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<shaaan> trying to port cm 7 to the s advance. device is stuck on the splash screen
<shaaan> logcat
<shaaan> some help please ?
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<iKillCypher> Hi developers found a Bug for SGS2 CM9
<iKillCypher> it seems that I cant really set a preferred network type example changing WCDMA preferred -> GSM/CDMA auto(PRL)
<iKillCypher> any idea?
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Downgrade Mali? Nevar!
<Espenfjo> :D
<Espenfjo> All devices seem to ship r2p4 with JB
<stickyboy> No shit...
<stickyboy> Ok :)
<stickyboy> What were we before r3p0?
<Espenfjo> r2p4
<Espenfjo> we will see if these blobs changes anything
<stickyboy> xplodwild was tempting users on Twitter. :P
<Espenfjo> oh no
<Espenfjo> :D
<stickyboy> I bricked my I9000 tonight... ironically I was heimdalling back to stock so I could sell it tomorrow.
<stickyboy> Oh well, I was only gonna get $100 for it, hehe.
<Espenfjo> Looks like they are doing nice things to the audio hal
<stickyboy> From Note2 stock ROM?
<Espenfjo> no, note1 jb leak
<stickyboy> Ah, I didn't see that Note got a jellybean leak.
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<jero_> what handles the processing of voicemail messages notifications sent by the network operator ? I get the MWI + an sms on sammys firmware but not on CM
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