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<iKillCypher> codeworkx : GT-I9100_HKI9100ZSLS6GT-I9100_HK_JB_Opensource_Update2.zip
<iKillCypher> seen it?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> i dont care much.
<codeworkx> not helpfull for 4.2
<iKillCypher> bad mood I guess :(
<codeworkx> as seen in the past, every update makes it more worse
<iKillCypher> well isnt this useful for cm10 hwc issue ?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> or maybe
<codeworkx> i9100 isn't using the new one
<codeworkx> then yes
<iKillCypher> I can check it out
<iKillCypher> downloading it :3 so will check out and see
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: dl link for firmware?
<iKillCypher> hold on
<iKillCypher> http://opensource.samsung.com/ > Mobile Phone
<codeworkx> FIRMWARE :-D
<codeworkx> not kernel sources
<iKillCypher> there isnt any that Im aware of
<codeworkx> problem solved. back to doing nothing
<iKillCypher> let me find out :S
<iKillCypher> yup nothing about firmware but thats odd why would samsung release kernel source then
* iKillCypher thought samsung would release a firmware then follow by kernel source
<imnuts> codeworkx i have a quick question about the gtab 2 and was wondering if you might know a fix
<imnuts> i was trying to build straight AOSP 4.2, and it works with one issue
<imnuts> for some reason, /data is only 128MB on install, so there is no space left to do anything
<imnuts> this isn't an issue on CM10.1 builds, and I've looked over the kernel and device repos and can't figure out what would cause that
<imnuts> any ideas?
<iKillCypher> he is gone
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<Vrooom> Hi anyone know how to fix "cant connect to the camera" error apart from hard reboot ?
<Vrooom> im running CM10
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<Skrilax_CZ> they posted some updated schedule yesterday for 4412 exynos (doesn't look to me there would be something really new there)
<haltdef> hopefully they'll come through, galaxy s3 is lovely otherwise
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<Entropy512> <Skrilax_CZ> they posted some updated schedule yesterday for 4412 exynos (doesn't look to me there would be something really new there) - even more fail
<Entropy512> they're still fucking around with ICS
<Entropy512> in January 2013??????
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