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<slick_rick> rhcp: hes busy fixing it for us lol
<rhcp> prob from my decomplies
<slick_rick> He already had them
<rhcp> yea ok :)
<rhcp> lol
<slick_rick> Idk lol
<slick_rick> As long as he can fix it up
<rhcp> hope he credits me at least
<rhcp> and helps
<rhcp> on my side
<rhcp> would be nice
<rhcp> if he's using my files
<slick_rick> No way to tell
<rhcp> this is why i don't do nice things for people
<slick_rick> Lol
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<tim_> hi, i am trying to build cm10.1 for n7000 and getting the following error. I hope someone can help me please?
<tim_> make: *** No rule to make target `/home/tim/android/system/out/target/product/n7000/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libUMP_intermediates/export_includes', needed by `/home/tim/android/system/out/target/product/n7000/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/gralloc.exynos4_intermediates/import_includes'. Stop.
<tim_> make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
<stickyboy> tim_: Have you built successfully yet?
<tim_> no, this is my first cm10.1 build using a clean environment
<tim_> cm9 and cm10 built fine
<stickyboy> Ok, good to know.
<stickyboy> tim_: Did you use the extraction script for proprietaries? It might not be completely up to date (I don't build for n7000, so I'm not sure).
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<tim_> yeah, i ran the extract script successfully
<stickyboy> It's possible the extract script isn't working fully.
<tim_> ok
<tim_> bummer
<stickyboy> But we're building gralloc from source now so that's weird...
<stickyboy> I think it used to be an issue with the stub in the proprietaries makefile.
<stickyboy> I used to get that weird gralloc error a lot when building for another Exynos device... can't remember what it ended up being.
<stickyboy> tim_: Anyways, try using the vendor/samsung/ folder from here:
<stickyboy> ie, replace the vendor/samsung/ created by your extract script.
<tim_> ok, will try, thanks
<tim_> building.....
<stickyboy> Make sure you rm out./
<stickyboy> Err, out/
<tim_> yeah, already did that
<tim_> so far so good, can't remember how far into the build it was crashing though, think it was pretty quick though
<tim_> stickyboy: Thankyou very much!! looks like you fixed my build!!!
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<stickyboy> tim_: :D
<stickyboy> tim_: Yeah, the extraction scripts are good to use... but not always up to date.
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<Espenfjo> hm,yeah, scripts probalby not updated yet
<Espenfjo> gralloc depends on linking against libump
<Espenfjo> A dependency we didnt have before
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: :D
<Entropy512> bah i hate extract scripts
<Entropy512> looks like I need to fix em' for n7000
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<codeworkx> rhcp: thank you so much
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<detule> there's some human hex rays at htc-linux
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<SchizophreN> hi all i can't find galaxysmtd on github why ?
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<turizm> hello. no more galaxysmtd on github anymore?
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<codeworkx> turizm: ?
<turizm> thank you must have been blind
<turizm> cya
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<SchizophreN> codeworkx, here is screenshot :
<codeworkx> click link above
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<codeworkx> and blame github search
<SchizophreN> oke thank you
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