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<rhcp> hey Entropy512
<rhcp> you here?
<rhcp> or anyone can help me to figure how in the world to build this
<rhcp> this is my manifest so far: http://paste.kde.org/620624/
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<rhcp> Entropy512 you around?
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<diegoviola> http://youtu.be/IVpOyKCNZYw <-- another for Samsung please
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<slick_rick> almost have data working on cm10 build for sprint gnote2
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<stickyboy> jeagoss: I just added you on Google Chat, btw. I promise I'm not a 60-year-old child molester.
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<Espenfjo> I wouldnt vouch on that ;)
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<stickyboy> Yeah, you can never be too careful.
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<stickyboy> Fine, I'm actually a hot college coed looking for a one-night stand (who hacks on CyanogenMod in her free time).
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<coba_tigabelas> hello
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<coba_tigabelas> ,,,
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<stickyboy> Entropy512: You around?
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<stickyboy> Maybe Espenfjo is around?
<Espenfjo> ya
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: I was going to ask about SecTVOut. I disabled it last night because we get errors opening fb0. 666 fixes it, but it seems useless because we don't have working HDMI out anyways. Or?
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<stickyboy> D/SecTVOutService( 1766): SecTVOutService instantiate
<stickyboy> E/ ( 1766): fb_open: fb[0] open failed
<stickyboy> E/ ( 1766): bool android::SecHdmi::create(int, int):Failed to open default FB
<Espenfjo> yeah, no hdmi yet
<Espenfjo> altough there is hope now :)
<Espenfjo> *although
<stickyboy> That, btw. I set BOARD_USE_SECTVOUT to false because wtf.
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: I can set fb0 to 666 but it just seems unnecessary... heh.
<Espenfjo> yeah
<stickyboy> I saw that's what you guys are doing.
<stickyboy> I couldn't figure out what the group was supposed to be, then I realized SecTVOut wasn't working so I decided to turn it off.
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Err, you guys are actually doing 777 on fb0. Hehe.
<Espenfjo> haha :D
<stickyboy> As if +x even matters there hehe.
<Espenfjo> Of course you need to run it ;)
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<felixchris> Friend of mine has created a fix for wifi roaming, i would like to share it to people with knowledge as at xda the thread isnt getting too much attention
<felixchris> already made a topic with everything needed
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