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<ibrahima> hey Espenfjo not sure if i understand correctly but it seems like extract-files.sh still looks for libion.so when it's now called libsecion.so. it also doesnt seem to pull hostapd, is that supposed to be built from source?
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<ibrahima> also still not sure where to get /system/bin/gps.cer, it's not in themuppets nor on my n8013 running cm10 nightly, although i found one in the n7000 repo
<ibrahima> err n7000 directory on themuppets
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<ibrahima> hmm i was able to build by deleting that line for now, i assume if it's not on my tablet and it's not in the nightly then i dont need it :)
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<ibrahima> just throwing this out there, on the n80xx i feel like the hover icon for the pen being a mouse cursor is a little silly and want to change it to something along the lines of what touchwiz had (some sort of small dot). im looking into how to do it myself and make it configurable, but im curious if that icon is already themable using the t-mobile theme engine (also where would i read up more on that?)
<ibrahima> right now it's just something i want to do for myself but if i can implement it in a clean way i'd like to contribute it back too
<ibrahima> i want to add it as a new icon, not just change the pointer icon i guess
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<DAGr8> so anyone care to explain me when does type error appear or im going ot get the back side of the hand again
<DAGr8> Faryaab great effin news
<DAGr8> [11:28] <nebkat> what features specifically?
<DAGr8> [11:28] <DAGr8> the one single thing they did that doesnt deserve a whole rom build around
<Faryaab> yes! :-D
<DAGr8> per app layout WITHOUT reboot
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<paulk-desktop> Oh! I just figured out why I had pops on sgs2 with my replacement lib
<paulk-desktop> that's because I wasn't using the good period size
<paulk-desktop> now it's working as well as with the non-free blob!
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<cantInto_> paulk-desktop: non-free software is evil
<paulk-desktop> lol
<paulk-desktop> what is pretty amazing here is that all that set of non-free crap is actually used to do 1 ioctl per routing
<paulk-desktop> and some volume ajustements sometimes
<cantInto_> do you know your 3 freedoms?
<paulk-desktop> cantInto_, lol
<paulk-desktop> you gotta be kidding me
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<paulk-desktop> do you know RMS?
<cantIntoCode|> nope
<paulk-desktop> okay
<paulk-desktop> guess it was a joke then
<cantIntoCode|> joke?
<cantIntoCode|> I am not joking
<paulk-desktop> <cantInto_> do you know your 3 freedoms?
<cantIntoCode|> well do you?
<paulk-desktop> pretty much, yeah
<paulk-desktop> so what's your point?
<cantIntoCode|> well, if you knew and believed in the 3 freedoms, you would not be using non-free software
<paulk-desktop> wtf?
<paulk-desktop> let me clear a few things out:
<paulk-desktop> - I am Replicant's lead developer
<paulk-desktop> - Replicant is a fully free Android distribution
<paulk-desktop> - I am actually writing free software to support audio on Galaxy S2 (that's what I was talking about)
<paulk-desktop> - Learn who RMS is, he's the one who started the free software movement
<cantIntoCode|> but in your quest you are using non-free software which violates your freedoms
<paulk-desktop> sure thing
<cantIntoCode|> you asked if I know RMS, I thought personally and I said no, but yes I know who he is
<cantIntoCode|> and I'm pulling your leg
<paulk-desktop> ah right
<paulk-desktop> so yeah, we use non-free software to implement free software replacements, what's wrong with that?
<paulk-desktop> we can't just blindly write code and hope it works
<cantIntoCode|> I was joking, I know xD
<paulk-desktop> we have to see how the non-free software does it and reproduce
<cantIntoCode|> of course
<paulk-desktop> okay :)
<cantIntoCode|> god hahahaha
<cantIntoCode|> gotta love the free software purists
<paulk-desktop> I sort of knew it was that kind of jokes
<paulk-desktop> like you wanted me to tell how crazy I am being a free sw purist
<cantIntoCode|> lol
<cantIntoCode|> ohh
<cantIntoCode|> I get it now, Replicant has a wiki page, I thought it was some custom rom wannabe or something
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<paulk-desktop> ok
<cantIntoCode|> I apologise
<paulk-desktop> no, we are actually doing stuff and writing software :D
<paulk-desktop> for instance we have a working RIL
<paulk-desktop> that makes calls and all
<cantIntoCode|> awesome
<paulk-desktop> nah it's ok to joke around with that, but keep in mind that we do serious work for some serious purposes
<paulk-desktop> for instance security matters
<paulk-desktop> which can be crucial in countries where political dissidents need to know about whether they can trust their phone or not
<cantIntoCode|> Yep exactly
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<paulk-desktop> anyway, I'm off
<paulk-desktop> bye
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<cantIntoCode|> well that was fun
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