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<chiefdroid> Anyone remember the name of the app that keeps the screen on as long as you are looking at it?
<iKillCypher> o.O
<codeworkx> chiefdroid: eyespy or something
<codeworkx> chiefdroid: smartstay
<chiefdroid> Thats the one
<chiefdroid> Thanks
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<UnknownzD> is anyone around atm?
<Zhenech> yeah, but I fear I am not helpful :)
<UnknownzD> I want to ask if anyone knows about the details of the TRIM / ERASE command
<UnknownzD> For ERASE commands to be caused by simple file deletion (a variation of "TRIM") - The filesystem must be mounted with the "discard" option. No ICS kernel/initramfs/firmware combo I've seen for our device, I9100, or I777 does this.
<UnknownzD> and in specific, does anyone knows which version of CWM has secure delete mode enabled?
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