<rhcp> Seriously though
<rhcp> check that pic and tell me the cam is not great
<rhcp> and i think cloud.app resizes
<rhcp> too
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<rhcp> i swear
<rhcp> if i see one more thing nexux4
<rhcp> im gonna shoot someone
<Turilo> lol
<rhcp> new batch
<rhcp> yes
<rhcp> the charging thingy is "out of stock" guess why?
<codeworkx> HAIL NEXUS 4
<Turilo> defected?
<rhcp> yep
<rhcp> bad stock
<Turilo> not good
<rhcp> anything google branded or google endorsed has been a major fuck
<rhcp> i don't even get it
<rhcp> they cannot compete with apple or samsung or anyone. whats the point of them rushing shit out and it don't work?
<Espenfjo> The Google X is going to be good
<rhcp> wanna bet it flops?
<rhcp> just like the rest
<codeworkx> lol. the n4 is just awesome für 349
<Espenfjo> Basically free
<rhcp> please to tell me why its awesome
<codeworkx> better experience than all samsung devices together
<rhcp> vs the galaxy
<codeworkx> the gal nex is also awesome
<rhcp> better speed? and a bit better screen?
<codeworkx> except the low speaker
<codeworkx> better cam ;-)
<rhcp> this lumina 920 i have here now. is by far the best phone i own
<rhcp> honestly
<codeworkx> the gal nex cam was....
<rhcp> Im thinking to sell my note2
<rhcp> and just use this as my second
<rhcp> and keep nexus
<rhcp> Espenfjo i don't go by code names but the nexus X is the 5 inch nexus phone?
<Espenfjo> Its the new Motorola Nexus
<Espenfjo> top end
<rhcp> Yea, I was sent one last month
<codeworkx> locked down bootloader xD
<Espenfjo> rhcp: probably not
<rhcp> expect it to be out of stock + issues up the ass
<rhcp> wallet did not work out of the box
<rhcp> i wasn't even supposed to take it out of my house
<rhcp> but i had to try
<Espenfjo> ....
<rhcp> the N4 had wallet issues
<rhcp> wanted to see if this suffered too
<rhcp> and ye
<rhcp> I'm supposed to get another in a month
<rhcp> 4.2 is nice :)
<rhcp> err
<rhcp> 4.3
<rhcp> but it will be skipped
<rhcp> from the private repo. it seems 4.4 will be 4.3
<rhcp> go figure the gtalk issue still exists
<Espenfjo> *care*
<rhcp> i bet if talk was open. it would be fixed in a day
<rhcp> from someone here or CM
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<vlcn> rhcp: you should go back to the corner you crawled out of.
<rhcp> vlcn Id like to find a corner
<rhcp> :)
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<IbrahimA> lol why do you get all these unreleased phones
<IbrahimA> i did the palm touchstone mod on my US GS3, works pretty well and way cheaper than any official charging dock
<IbrahimA> although it's a little sensitive to orientation
<IbrahimA> cant wait till everything has inductive charging and they just build charging mats into desks
<Espenfjo> Not sure if I would want huge magnetic coils in my desk
<rhcp> i have a contract that deals with many of the OEMS
<rhcp> unfortually not RIM
<rhcp> :/
<rhcp> most i get to keep. some i have to send back
<rhcp> but most are pre-prod models and they are nothing like the retail. so they are useless
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<IbrahimA> ah cool
<rhcp> sorta
<rhcp> very strict
<IbrahimA> Espenfjo: hmm they could build a standard where the charger uses NFC to know when to turn on, so when there's nothing there it doesn't do anything
<Espenfjo> What about when my phone, and my credit cards are there at the same time?
<rhcp> android needs standards
<IbrahimA> darn you have a point
<IbrahimA> demagnetize ALL the cards
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<rhcp> NFC will demag?
<rhcp> thats a first
<rhcp> I've heard
<IbrahimA> no, inductive charging?
<IbrahimA> i dont really know if that's true
<Espenfjo> inductive charging
<rhcp> actually tested it?
<IbrahimA> id rather not lol
<Espenfjo> Well.. How does induction work?
<rhcp> why?
<rhcp> just order a new card
<rhcp> big deal
<IbrahimA> hah true
<IbrahimA> current going through a loop -> magnetic field -> bad for magnetized strips?
<Espenfjo> quite
<rhcp> but you'd have to have the card like right on the charger
<rhcp> its not going to go through your wallet
<Espenfjo> rhcp: We were talking about having the entire desk as an inductive charger
<Espenfjo> 09:08:04 < IbrahimA> cant wait till everything has inductive charging and they just build charging mats into desks
<rhcp> LOL
<IbrahimA> hmm at least my touchstone is very finicky about it being exactly in place
<IbrahimA> i just dont want to plug anything in :D
<rhcp> wonder if it would pass through your wallet
<Espenfjo> hm
<IbrahimA> supposedly inductive charging should work through cases
<Espenfjo> I should get a hall sensor and test
<IbrahimA> for whatever that's worth
<rhcp> I think its worth a test if you have an amex or any other company that will send you a new card over nite
<IbrahimA> what magnitude of magnetic field do you need to damage the card though?
<rhcp> :)
<rhcp> thats what you would need to know
<rhcp> what will damage it and measure it
<rhcp> besides do you put your wallet? cards on a desk?
<rhcp> i dont
<IbrahimA> i do usually
<rhcp> id lose it
<rhcp> i lost my amex card 11 times
<IbrahimA> loool i wonder what your desk looks like
<rhcp> 3 of which i just didn't want to go back
<rhcp> umm
<rhcp> sec
<IbrahimA> lol
<rhcp> i got a pic someplace
<IbrahimA> that's no desk, that's a battlestation
<IbrahimA> nice
<rhcp> thanks
<rhcp> its actually two desks combined
<rhcp> one ikea one
<rhcp> + one glass one
<rhcp> making one big L
<rhcp> anyway need to sleep
<rhcp> nite all
<rhcp> 3:30am
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<w00tc0d3> hi xplodwild
<w00tc0d3> how's university going??
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<xplodwild> w00tc0d3: fine thanks
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<patonar> I have Galaxy Tab 2, and Stock Browser doesn't work with SSL Certs (.p12) for user auth, does anyone have an APK for the AOSP Browser which will work with this device?
<patonar> Or have any alternative options?
<xplodwild> try Chrome
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<patonar> Chrome doesn't support Client SSL Certificates
<patonar> Well the one downloaded from Play Store this morning doesn't
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<w00tc0d3> what does a SGS2 screen replacement costs?
<w00tc0d3> I can buy a SGS2 with broken screen for 50 euro
<w00tc0d3> :)
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<Espenfjo> something new?
<angelsl> nothing new there, i just stumbled upon it though
<angelsl> i guess you already know that exists?
<Espenfjo> yes
<angelsl> meh
<angelsl> yay samsung
<Espenfjo> most grallocs are based on the opensource ones from mali, but most are also heavily modified
<Espenfjo> Ours are modified for different usage flags, ION memory, and the deprecated fimc1
<Espenfjo> atleast
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<angelsl> where did the OSS libUMP in gerrit come from?
<Espenfjo> same
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<w00tc0d3> Espenfjo: Why do you use the way Mobile does? I mean, making the buffers right? (don't know the full background)
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<Entropy512> <Espenfjo> Ours are modified for different usage flags, ION memory, and the deprecated fimc1 - actually our opensource one and Mobiles are ION+UMP only now, no FIMC1
<Entropy512> w00tc0d3: because camera HAL and OMX shit relies on ION memory buffers
<Entropy512> problem is our hwcomposer wants FIMC1 shit
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