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<f3flight> hi peoplz
<f3flight> I want to patch Note 10.1 JB to make low latency audio
<f3flight> Can anyone point me a direction?
<f3flight> so far I have downloaded kernel source, but I cannot find audio.primary.smdk4x12 in there
<f3flight> I am trying to do stuff similar to what is posted here -
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<yath> can i somehow enable adb on boot where android asks me for the passphrase?
<yath> (for device encryption)
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<pl> codeworkx, Chronus always crashes when the "weather custom location" option is unset. If it set a custom location it works fine. I'm using the latest nightly on a i9100G. Do you want me to send you a log of the crash or something?
<pl> I already tried to clear the app data. The problem is 100% reproducible.
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<pl> codeworkx, here is the error: java.lang.SecurityException: "passive" location provider requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION premission. Apparently Chronus doesn't have that permission (as it shoud be).
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<codeworkx> pl: ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION starts GPS. it's not wanted
<pl> codeworkx, I know, that's what I meant with "as it should be". The network location should be enough for the weather
<codeworkx> pl: patch it
<pl> codeworkx, I actually want to set up a build environment for CM, but it won't happen on these days
<pl> and I think it is a simple bug
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<pl> Is there a place where the camera exposure problem of the i9100G is discussed? A forum thread on or something like that...
<pl> I'd like to try to play with it, but some information to begin with would be useful
<Espenfjo> I think codeworkx is the only one who have been playing around with the G
<codeworkx> pl: what problem?
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<halakar> hey guise! got a quick question. might not be anything wrong, but could be.
<halakar> oops, wrong chan.
<codeworkx> pl: might be a parameter issue. gimme log from stock rom
<pl> codeworkx, basically the camera fails to focus/expose most of the times. This happens especially if I use the "tap to focus" feature. If I just tap on the shutter button it sometimes work. But often do not work in that way too.
<pl> When I "tap to focus" the shutter icon that appears rotates a little bit and then becomes red.
<codeworkx> pl: have fun with it
<pl> There is also another, minor problem that I think it's unrelated do this. In the camera settings menu it is difficult to access the focus modes menu. I have to tap on it a lot of times before the menu opens.
<codeworkx> pl: samsungs camera hal is closed source
<pl> codeworkx, stock rom = samsung rom?
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> or decpmpile their camera app
<codeworkx> pl: rubbing over the menu helps
<codeworkx> its a hdpi issue
<pl> that's my main phone, I won't flash the stock rom back :)
<pl> I noticed that it helps, also using the whole thumb on the screen helps
<codeworkx> select option, rub, select another
<a3Dman> I do the same thing, works good
<pl> codeworkx, it works indeed :)
<pl> so the problem is the closed source camera hal
<pl> (the exposure/focus problem)
<codeworkx> yep
<pl> I don't think it will be easy to fix. I'll keep this phone at the moment, but for the future I think I'll buy nexus phones
<codeworkx> dunno what's going wrong
<codeworkx> the hal reports a autofocus timeout for no reason
<pl> codeworkx, what I find strange is that if I just take the photo, without "tapping to focus", is works most of the times, while tapping to focus doesn't work most of the times
<pl> I wonder where's the difference
<codeworkx> look at the code
<pl> I will
<codeworkx> hardware/ti/omap4xxx/camera
<codeworkx> its the ti hal
<codeworkx> samsungs is based on it
<codeworkx> but they hardly modified everything
<codeworkx> ducati, domx, camera... everything differs much from ti
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* pl just fixed his i9100g's proximity sensor oversensitivity with a small piece of electrical tape.
<pl> should be in topic with this channel :)
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