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<jcrowgey> other threads i'm finding about the keyboard seem to suggest that on later android versions, it just works. that makes me hopeful that i'm just missing a setting somewhere.
<jcrowgey> anyone know what 'tf_daemon' is? :)
<jcrowgey> do i need an app for this? usb-otg that is.
<jcrowgey> i think i shouldn't need an app, i'm surprised it doesn't just work.
<jcrowgey> okay, so my next thought is whether this has to do with a missing kernel module or something
<jcrowgey> maybe i should say lsmod or does anyone know if usb otg is a kernel module or kernel option?
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<dark-wulf> Hi everyone, i am looking for the kernel sources for i9300 but cant figure out which i have to clone. I just need to compile some modules for my mobile
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<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: self made :-D
<codeworkx> based on wolfson micro example
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<GNUtoo-m4a785t-m> codeworkx, ah ok, we need to backport it to ics....
<codeworkx> shouldnt be much changes needed
<codeworkx> but who cares about ics? xD
<GNUtoo-m4a785t-m> we're still based on ics....
<codeworkx> srsly?
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<Entropy512> paulk-desktop: btw, thanks for the efforts on mc1n2
<Entropy512> hopefully some of the additional stuff (like BT audio path setup) has been useful to you
<Entropy512> sometime in the next few weeks when I get the time I'll take a crack at dock audio
<Entropy512> shouldn't be too hard
<Entropy512> hardest part has been nandroiding back to something that uses the blobs. :)
<Entropy512> dark-wulf: if you follow the CM10/10.1 build instructions, it'll automatically pull everything
<Entropy512> cm10 kernel for all 4412 devices ist the smdk4412 kernel
<Entropy512> kernel tree
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<paulk-desktop> Entropy512, yeah, thanks for improving it!
<dark-wulf> yes it pulls everything... thants why i only want the kernel ;-) and thanks
<jcrowgey> i think i'm stupmed on this usb keyboard. i've got no leads and no idea where to check next.
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<rhcp> that OSS audio is working good
<rhcp> :)
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<paulk-desktop> nice
<rhcp> its so good now i have to hang up on people and make believe its the phone :P
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<jcrowgey> an app called 'usb host diagnostics' suggests that i have support, so i wonder why i can't use the keyboard.
<jcrowgey> oh, actually, it shows 'kernel, claims support and device detected; rooted api claims support and device detected, but android api claims support, classes found but no device detected.
<jcrowgey> i guess no one here has used a usb keyboard on a galaxy tab
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<jcrowgey> i wonder if it could be a root permission thing, if i need to add the android system to a group that can control usb devices??
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<hmmwhatsthisdo> ...does ICS natively support fuse/otg or something?
<hmmwhatsthisdo> all of the skyrocket kernels that say they support fuse+otg are GB-based
<rhcp> codeworkx did you notice the cam is whacky sometimes? Like it will take a picture then stick -> gal crashes?
<rhcp> Thats the old derp I've seen
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<jcrowgey> hmm, maybe it has to do with udev rules?
<jcrowgey> wow, i guess it was udev rules. i added a rule for my keyboard and then restarted /etc/init.d/userinit and it's working!
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<slick_rick> So when can we expect l900 and i605 to show on