<krzee> interesting, my sgs2 phone running cm9 doesnt respond to button presses back / search
<krzee> only menu / home
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<Entropy512> ATT SGS2 i9100? - there is no such device
<Entropy512> AT&T never sold the I9100
<chris41g> looking for skyrocket? or the otherone?
<codeworkx> Entropy512: i9300. gui comes up, you can do everything you want till the screen goes off. then it will never come on. but the crt off is played xD
<chris41g> 4.2?
<codeworkx> yes
<Entropy512> fucking haxxinos
<chris41g> doing better than my d710 attempts
<codeworkx> 4210 is totally fuct
<codeworkx> chris41g: any luck on surfaceflinger/gralloc?
<chris41g> i have yet to get a complete build...
<chris41g> i guess i should stop patching and just build bare..
<krzee> Entropy512, it is an SGH-I777 which cyanogenmod is calling a I9100
<Entropy512> um, no, the I777 has NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BEEN CALLED AN I9100!
<chris41g> no cyanogenmod isnt lol
<codeworkx> V/CameraWrapper( 7633): camera_send_command
<codeworkx> V/CameraWrapper( 7633): camera_send_command->413732A0->413732F8
<codeworkx> D/CameraStorage( 7749): External storage state=mounted
<codeworkx> E/BufferQueue( 1887): [FramebufferSurface] dequeueBuffer: min undequeued buffer count (1) exceeded (dequeued=3 undequeudCount=0)
<codeworkx> V/CAM_PhotoModule( 7749): mJpegCallbackFinishTime = 325ms
<codeworkx> E/ ( 1887): void __egl_platform_dequeue_buffer(egl_surface*):1200 [EGL-ERROR] failed to dequeue buffer from native window (0x401ed990); err = -16, buf = 0x40438e44
<codeworkx> E/BufferQueue( 1887): [FramebufferSurface] dequeueBuffer: min undequeued buffer count (1) exceeded (dequeued=3 undequeudCount=0)
<codeworkx> thanks samsung
<codeworkx> this camera hal is a pure accident
<Entropy512> codeworkx: why the fuck is it trying to do shit with camera?
<codeworkx> i wanted to take a photo
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<krzee> Entropy512, http://teamhacksung.org/wiki/index.php/CyanogenMod9 says to use the directions from GT-I9100
<codeworkx> push shutter -> camera does shoot -> after that the flashlight comes up
<codeworkx> second shoot -> borked
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<codeworkx> totally confused hal :-D
<chris41g> krzee: just for install info...
<Entropy512> yeah but install the right release for your device
<chris41g> thats what cm calls it
<codeworkx> Entropy512: i would say.... we're fuct till samsung releases 4.2 xD
<chris41g> thats never a good thing to hear
<codeworkx> i dont expect official 4.2 for i9100
<krzee> chris41g, thank you for the link, downloading the right one now
<chris41g> codeworkx: d710 still doesnt have 4.1.2
<chris41g> well a halfass leak
<chris41g> but not official
<codeworkx> i9100 too
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<krzee> hah it seems my phone thinks it is a i9100 now, when i try to install i777 nightly it gives error status 7 assert failed getprop("ro.product.device") == "i777" etc...
<krzee> after i installed cm-9-20120420-ODIN-galaxys2.tar.md5
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<Jiangyi> krzee: Remove the check from updater-script in the zip.
<krzee> thanks, looking now
<krzee> now it simply says "installation aborted"
<chris41g> krzee: odin a stock rom
<chris41g> then flash cm
<krzee> cool, will do
<Jiangyi> that works too. lol
<Jiangyi> Just be careful and avoid the brick bug :-P
<krzee> im feeling quite fortunate to not be bricked yet
<krzee> im back on stock \o/
<krzee> and it knows its an i777 again :D
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<krzee> chris41g, before i go screwing my phone up, could you recommend what i should do from stock i777 to get my baseband unlocked and running CM?
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<krzee> big thank you to entropy, chris, jiang
<krzee> my device is rooted and unlocked now, working great
<krzee> definitely had some reading/learning to do =]
<Jiangyi> np, glad the brick bug didn't get ya :-)
<krzee> as am i!
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<paulk-desktop> anyone familiar with USB host on android?
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<Vrooom2> yes #
<paulk-desktop> Vrooom2, basically, it seems that I can't build g_zero and g_android at the same time
<paulk-desktop> so how do me manage?
<Vrooom2> mm that, i dont know.
<paulk-desktop> well nevermind it seems to work without it
<paulk-desktop> but I need to enable the vcc line
<paulk-desktop> (it's omap3)
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<patonar> hi guys - i wonder if someone could point me in the right direction. I have just been assigned to a project within my company where we are trying to develop a PoC for a secure tablet device. We are looking at using the Tab 2 GT-P5100 and have already procured a few test units. One of the items we are looking at doing is replacing some of the stock crypto with Mocana products. This involves rebuilding the Kernel. I have discovered
<patonar> and downloaded the Kernel for the right device, i have the ARM tool chain installed, and now am just looking out for a decent guide to talk me through building the Kernel for this device, and then flashing it to the hardware....
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