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<yomi> Could I use two computers together to build android?
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<yomi> I see.
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<Gronkh> Hi
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<rhcp> diseased the file for him
<rhcp> or for you to look at
<rhcp> if you please
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<rhcp> any other requests now would be a good time
<rhcp> VM is up
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<Espenfjo> Entropy512 is probably at work, will be back in about three-four hours usually
<rhcp> ah
<rhcp> he was the one saying about hex-rays
<rhcp> i have it
<dhiru1602> Is there screen tearing with hwc on I9100?
<Espenfjo> dhiru1602: not that I have noted
<rhcp> looks like that SO this guy wants + Entropy512 wanted to look at
<rhcp> seems to be full of symbols
<rhcp> so i guess they did not stip it
<rhcp> strip
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<Espenfjo> ah, thats nice
<Espenfjo> Hate those stripped libraries ;)
<rhcp> Who doesnt
<rhcp> i wonder if it will even get noticed
<rhcp> bunch of fools posted after it
<Espenfjo> Probably not. They are doing so much odd stuff, and there are so many people involved
<rhcp> actually there is not
<rhcp> Cmnerd / madmack
<rhcp> and i do what i do
<rhcp> err
<rhcp> what ican
<Espenfjo> At Samsung I mean
<rhcp> oh i don't care about them
<rhcp> i meant the people who need to see the disas i hope it gets noticed
<Espenfjo> Not sure if a disas helps most people, few can read ASM that good ;) Using hex-rays to decompile it on the other hand
<rhcp> if he gets off his high horse of no irc/gtalk. ill pass him a copy of hex-rays
<rhcp> i used hex rays
<rhcp> if you look
<Espenfjo> hm, yeah, perhaps. I dont know these things. to me it looks like a normal objdump ;)
<Jiangyi> Wasn't madmack on #teamhacksung-support quite a few times?
<rhcp> not sure
<rhcp> hes anti chat
<Jiangyi> Swore I saw him a ton a few days ago
<Jiangyi> He was talking to nebkat :-P
<Espenfjo> If he has been in #teamhacksung-support I understand him being anti chat now
<Espenfjo> :D
<rhcp> nebkat doesn't know anything
<Espenfjo> Especially if he talked to nebkat
<rhcp> ^
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<rhcp> I just removed my license from the top of the file
<rhcp> objdump does not look like that at all :P
<Espenfjo> http://pastebin.com/qFGWfZun - not that far from it ;)
<rhcp> pretty far
<Espenfjo> ;)
<Espenfjo> anyways hexrays decompilation is epic
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