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<rhcp> Entropy512 you find a person to lend you their T889 or i317?
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<ankitkv> codeworkx: around?
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<ankitkv> E/HAL ( 396): load: module=/system/lib/hw/sensors.omap4.so
<ankitkv> E/HAL ( 396): Cannot load library: soinfo_link_image(linker.cpp:1649): could not load library "libinvensense_hal.so" needed by "sensors.omap4.so"; caused by soinfo_relocate(linker.cpp:989): cannot locate symbol "inv_get_serial_handle" referenced by "libinvensense_hal.so"...
<ankitkv> any ideas?
<Espenfjo> grep for inv_get_serial_handle in your blobs, and see which one is missing on your device
<Espenfjo> You will get a hit in libinvensense_hal.so, but should find hits for others as well
<ankitkv> alright
<ankitkv> I found one, and its present on the device
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<Espenfjo> then its probably not that one you are missing ;)
<Espenfjo> I get matches in libmllite.so and libmplmpu.so
<ankitkv> does it matter where the blog goes on the device?
<ankitkv> whether /system/lib or /system/vendor/lib etc
<ankitkv> blob*
<Espenfjo> I dont think so. Afaik the system looks in /system/vendor/lib as well
<ankitkv> how does one library know which other library it must refer to?
<Espenfjo> Either it is specially linked to it, like sensors.omap4.so is to libinvensense_hal.so. Or it just requires a symbol which the system tries to find
<ankitkv> with respect to the the cm sources, how is the explicit link done?
<ankitkv> ive been trying a lottt of stuff for hours now
<Espenfjo> You see it in the make file for the library, shared_libraries or similar
<Espenfjo> https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung/blob/cm-10.1/macloader/Android.mk - Will for example link against liblog and libutils
<ankitkv> yeah, i got that. what if i want to link to a blob? because with LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES, it tries to compile them
<Espenfjo> So if you remove those you will get a message at boot saying somthing like "could not load library "liblog.so" needed by macloader;
<Espenfjo> no
<Espenfjo> If it is present, and defined correctly it wont try to compile it
<ankitkv> oh
<ankitkv> wait
<ankitkv> include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
<ankitkv> that does it?
<Espenfjo> not sure
<ankitkv> okay thanks a lot :)
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<codeworkx> ankitkv: libinvensense_mpl.so
<codeworkx> ankitkv: proprietary lib we dont have
<codeworkx> ankitkv: samsung is probably using ultra ancient stuff.
<ankitkv> I copied it from maguro
<codeworkx> dunno if that will do any good
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<ankitkv> i tried but anything other than the samsungs blob fails
<ankitkv> also without the proprietary sensors.omap4.so, cameras also stop working
<codeworkx> afaik its only one sensor who's using mpl
<codeworkx> the others should be handled like on i9100
<codeworkx> ankitkv: dash is supporting mpu3050
<codeworkx> use sony's hal :-D
<codeworkx> akm also
* ankitkv moves on to that
<codeworkx> ktx can be found on motorolas
<codeworkx> everything else on i9100
<codeworkx> ankitkv: maybe with some kernel changes this will work
<codeworkx> would be awesome
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<rhcp> quite funny to see all the chatter about the i317
<rhcp> and n7105 now
<rhcp> codeworkx and Entropy512 really got them going now
<rhcp> hehe
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<first> Hello. Just wondering, what is brunch's default configuration? Is it set by default to use all cores and threads?
<stickyboy> first: No. It's not brunch that decides that; it's your `make` command.
<stickyboy> first: `mka` is a shell function defined in build/envsetup.sh which will use all your cores/CPUs.
<stickyboy> You can use mka instead of make, ie `mka bacon`
<first> stickyboy: why I try to use 'make' or 'mka' to build android is prints: No target to build p3110 *Stop*
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<stickyboy> first: What, exactly, did you try to run?
<first> ah 'mka p3110' or 'make -j4 p3110'
<stickyboy> first: Wrong :)
<first> I thought so.
<stickyboy> first: You have to set up the build environment first.
<stickyboy> `lunch cm_p3110-userdebug`
<codeworkx> first: . build/envsetup.sh && brunch cm_p3110-userdebug
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<first> but wouldn't 'brunch' start the build?
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<stickyboy> first: You forgot to source the setup script probably; `. build/envsetup.sh`
<first> no, I ran that before I started compiling.
<first> and then to start it up I did: 'brunch p3110'
<stickyboy> first: Ok, I will give you a cookie then.
<stickyboy> first: That should work. Pastebin all the things
<codeworkx> first: then do . build/envsetup.sh && lunch cm_p3110-userdebug if you dont want to start the build
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<first> right.
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<first> stickyboy: I would pastebin, but right now I'm compiling.
<stickyboy> Ok. So you got it to start.
<first> yes, 'brunch' always works.
<stickyboy> So what was the problem?
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<first> the other commands 'mka' and 'make' those print the same thing.
<bytecode> Hello
<stickyboy> first: Well you were trying to "make" p3110, which isn't correct.
<stickyboy> You "make" bacon...
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<stickyboy> After you select your build target using lunch.
<stickyboy> brunch selects the target, then runs `mka bacon` basically.
<first> uh-huh...
<rhcp> p3310? is samsung tab 2?
<bytecode> brunch is a shortcut for lunch and mka bacon
<first> I'm using a p3113...
<bytecode> Quick question,does camera work on CM10 on Galaxy S?
<first> but we're using p3110 nightlies.
<first> Hm.
<stickyboy> first: I usually `lunch` instead of brunch.
<first> because 'lunch' allows you to run 'mka' instead, right?
<stickyboy> Well, lunch just allows you to muck around in the shell, do dev stuff.
<stickyboy> But if you're not porting stuff (and just want to build your own nightlies), then use brunch
<first> ah
<stickyboy> Most of us are porting shit
<stickyboy> So we need to build over and over and over :)
<first> mhm...
<stickyboy> Also, lunch sets up the environment to build for a certain target, so we can build apps, kernels, bootimages, etc... all for one target.
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<first> right...
<first> oddly, I don't have to tell brunch to build the '-userdebug' version, it does it automatically.
<bytecode> It's better to specify it
<stickyboy> Yeah, brunch is the only one that can use the short name.
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<first> if 'brunch' basically runs 'mka bacon' then I don't have to wonder wether or not all the cores/threads are being used, because they are, right?
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<rhcp> damn
<rhcp> did you see the sony Z and ZL went up? for pre-order
<rhcp> 700 EURO
<rhcp> what are they insane?
<rhcp> thats more then a fucking iphone+ipad together
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<a3Dman> fail, I would go the iphone+ipad route...
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<rhcp> me too
<rhcp> lol
<rhcp> hi mad-murdock
<rhcp> madmack
<madmack> hello rhcp
<rhcp> happy i bet codeworkx is getting a n7105
<rhcp> :)
<rhcp> and Entropy512 is getting a loaner
<madmack> yep :)
<rhcp> remember who to thank :P
<madmack> making progress already actually
<rhcp> XDA decided to ban me
<madmack> which username do u go by there? don't remember a rhcp on my threads
<rhcp> codeninja
<madmack> oh yea.. the "blunt" one
<rhcp> Yep
<rhcp> I'm like a razor
<madmack> I'm not surprised then
<rhcp> but i get shit done don't i?
<rhcp> :P
<madmack> well, you helped with decompiling and then was like begging for thanks and stuff
<rhcp> no
<rhcp> i got official support
<rhcp> :P
<rhcp> who do you think talked codeworkx into it
<rhcp> lol
<Entropy512> whoa madmack is here
<madmack> where is the official support? lol
<rhcp> god?
<rhcp> coming in the mail
<rhcp> :P
<madmack> yo entropy, what up !
<Entropy512> I MIGHT get a loaner, I've offered to take one for a few weeks but nothing's lined up yet
<rhcp> Entropy512 you in US?
<Entropy512> New York
<madmack> that would help us tremendously Entropy.. would be awesome to have you on board
<rhcp> i could loan you my t889
<rhcp> ah
<rhcp> that would work
<rhcp> i could lone you my t889
<madmack> it's an awesome challenge to get that modem to talk to our open source hal
<rhcp> how long would you want it for?
<Entropy512> possibly, a slight preference for i317 as I'm an AT&T user. :)
<rhcp> Entropy512 makes no diff
<rhcp> only LTE
<Entropy512> hmm true and i'm in the boonies with no LTE support
<rhcp> see :P
<madmack> lol
<rhcp> i got my wite nexus
<rhcp> white
<rhcp> so i don't care
<rhcp> really
<Entropy512> btw, madmack, did you ever try writing a wrapper for libcsd-client to see what was being passed in/out?
<madmack> i haven't
<madmack> daniel seems to want to get things rolling with stock hal til we figure out the open source problem
<rhcp> you both have the source to stock hal
<madmack> so i'll build and try to get that running tonight
<rhcp> + he has some source
<rhcp> for the GSM stuff
<rhcp> he said you could add LTE to
<rhcp> i forget the link
<rhcp> id need to look in chan
<rhcp> sec
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<rhcp> is what cody said
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<madmack> rhcp: i don't see what he said ? I know about this file if that's what you're trying to say
<rhcp> sec
<rhcp> ill paste convo
<rhcp> in pastebin
<rhcp> he said you can get audio working with that file
<rhcp> wish he was here
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<rhcp> HD voice / arm wideband
<rhcp> amr
<Entropy512> that's specifically for the "robot voice" issue
<rhcp> yea
<madmack> yea
<rhcp> which i get 90% of the time :)
<Entropy512> I think he means kang that bit into your Exynos4LTE RIL class
<madmack> we need to get to the "robot" part before fixing it
<rhcp> we were talking about 10.0
<rhcp> :P
<madmack> oh.. who cares about 10.0 :|
<Entropy512> my guess is, that is a problem seen only on T-Mo in the USA
<rhcp> i think most do madmack
<rhcp> tbh
<Entropy512> madmack: robot voice will prolly affect Tmo customers on 10.1 too
<rhcp> 10.0 is far from a daily
<rhcp> :)
<rhcp> no offense
<madmack> I don't. once we get that issue on cm10.1.. I think we can easily put that rilj bit in there
<madmack> no offense taken. my attention goes to cm10.1 for now
<Entropy512> madmack: looks like CM now has support for MR0 audio blob backcompat
<Entropy512> so you can probably use that to get incall audio
<Entropy512> but be warned
<Entropy512> samsung blobs have a nasty habit of derping with backcompat patches
<Entropy512> although even on "same android version" they're already derping quite a bit
<rhcp> Entropy512 how long would you want the loan for?
<rhcp> I have it sitting here in peices
<Entropy512> I'm thinking 2-4 weeks
<madmack> i've already tried with ICS_AUDIO_BLOB flag (which should also skip the version check) but the stupid stock audio.primary wants a missing function in libmedia.so. so i wanted to look at that tonight
<Entropy512> madmack: I think it's MR0_AUDIO_BLOB
<madmack> yea, codeworkx sugested that too. i think the teamhacksung repos have that already in.. gonna try it out
<Entropy512> if that works, and it isn't TOO derpy
<rhcp> lolz
<rhcp> codeworkx already working on it
<Entropy512> you can probably put libcsd-client in a wrapper and RE it without nandroiding
<rhcp> without device
<madmack> how come i never friggin' thought of wrapping it.. i think we also need to wrap ssaudio-ril but yea, you're totally right man
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<Entropy512> I think ssaudio-ril gets replaced by libaudio-ril or whatever in the HAL source
<Entropy512> ideally just wrap csdclient to figure out what it wants
<Entropy512> and then start feeding it from libaudio-ril
<Entropy512> lemme doublecheck that name
<rhcp> i can open csd in IDA
<rhcp> ps
<Entropy512> rhcp: I think you already decompiled csd enough to get basic function headers
<Entropy512> e.g. enough to write a wrapper
<rhcp> madmack see pm
<rhcp> :)
<Entropy512> madmack: I'm fairly certain https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_i9300/blob/cm-10.1/audio/ril_interface.c replaces stock libaudio-ril or whatever
<Entropy512> e.g. ideally just talk directly to libcsd-client
<rhcp> Entropy512 i meant for the flags
<rhcp> i can drop the file in IDA and look at the ASM
<rhcp> arm asm doesn't bother me
<rhcp> up to you guys
<rhcp> i like to RE
<madmack> Entropy512, libaudio-ril does indeed mimic our ril_interface.c file. I abandoned calling c++ mangled functions in libaudio-ril and am now calling stuff in csd and ss from ril_interface directly. Just need to figure out the order and I'm still trying to figure out how to setup a loopback device.
<Entropy512> the csd stuff looked at least SIMILAR in name to some of the secril-client stuff
<Entropy512> other than that weirdass loopback shit
<Entropy512> warning: the weirdass loopback shit may be specific to Samsung's derpy audio HAL
<Entropy512> make sure that their stock HAL for non-MDM9615 devices isn't doing the same shit
<Entropy512> if it is doing it for XMM626x
<Entropy512> then you know it's not necessary
<madmack> possible.. i think there are some loopback_start* functions in libcsd so I'm not sure it's stricly samsung hal
<Entropy512> or if you see similar loopback shit in the HAL for another Qcom device
<Entropy512> you know it's necessary
<Entropy512> and have a hint as to what it wants
<madmack> I have never seen the loopback crap used in any other Qcom device. Nope
<madmack> certainly audio-caf does not make use of that
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