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<jero> hi
<jero> anyone ?
<Entropy512> IbrahimA: Note 2 might not be TOO hard to get CM10 close to where it is on I9300
<Entropy512> which means: not good enough for M builds or stable
<Entropy512> and once CM11 hits, you're dead in the water
<Entropy512> of course the only person to attempt so far is doing winzip kangbangs which has a 100% guaranteed failure rate
<IbrahimA> oh ok, didnt realize the note 2 was actually out lol
<IbrahimA> yeah i hate winzip kangbangs lol
<IbrahimA> do you have any good resource explaining what how to create a device tree?
<IbrahimA> *what is a device tree and how to create one
<IbrahimA> never found a good concise description but perhaps im not looking hard enough
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<[SkG]> Hi
<[SkG]> Espenfjo, almost 24h with your EXPERIMENTAL-GCC and no Ril crashes
<Espenfjo> :) Good
<Espenfjo> Altough there are others who still experience it :/
<[SkG]> yep
<Espenfjo> *sad panda*
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<[SkG]> I think that baseband version can be also determinant
<[SkG]> dont you think it?
<Espenfjo> Yeah, I do
<Espenfjo> It seems to be a timing issue, its better with some basebands, and its better with 4.4.3
<Espenfjo> Altough the issue is still present
<[SkG]> I'm currently using...
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* Wout` toyed around with the Padfone 2 yesterday
<Wout`> dayum, hope asus will be friendly to developers
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<[SkG]> Espenfjo, the "stabilitytest" build is the same as your build?
<Espenfjo> yes, basically
<[SkG]> k, then will not update to continue testing it.
<[SkG]> wich changes have?
<Espenfjo> Added debugging only
<Espenfjo> Hopefully it should print something smart somwhere
<[SkG]> well, downloading it then
<[SkG]> if I get a ril crash witch are te useful logs? dmesg and logcat -b radio?
<Espenfjo> dmesg
<[SkG]> which*
<Espenfjo> We are pretty sure its the kernel dropping the modem from the USB bus that is causing rild to crash, so dmesg is the only log that is interesting atm.
<[SkG]> Ok then
<[SkG]> Espenfjo, I only know how to dump dmesg from terminal emulator, is there any proper way to do it?
<Espenfjo> You could do "adb shell dmesg > output.txt
<Espenfjo> "
<[SkG]> ok
<[SkG]> well seems that my adb shell dont have root perms, going to change it
<Espenfjo> adb root
<Espenfjo> adb shell dmesg ;)
<[SkG]> yeah but disabled in settings
<[SkG]> atm
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<[SkG]> ok, enabled it. Now flasing the SPAM version
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<jero> hi
<jero> what kind of device is the i9300 hdmi adaptor and what are the hw support issues for CM?
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