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<rhcp> man
<rhcp> what a fucking week and its not over yet :(
<rhcp> looks like madmack will be pushing to gerrit
<rhcp> as Entropy512 noted
* rhcp happy
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<Forssound> Hi There I have a I9000 with the 4.2.1 from pawtip running. I have a second 16G microsd card in it. In my car music was found till 3/12 nightly. After upgrading to stable no more music is found? Is there a way to make a symlink so my Opel Zafira sees the music on the second card?
<Forssound> sorry about that
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<diego-ch> codeworkx, are you there? I did some modifications to the boardconfig you were editing for the galaxy s advance (gt-i9070)
<diego-ch> disabled camera blobs
<diego-ch> now it boots
<diego-ch> I get to the homescreen
<diego-ch> but everything else fails, bluetooth, wifi, gps, ril ( I wasn't expecting that it would on first boot )
<diego-ch> logcat -b radio shows this:
<diego-ch> and rild crashes with this error: dlopen failed: Cannot load library: link_image[1969]: 3624 could not load needed library '' for '' (load_library[1111]: Library '' not found)
<diego-ch> libatparser is not on /system/lib/ is that a proprietary file that should also be copied?
<diego-ch> anyone?
<Espenfjo> yeah, its a prop
<diego-ch> hmm
<codeworkx> diego-ch: copy it
<codeworkx> diego-ch: just push it to the phone and reboot
<diego-ch> ok
<diego-ch> done it.
<diego-ch> here's the log:
<diego-ch> rild now asks for another lib
<diego-ch> dlopen failed: Cannot load library: link_image[1969]: 2266 could not load needed library '' for '' (load_library[1111]: Library '' not found)
<slick_rick> just keep adding the libs it says. it will stop evetually then it will be a different problem to fix lol
<slick_rick> eventually*
<diego-ch> ok. it stopped asking for more libs.. I'll reboot
<diego-ch> these were the ones I had to copy:,,
<codeworkx> add them to the proprietary repo
<diego-ch> settings > about phone shows baseband version as "unknown"
<codeworkx> bigger log plx
<diego-ch> ok
<codeworkx> diego-ch: logcat -b radio :-D
<codeworkx> diego-ch: which cm version?
<codeworkx> i assume cm7
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<diego-ch> iso went down
<diego-ch> *isp
<diego-ch> did you get the log link?
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<codeworkx> diego-ch: which cm version? 7?
<diego-ch> yep
<diego-ch> gb 2.3.7
<codeworkx> never seen such a strange ril behaviour
<codeworkx> you might have a lot of fun
<codeworkx> diego-ch: add some logging at
<codeworkx> frameworks/base/telephony....
<diego-ch> ok
<diego-ch> what about the other stuff (wifi/gps/bluetooth) any hints on the logs I sent?
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