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<MemoryController> Hi, is there a 2.6.37 kernel for the i9100??
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<motzilotzi> hello guys!
<motzilotzi> some one can help me with an galaxy s3? wanna make a custom rom but i don't find some utils for make it
<Espenfjo> utils?
<Espenfjo> You mean, like winzip?
<motzilotzi> no my english is not realy good
<motzilotzi> want to use dsixda but i don't find edify_edit for galaxy s3
<Espenfjo> A kitchen.. You are in the wrong channel for that..
<motzilotzi> ok & if i want to compile a source can i find it here or another chan,nel ?
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<motzilotzi> it's work with i9300 ?
<motzilotzi> i find how compile & setup linux for the S2 but the s3 i'm a lil confused
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<MemoryController> Espenfjo: is open galaxy abandoned or should we try to improve it?
<MemoryController> btw can we load initramfs with sbl?
<MemoryController> I see an option for it when I send printenv
<stickyboy> Entropy512: I copied you on an smdk4210 kernel patch to re-enable the mmcblk0boot{0,1} partitions.
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<fabien> hi
<fabien> please, someone know if samsung used a custom frameworks/base/libs/camera/Camera.cpp source code ?
<fabien> i thought those kind of base frameworks files were common to all devices
<fabien> code from android official repository : sp<Camera> Camera::connect(int cameraId)
<fabien> nm -D :
<fabien> _ZN7android6Camera7connectEii
<fabien> two ints ...
<stickyboy> fabien: They use a lot of custom framework stuff :)
<fabien> no headers available somewhere ?
<stickyboy> Nope. That's not required by law, so they don't release them :P
<stickyboy> I've seen stuff like that for sound as well.
<fabien> ok, thanks
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