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<rhcp> Found this interesting
<Jiangyi> Think how that's how it has always been done, which is part of the reason why RIL is so painful :-P
<Jiangyi> But don't quote me on that
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<rhcp> well, decompiling helps
<rhcp> i don't think any RIL implementation was made like this as he said
<rhcp> lol
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<bxfxf> Anyone here?
<nebkat> no
<bxfxf> Sdcard can't be mounted on my android 4.2.Who know how to fix this problem?
<nebkat> read the topic bxfxf
<bxfxf> What topic?Sorry i dont understand.I am new.
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<mpreisler> bxfxf: DEVELOPER ONLY CHANNEL :: USER-CHANNEL #teamhacksung-support
<bxfxf> I am a developer.I am porting cm10.1 for my device.
<bxfxf> I encountered a problem on sdcard mounting.
<bxfxf> The apps cant access the sdcard.But in adb shell,I can access it(/mnt/sdcard0/)
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<Swope> i got werid problem,. i use website to downloads the apps to phone but nothing happens until i open google play. any idea how to fix this? i use latest CM nightly on my i9300.
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<Rebellos> Hey guys, did anyone ever used I9300 kernel with EARLY_PRINTK and DEBUG_LL?
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<Swope> Hi, how do i fix the internal sd card? it says 0 etc
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<Swope> Cwm recovery. can i update the cwm by using update.zip?
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