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<DAGr8> frameworks/native/include/ui/GraphicBuffer.h:69:26: error: 'GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_FIMC1' was not declared in this scope
<DAGr8> well i fixed the rest
<DAGr8> this semem to be the real deal now
<DAGr8> seems *
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<rhcp> DAGr8 what you working on?
<rhcp> jeff, you around?
<DAGr8> rhcp
<DAGr8> ^^
<DAGr8> see if you have any clues
<rhcp> need more
<rhcp> before it errors out
<rhcp> Looks like you are building same device as me
<DAGr8> how d you get past that ?
<DAGr8> im not buildign cm tho
<rhcp> is this cm10 or cm10.1?
<DAGr8> but its mr-1
<rhcp> who knows. it might be messed up stuff whomever base you are going off of
<DAGr8> the framework native stuff is form 10.1 and that is where the error comes from
<rhcp> why bother tbh
<rhcp> the RILJ + kernel configs have been in review for like 2 days
<DAGr8> huh ?
<rhcp> I'm curious to see if it even makes offical
<rhcp> hence asking if jeff is around
<DAGr8> it l lnever will
<DAGr8> but its not only about cm
<DAGr8> its about having aosp base working
<rhcp> its all cm dude
<DAGr8> well yuou asked i answered
<DAGr8> no need to argue about it
<DAGr8> :)
<rhcp> correct because I'm right
<rhcp> lol
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<rhcp> whomever you are basing off of. is CM based
<rhcp> which is AOSP based
<AndroUser> Hi
<rhcp> i haven't tried to build cm10.1 for it
<rhcp> cm10 doesn't work well enough yet
<DAGr8> hey
<DAGr8> how inhell would you know
<rhcp> I'm running it?
<DAGr8> an even if you would you would keep saying its cm base
<rhcp> everything is CM based
<DAGr8> well yea cm is the mother of them all .
<DAGr8> lol
<rhcp> AOKP etc
<DAGr8> google code maybe ?
<th3g1z> rhcp: thought you tried to build 4.2.1 but errors? or did you get past that
<rhcp> i didn't try. i want to see what is going on
<rhcp> if we can get a merge
<rhcp> more people to help on it
<DAGr8> rhcp you ownt
<rhcp> why?
<AndroUser> I like work with the teamhacksung building rom for the galaxy i9300
<rhcp> madmack can maintain and so can nebkat
<rhcp> I'm willing to help if it becomes merged. I like the device
<DAGr8> you dont seem to unbderstand the hard part is getting the device to work not maintaining it once it does
<rhcp> once its merged
<rhcp> its working good enough for nightly
<rhcp> unstable builds
<rhcp> which means more people looking at it
<rhcp> gerrit
<rhcp> etc
<rhcp> not some dude. on his github that no one knows about
<DAGr8> last thing im going to say on this is cm has already stated where they stand about exynos
<rhcp> of course
<rhcp> soon it will be OSS'ed
<rhcp> per sammy
<rhcp> i see no reason why the intl version can be merged (main-streme) and not ours
<rhcp> the RILJ class is even seperate
<rhcp> it breaks 0
<Jiangyi> rhcp: Gerrit review takes a while, don't worry about it.
<rhcp> Jiangyi i know
<rhcp> thats just the RILJ
<rhcp> but will the device ever get merged?
<DAGr8> wait 7100 is merged ?
<rhcp> Yes
<rhcp> get.cm
<rhcp> go look
<DAGr8> wow so much for there stand vs exynos
<DAGr8> lol
<Jiangyi> If it can work in conjunction with all the other Exynos stuff, no reason that it can't be merged imo
<rhcp> Jiangyi that is what i say
<Jiangyi> But yeah, these things take time :-P
<rhcp> the RILJ class is independent
<rhcp> it breaks 0
<rhcp> also i find it hard to believe no CM members have the note2 on TMO
<rhcp> very very hard to believe
<Jiangyi> Just have patience
<Jiangyi> I've seen perfectly good patches sit on Gerrit for months before they get merged
<rhcp> by the time that sits :)
<rhcp> note3 is out
<Jiangyi> Also doesn't help that Christmas is around the corner and everyone's probably going on holidays and stuff :-P
<rhcp> oh i know
<rhcp> I'm just saying
<rhcp> until its official I'm not going to waste any time on it.
<Jiangyi> Also, cody, Entropy, etc. probably have scared all teh CM members away from Exynos xD
<rhcp> shrug
<rhcp> nexus 10 is Exynos
<slick_rick> thank god sbrissen actually wanted one lol
<Jiangyi> Well, exynos4* :-P
<rhcp> still its Exynos
<slick_rick> now spr and vzw gnote2 have a CM build :)
<Jiangyi> Exynos5 is better since Google maintains part of it
<rhcp> its really nothing to do with better
<rhcp> it works with AOSP (binary are given)
<rhcp> and it works
<rhcp> cm10.1 for nexus 10 takes like 30 seconds?
<rhcp> lol
<Jiangyi> Well I mean, device bringup will be easier for other Exynos5 devices because of the N10
<Jiangyi> Unlike the Exynos4 :-P
<rhcp> whole thing is a YAWN
<rhcp> i might trade this note2 for the GalaxyS3
<rhcp> dono
<rhcp> i mainly got it. because TMO promised me wifi calling 100%
<rhcp> which was BS
<Jiangyi> I'm getting an N4 soon
<rhcp> why?
<rhcp> its crap
<Jiangyi> Probably gonna stick to Nexus from then on
<Jiangyi> How's it crap?
<rhcp> compare it to what is out there
<Jiangyi> ......
<rhcp> its junk
<rhcp> the nexus7 was such a BIG turn for google
<rhcp> but they fucked it up
<rhcp> screen issues / screens popping out
<rhcp> USB ports breaking
<rhcp> DOA's
<rhcp> no Quality Control
<Jiangyi> Meh, it's tech, always will have duds :-|
<Jiangyi> Think of it as hard drives
<rhcp> you may say I'm bias
<rhcp> but i own many i-devices
<Jiangyi> We all have a bias, so... :-P
<rhcp> I have NEVER got a dud
<Jiangyi> So far, I've never gotten duds either, I just consider myself lucky
<rhcp> thats what you are
<rhcp> lucky
<rhcp> i went with 6 nexus 7's
<rhcp> till it was 'ok'
<Jiangyi> Although there was that time when lightning killed 2 of my computers........
<rhcp> now i have two N7's Im looking to sell one of them
<rhcp> its brand new
<Jiangyi> :-|
<rhcp> got the iPad mini
<rhcp> and i got my iPad 1,2,3,4
<rhcp> as well
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<Jiangyi> We'll see how this goes
<Jiangyi> Cody got two N4s, he's pretty damn happy :-P
<rhcp> well i don't know how to put it
<rhcp> people are happy about them. because to hack them. takes 0 work
<rhcp> * is provided
<Jiangyi> And Google having less QA could be valid, considering the prices they put on their products :-P
<rhcp> Yea, but how are they to compete?
<rhcp> go read the threads on the nexus7's
<rhcp> you will be amazed
<Jiangyi> Read a lot already
<rhcp> what i find funny though. is they sell out
<rhcp> wanna know why?
<rhcp> lol
<rhcp> all of the DOA's and broken shit
<Jiangyi> Call me biased, but my opinion is still that only those with problems will post, while the rest of the people will just go on with their lives happily :-P
<Jiangyi> Therefore, I take everything with a grain of salt
<rhcp> Yea
<rhcp> android is great. and it has great growth. the OEMS need to back off and the carriers need to back off
<rhcp> period
<Jiangyi> It's like buying motherboards and hard drives, if you read the user reviews on them, all of them have a large amount of negative reviews
<rhcp> lit every 3 months is a new device
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<rhcp> its sad
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<Jiangyi> Ehh...
<Jiangyi> I see all the devices being good competition for the market
<rhcp> how so
<rhcp> you just went out and bought you note2
<rhcp> (its brand new)
<pawitp> rhcp: most of the time, device specific patches get merged when the device is ready, including RILJ. No point merging before
<rhcp> its already out of date
<rhcp> lolz
<Jiangyi> That's the world of tech, no way out of it :-P
<pawitp> and if you're the only device using it, might as well put the class in your device folder
<rhcp> pawitp the device is ready partially
<pawitp> ready for nightlies
<rhcp> id say 10.0 is ready for a nightly
<rhcp> tbh
<Jiangyi> pawitp: Thanks for the layout fix on HDPI btw :-)
<pawitp> np
<pawitp> sad to see Google killing NS
<rhcp> once it gets into the CM repo. and gerrit
<rhcp> more more people will push stuff
<rhcp> thats how i see it anyway
<pawitp> no one will ;)
<rhcp> CM members will
<rhcp> and others
<rhcp> i watch the gerrit
<rhcp> madmacks issue with 10.1 would prob be solved in a day if it were in CM repo and gerrit
<rhcp> id put money on it
<pawitp> 99% of the commits the device repo is made by the device maintiner
<rhcp> codeworkx / Entropy512 / noobnl / nebkat prob others
<rhcp> know about these devices
<rhcp> prob could lend a hand
<rhcp> being in some dudes github. will they? prob not
<pawitp> they won't come and touch your device though, unless they have one
<rhcp> if they have an idea of why its broken
<rhcp> they will say something though
<Jiangyi> Well, throughout 9100G's life, no one other than cody did anything major :-P
<pawitp> that is, if you ask around in irc, which you can do anyway
<rhcp> Yea
<rhcp> he finally posted src's
<rhcp> Exynos
<rhcp> err
<rhcp> I'm pretty damn sure someone in here has some info about that
<rhcp> :)
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<pawitp> which is why the commit log of other devices are available for you to look through
<Jiangyi> pawitp: Sad to see no complete fix about the timer display too
<Jiangyi> Google is really trying to push XHDPI down all of our throats :-P
<pawitp> retranslate it ;)
<Jiangyi> Chinese can't get simpler than what's already there lol
<pawitp> I guess
<pawitp> though you can probably adjust a few things to get around that
<Jiangyi> Also, cody will kill me for chaging google strings :-/
<pawitp> some google strings are stupid
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<Jiangyi> Indeed
<pawitp> and we indeed change them
<Jiangyi> They translated "wireless radio" as "FM radio" in Chinese :-P
<Jiangyi> Like, FM's not even part of AOSP......
<pawitp> the timer in Thai is "0 ชัวโมง 0 นาที 00 วินาที"
<pawitp> I doubt that even fits on the GN
<Jiangyi> daflip ._.
<Jiangyi> Also, computer won't display Thai it seems.
<Jiangyi> OK, it's just Quassel.
<pawitp> not to mention the stupidly long text for the OFF/ON toggle in some language
<Jiangyi> Oh God, those
<Jiangyi> It says Close/Open in Chinese instead of Off/On
<pawitp> well, they translated "Open" wireless network to "Open File" wireless network in Thai
<pawitp> and I've heard that sometimes the date in the notification gets so long that it pushes the page flipping button off
<Jiangyi> Yeah, lots of reports of that on 9100g too
<pawitp> got any screenshot of that?
<Jiangyi> Especially if the AM/PM indicator is switched on
<Jiangyi> Hold up
<pawitp> yay for gerrit spam
<rhcp> haha
<Jiangyi> pawitp: http://imgur.com/Jrx4x
<Jiangyi> light grey part in the top right corner is me holding onto what is left of the quick settings button :-P
<pawitp> heh
<pawitp> and how the hell does one fix that
<pawitp> scrolling date?
<Jiangyi> It happened with the clear notifications button in 4.1, but this......
<Jiangyi> Maybe we should just not have the pulldown display AM/PM at all :-|
<pawitp> maybe
<pawitp> the question is should we do that across the board or on 320dp device
<pawitp> the latter would modify useful behavior
<pawitp> former*
<pawitp> the latter leads to inconsistent behavior
<Jiangyi> We could maybe shorten the date a bit by having Monday-Sunday on one line and the date on another, like in 4.1
<pawitp> that's... a big change
<Jiangyi> Yeah :-P
<Jiangyi> There really is no way out of this :-|
* pawitp goes back to his 1280dp tablet
<Jiangyi> haha
<Jiangyi> I have a feeling that our devices will die a painful layout death come the next version of Android :-|
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<n0credit> codeworkx: I want that nuke app. IM WAITING
<rhcp> sup boys
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<CoreISP> well f-, looks like 10.1 did delete some shit on my internal storag e:P
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<ohanar> so I'm trying to bringup ril for the verizon variant of the tab 7.7 (since I'm tired of trying to fix wifi and bluetooth for the moment)
<ohanar> it seems to be similar to the two other verizon ics devices (the toro and tab 10.1)
<ohanar> so my current configuration is based on those two devices
<ohanar> I haven't really touched ril before, so I'm a bit lost on where to proceed, or what to look for in the logs
<ohanar> currently I've got a connection, but no working data
<ohanar> truncated logcat: http://ix.io/3F7
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<pknoe3lh> hello
<pknoe3lh> I need some help with a I9300 semcosh
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