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<krnlsndrs> Hey there. I am a former professional embedded linux developer who has been doing web development all year and is missing hardware interaction and kernel hacking. What can I do to help you guys?
<peterperfect> krnlsndrs
<peterperfect> which device you have?
<peterperfect> @geo user krnlsndrs
<peterperfect> oops
<peterperfect> no bot here
<krnlsndrs> Epic4g is my main device. I just picked up a Galaxy Note 2 on AT&T but not sure if I am going to keep that long term.
* Rebellos Rebellos wishes it was Samsung Wave as he's looking for help in writing RIL. :D
<krnlsndrs> I have been out of contract for a while and looking at phones, but haven't decided what to go with
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<krnlsndrs> I had a d2att for a while that I decided to return pre Nexus 4 annoucement
<peterperfect> krnlsndrs note two is 4412 kernel...have you already messed with it, looked into source or something?
<krnlsndrs> I haven't done anything with my Note 2 other than back everything up.
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<krnlsndrs> Just had it two days now.
<peterperfect> oops wait...dunno if att note2 is 4412
<krnlsndrs> I got burned on my first d2att with the IMEI loss bug, so I was sure to use QPST to backup the modem NVRAM too
<krnlsndrs> What is the build name for the AT&T Galaxy Note 2?
<peterperfect> dont know
<krnlsndrs> I know quincy was the Note 1 build name and N7100 is the intl version, but haven't found one for my device yet
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<nebkat> krnlsndrs: check model name in settings?
<krnlsndrs> SGH-I317
<nebkat> sgh ugh
<nebkat> krnlsndrs: know any android stuff?
<nebkat> might be able to set up cm device tree?
<krnlsndrs> I have built AOSP and CM9 for my Nexus 7
<nebkat> but making device support?
<krnlsndrs> @nebkat: But I have much more experience with vanilla linux than android development
<rhcp> thx
<rhcp> :)
<krnlsndrs> I am comfortable poking around in the kernel
<rhcp> for ATT / TMO
<krnlsndrs> So step one I guess would be pulling the blobs?
<rhcp> tree is made
<rhcp> and blobs are pulled
<nebkat> rhcp: you need to make n71xx-common and extend
<rhcp> its there
<rhcp> ill tell you his current issue
<rhcp> sec
<rhcp> the modem fires up. loads the firmware
<rhcp> and stuck
<rhcp> def_config was changed for the modem
<rhcp> rest you can see i guess
<krnlsndrs> yeah, taking a look. forking you now
<rhcp> not me :)
<rhcp> but he's looking for help to get it working 100%
<rhcp> in the kernel area I'm useless
<rhcp> nebkat, I wonder if we can #ifdef in the INTL one
<peterperfect> krnlsndrs maybe you can help trying to bump linux version on 4412 kernel
<rhcp> since 98% works
<rhcp> in his build GPS is broken
<rhcp> and whole bunch of others
<peterperfect> still on 3.0.31 i think
<rhcp> don't know the best way
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<krnlsndrs> peterperfect: I would love to help with bringing up the kernel
<krnlsndrs> Need to get my dev environment set up
<krnlsndrs> What is the best way to flash the newer samsung phones? On epicmtd I could use heimdall from the command line but when I was tinkering with my d2att I had to use Odin in a Windows VM
<rhcp> flash what?
<rhcp> if you just want to flash recovery heimdall
<rhcp> then buy mobileodin
<rhcp> quite easy
<krnlsndrs> Kernel/modem/recovery/etc
<rhcp> root + mobileodin
<rhcp> == win
<krnlsndrs> I have mobile odin, but if I bork a build and can't boot, I need something with download mode support
<rhcp> Yea, the phone
<rhcp> put into downloadd
<rhcp> and flash
<rhcp> i only trust heidmdall for recovery personally
<rhcp> i have a netbok with windows
<rhcp> but you could just flash recovery from download mode
<rhcp> and restore
<krnlsndrs> Is there an updated version of heimdall I can get? I have it connected in download mode right now and heimdall detect doesnt see my device
<rhcp> keep a backup handy
<krnlsndrs> I have v1.3.1
<rhcp> rhcps-MacBook-Air:Downloads rhcp$ heimdall version
<rhcp> v1.3.2
<krnlsndrs> what device?
<rhcp> note2 tmo
<rhcp> T889
<krnlsndrs> hmm, I am on my linux workstation now but will try it on my MB air in a minute
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<krnlsndrs> rhcp thanks for the tip. looks like the upgrade to heimdall v1.3.2 got my note2 att recognized.
<stickyboy> 1.3.2 has known problems though.
<stickyboy> Look at 1.4RC maybe.
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<krnlsndrs> built 1.4RC from source which seems to recognize my note2 att and epicmtd. will give that a shot.
<stickyboy> krnlsndrs: Cool.
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<rhcp> krnlsndrs cool man
<rhcp> I had same issue
<rhcp> I was not about to pull out odin and flash super whatever to root ;)
<rhcp> when i can heimalll recovery -> flash su
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