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<n0credit> perka has some issues
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<n0credit> lol
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<Jiangyi> lol Entropy ftw^^
<Entropy512> I'll unban him tomorrow
<Entropy512> hopefully his connection will be fixed then
<Entropy512> but the channel is nothing but Perka disconnect spam all day
<n0credit> not too much to chat about
<Entropy512> I know I saw paulk earlier... missed him
<Entropy512> same with when supercurio was awake
<n0credit> are you in the states_
<n0credit> ?
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<Entropy512> n0credit: yeah, New York
<n0credit> holly f$ck
<n0credit> sandy was no joke
<Entropy512> I'm inland - NY State, not NYC
<Entropy512> but I know people in NYC and NJ
<Entropy512> my parents were without power for over a week
<Jiangyi> Toronto was hit, but not really badly.
<Jiangyi> Some power outages here and there
<Entropy512> There were some power outages due to wind, but not much around here in Binghamton
<Jiangyi> Few trees fell
<Entropy512> nothing like last year
<Entropy512> where Irene soaked the ground
<Entropy512> and Lee made the Susquehanna rise 4 feet above the previous record
<Jiangyi> Yeah, the advantage of Toronto is that we don't get hit badly by anything really lol
<n0credit> that's crazy, I hope I never see a hurricane in my life
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<n0credit> was there any change to iptables in the kernel for the gt-i9300 in the last week or so?
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<Entropy512> not that I know of
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<koud> what kind of strange turnaround is this?? "I can't comment on the future of Nexus 4 in AOSP, sorry."
<koud> "Nexus 10 is now the best choice for AOSP work on 4.2. Everything
<koud> except the GPU code is Open Source, and the only proprietary binaries
<koud> various peripheral chips. No flagship device so far has been so open,
<koud> and no flagship device so far has had that level of AOSP support at
<koud> besides the GPU libraries are firmware files that get loaded into the
<koud> launch. "
<koud> - JBQ
<stickyboy> Strange indeed.
<koud> what kind of strange world are we living in now when suddenly the exynos device is the best aosp device
<koud> I really hope they clarify the nexus 4 situation before I decide to buy one :/
<koud> Espenfjo: any news from exynos team about exynos4 files?
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<Espenfjo> koud: :(
<Espenfjo> koud: I dont think there will be any
<koud> Espenfjo: sad :((
<Espenfjo> yeah
<koud> and I assume the exynos5 stuff is not usefull?
<Espenfjo> No
<koud> I was thinking of buying nexus 4
<koud> but now I am not sure anymore
<koud> nexus device without aosp support seems sucky
<Espenfjo> Yeah
<Espenfjo> Nexus10 or winmo :P
<koud> winmo?? :P
<koud> I would rather buy galaxy nexus
<koud> could probably find a cheap one now :P
<Espenfjo> Perhaps
<Espenfjo> Here it is still around 4000NOK
<nebkat> guize everyone is overreacting
<nebkat> surely it will get aosp support??
<Espenfjo> nebkat: NO!
<nebkat> there is no way for a nexus device not to get aosp
<koud> nebkat: it will
<koud> but
<nebkat> at least not without a proper reason
<koud> if they have not released now
<Espenfjo> it will be like toro
<koud> I am afraid it will be crippeled
<nebkat> koud: how/why?
<koud> like nexus 7 3g
<koud> they did not manage to get licience for the 3g files
<Espenfjo> and like the toro
<Kaik541> nebkat: I'm sure it will, soon
<Kaik541> just not ready in time for release (which is unfortunate)
<Kaik541> koud: "yet"
<Kaik541> they've never had a problem with getting them before
<koud> Kaik541: well I usually buy devices on the capabilities they have not what they "might" get :P
<koud> Kaik541: eh? LTE? :P
<koud> they hade huge problems
<Kaik541> you said 3G
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<Kaik541> LTE is a bullshit proprietary minefield
<koud> and I thought that was the reason they just made one international model this time
<koud> so they would not have this issue
<koud> but since they do not have anything now it seems like a waste
<koud> their talks might have broken down
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<Kaik541> might have, but doubt it
<nebkat> I think we can all agree 4.2/nexus release has been huge fail lol
<nebkat> first sandy, then google play derps, now no aosp support
<peterperfect> google play derps were expected no?
<peterperfect> huge demand
<peterperfect> the thing is...big companys want to release stuff ASAP
<peterperfect> theres is never enough stock
<koud> but I dont know
<koud> atleast you shoudl be able to write shopping software that works :P
<peterperfect> yeah there are some bugs
<peterperfect> but fuck it
<peterperfect> the real concern is about aosp
<peterperfect> who cares about bugs on playstore
<koud> one would assume they should mark the stock as a critical section :P
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<koud> so only one at a time can modify it and recive to their cart :P
<peterperfect> koud i got it, but this is minor, you know..they will fix stuff, devices gonna be sold anyway
<peterperfect> the N4 not out on AOSP is the biggest concern
<koud> yeah :P
<koud> I dont care about the other part
<koud> especially since we dont even have play store here
<koud> :)
<peterperfect> here is what i think
<peterperfect> Google would not do it (launch unsupported device) without saying so
<peterperfect> cause developers would RAGE
<peterperfect> for real
<peterperfect> and AOSP relys on the community support
<peterperfect> if there were no plans to get N4 to AOSP, they would have prior announced this
<koud> but now they did, and even said that nexus 10 is the recommended device
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<koud> sounds kinda like they are uppset and gave up
<koud> upset
<koud> with nexu 4
<peterperfect> this is google decision..when it goes to a oem to make a device
<peterperfect> theres the licensing
<peterperfect> i doubt google would approve a nexus device out of AOSP
<peterperfect> at least this would be the first time, no?
<peterperfect> confused about it
<peterperfect> lets wait
<koud> yeah
<koud> hope they clearify it soon
<koud> who knows, maybe they are close to improve it (ie maybe get graphics blob or something released with source?) so they want to wait for that
<koud> but I kinda dont want to belive something like that because I know I will be dissapointed :P
<Kaik541> there's no way qualcomm would open up the adreno libs
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