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<slick_rick> rhcp: where so?
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<DAGr8> neone savy with aroma around ?
<rhcp> slick_rick ?
<rhcp> oh
<rhcp> last pages
<rhcp> nebkat said he got it building
<rhcp> id love to see how
<rhcp> lol
<slick_rick> i dont see it posted anywhere but idk if it helps us cdma guys
<rhcp> not sure
<rhcp> i haven't flashed it
<rhcp> I'm more interested in seeing how to build the fucking thing
<rhcp> properly
<slick_rick> lol
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<rhcp> seems to be building
<DAGr8> lol
<DAGr8> rhcp
<rhcp> yo
<DAGr8> either it builds or not
<DAGr8> if you dont have ril fixed
<rhcp> seems so
<DAGr8> ..
<rhcp> well rild is semi fixed
<rhcp> in-call audio works
<rhcp> radio crashes 2 mins into call though
<rhcp> so im told
<DAGr8> yea so i heard
<DAGr8> not really fixed
<DAGr8> :P
<rhcp> well, codeworkx said if they ge that working
<rhcp> making some teamhacksung help
<rhcp> :)
<rhcp> maybe
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<imnuts> it's a security feature to make you hang up early and prevent call tracking...
<imnuts> in reference to [21:00] <rhcp> radio crashes 2 mins into call though
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<Hammerfest> does any of the current dev's have one of the i717 variants? or am I better off trading my i717 for an n7000
<Hammerfest> shoulda been do, not does...
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<hackworks> Is a good place to start learning the hardware specific portions of Android (i9300)?
<hackworks> codeworkx: Any inputs please
<Espenfjo> nah
<Espenfjo> Malideveloper only provides some parts(drivers) related to the GPU
<hackworks> had gone for lunch
<hackworks> let me spend more time on android device tree
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<hackworks> codeworkx: I created a local_manifext.xml to pull the samsung hw: <project path="hardware/samsung" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung" />
<hackworks> I am trying to get all sgs3 required CM10.1 code into a local checkout
<hackworks> are there any other missing components I need to pull into android/system using 'repo'?
<Espenfjo> When you are doing brunch i9300 it will pull down everything thats needed
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<Espenfjo> You do not have to create a local_manifest.xml if you are only going to use sources from cyanogenmod
<hackworks> Espenfjo: okay, I was trying to pull all code first and in parallel setup a linux vm to build
<hackworks> overall, does the location of android/system/hardware/samsung correct?
<hackworks> I know I am pulling more than I need since I see exynos3 and other stuff under samsung
<Espenfjo> <project path="hardware/samsung" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung" /> is correct, yeah
<Espenfjo> But just run "breakfast i9300" once, and it will fix everything for you
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<hackworks> Espenfjo: thanks, I am doing that right now
<hackworks> Espenfjo: Do you guys look at to pull any new changes into CM for GPU or are there other sources?
<hackworks> qualcom has codeaurora and tegra has nvidia (close to non-existent source)
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<Espenfjo> Hammerfest: Not much of those changes are relevant for us. 1. We need blobs from shipped phones (malideveloper provide no blobs). 2. Their gralloc lack samsung specific parts like fimc
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